Jewish Supremacism: When Crime Pays

in #news6 years ago


Jewish supremacists like keeping gentiles busy because they believe that if the discerning goy’s mind is not preoccupied with continuous world crisis, they might sit down and start asking questions that would expose the Jew supremacists’ global criminal racketeering networks.

Unsurprisingly, the Jewish-owned media was fixated with Al Qaeda in the 1990s, followed by Afghanistan war, then Iraq, followed by Libya, then ISIS, followed by Syria, then Russia ‘interference’, followed by Skripals, then ‘Syria gas attacks’…

The Jewish supremacists are currently preoccupied with creating the perfect massive false flag attack that will lead to a very big war. Will the false flag attack ‘implicate’ Russia or Iran? Or will the elite Jews plant ‘evidence’ that will ‘implicate’ Syria(again)?

What If

What if all Jewish supremacists working in intelligence agencies/security agencies/military were sent on a paid 2 year compulsory leave? What changes would be felt around the world?

  1. End to international drug trafficking. Private drug rehab clinics would make a killing.

  2. End to international arm trafficking. Countries like Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya would immediately become peaceful. Not too long ago, a country that offered to use its navy to patrol Somalia’s ports and prevent terrorists from receiving arms(Somalia has Africa’s longest coastline) was rebuked at the UN.

  3. End to terrorism financing. Countries like Syria and Iraq would become stable again.

  4. End to international child trafficking.

  5. End to refugee crisis.

  6. Emergence of independent gentile-owned unbiased search engines. Some of their auto-complete search suggestions would be so educative, and cannot be imagined today:

  • Typing Osama would produce a top suggestion like ‘osama bin laden funded by rothschilds’

  • Typing Google would produce a top suggestion like ‘Alphabet ceo indicted’

  • Typing 6 million would produce a top suggestion like ‘6 million rip-off’

  • Typing Weinstein would produce a top suggestion like ‘weinstein most prolific rapist in history’.

Emergence of independent gentile-owned social media

In the absence of Jewish supremacists in powerful positions, social media users will be free to discuss everything under the sun. An account would only be banned through a court order, served to both the platform owner and the account owner. Such accounts would be treated like they are actual physical offices.