
The best US tactical weapon is the ability to price the oil in USD

He said US Military...the military doesn't make policy. All they do is kill people and break things. Pricing things is above their pay grade.

You forget that they use the military power to make the world use USD to buy oil. That is base of US economics.

Naaaaaw....My son has one of those in his gunsafe.
I would HOPE that the military has better stuff.

Maybe you should suggest he sell it to the Pentagon; might be some money to be made, plus he would be being a Patriot as well; helping defend the flag and all : )

So if these are the best tactical weapons, what is an M1A4 Abraham's Main Battle Tank? So an Apache Attack Helicopter would be what, some sort of theater or strategic weapon ?

So I would guess an Ohio Neuclear Ballastic Missile Submarine; now that would not be tactical. Plus a Nimitz class Aircraft Carrier that would be tactical would it.

F15, A10, F18, F22, F35, B52, B2, B1B, F117; etc. etc. etc . . .

Thank Goodness we have brave heros with pistols and shotty's protecting us ! ! !

The terms tactic and strategy are often confused: tactics are the actual means used to gain an objective, while strategy is the overall campaign plan, which may involve complex operational patterns, activity, and decision-making that lead to tactical execution.
In common usage tactical means way, and other words such as Fascist(someone whom I don't like) , Fragal EcoSystem (cool wurds, no idea what they mean)...oh yeah...and sustainable(a word with no meaning anymore...)

Words have no specific meaning any many of them have been hi-jacked.

yes exactly, the power of words has been stolen. not a lot means much anymore. To my a hero is someone who delivers the mail while it is raining and a brave person is like a man who dares to try and be polite by opening a door for a lady, doing things like that can go badly if you understand; some females can become nasty . . .

I am pretty sure the USA Military has better gear than this, after all there is a theoretical maximum price point you can ask and get paid for a shotgun : )

We all know the Pentagon are legendary at overpaying for things but if this is the best America has, let us hope Donny's wall will keep Mexico to the South ; )

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