
first of all, forget all the sovereign citizens mumbo jumbo-many of them suffer from severe delusions, possibly paranoid schizophrenia. Some of the citations in that article don't even exist. For example, I pulled up a copy of the constitution and word searched for trustee-no where to be found. Secondly American law is mostly derived from English law, where the legislature/parliament represents the people to limit te power of the monarchy/executive branch. Rather than having one great big federal government which the people feared, they had states and they had jurisdiction over their subjects prior to the 14th amendment. States are a sovereign,and your legislators are elected to represent the people. if you disagree with them or their actions, they are still there,for better or worse, to represent their constituants. They are also the ones that define jurisdiction of the statutes to be enforced, which they typically defined, to be the governmental unit where an offense takes place-or has significant business interest within that state per international shoe.
Either the state constitution or the legislature defines how every judge is seated (by a host of various mechanisms: nomination by the governor, elected locally, etc)) even if his courtroom is "incompetent" he is still a judge so long as he was seated in accordance to state law.
The moving party averred that the respondant was residents of Alaskan. Without reading the statutes to see if that is sufficient, it is the duty of the defendant/respondant to object that the court has jurisdiction over them. The failure to object means the decision is up to the judges discretion, the failure to raise objections in the pretrial almost dooms the respondant's chances of prevailing on appeal.
Your capital letters v lower case letters is all a bunch of crap. Maybe uppercase is some type of formality to be used in limited scope under an administrative agency, but not so broadly as sovereign citizens so declares. I seen sovereign citizens pick and choose air plane regulations to try to justify arguments for cars on roadways, despite the fact they are completely unrelated. Since you are attacking legal pleadings and their use of uppercase. What matters is identity.
Although Uppercase tends to be standard in legal pleadings, I see nothing in the federal rules that require it. Some of the more common civil claims are inmate suits and because they are pro-se and often untrained in the law, they also contain a host of errors. The judge in the court room as a duty to construe his pleadings liberally as to do justice. See FRCP rule 8(e). And goodness only knows where these claims of federal trust funds are derived in the Sovereign citizens movement.
I also don't know the nature of the suit, but the use of a notary public for a property smells kind of fishy. Notories will sign just about anything presented before them so long as a person has a license. Notories are not proof that what is written on a piece of paper is fact or law-they are basically proving that the person who signed a document is the person they say they are. Was this a type of fraudulent lien action so commonly pursued by the sovereign citizens? The author makes it sound as if a notorized document confused one court as to grant them property-but that doesn't prohibit post trial relief such as an appeal, setting aside a judgment, a new trial or so forth-or even filing criminal actions for any fraud committed. I find it interesting the author doesn't attack that court as incompetent who recognized their notorized document.

As far as the UN, the US has ratified a lot of treaties. But the treaties the US signs are not autoexecuting, which means they cannot be enforced in the US courts. Secondly, the US also haven't ratified the [optional] treaties that would allow the UN to have jurisdiction for violation of the Treaties. There is really only one place to enforce UN Treaties, and it isn't because the US violated the UN treaties. But Rather when the United states violates the treaties of the Organizations of American states, in matters where the US also ratified the UN Treaties. So the ICCPR for example can be enforced in the InterAmerican courts, even though the United states has not signed the first optional protocol. For some reason the OAS has jurisdiction over the United states just for being a member state. But alas, the attack therein was against the UN, not against the OAS.

first of all, forget all the sovereign citizens mumbo jumbo-many of them suffer from severe delusions, possibly paranoid schizophrenia.

Like mentioning something that I never mentioned. What's a fucking sovereign slave again?

The article you linked to was full of references of the sovereign citizen school of thought, and likewise it was appropriate to caution readers of it.

Full of references? Such as?

There are many things, but sometimes the difference between political theory and and the sovereign citizen movement is slight.

The one that sticks out most is the upper and lowercase nonsense, as well as the idea of secret accounts in our names by the federal govt. Also what stood out was the denial that a state has [criminal] jurisdiction over a person through their statutes. It reeks of the strawperson fringe of the movement warped by bizarre delusions.

What also stood out sounded like the classic lien fraud committed by sovereign citizens also known as paper terrorism.

As far as not knowing that the legislature represents the people, is something a reasonable disenfranchised person may argue. But it is still a shared belief with the sovereign citizens. The distinction between an ordinary person is that it is more likely to be a simple belief or spur of the moment rhetoric, whereas a sovereign citizen would more likely hold onto the belief at a delusional level.

Questioning a courts jurisdiction is common for sovereigns to do, but is also a valid legal strategy-especially when a court doesn't have jurisdiction. The distinction here is that the sovereign citizens claim to not know that a state has criminal jurisdiction over people.

Invoking the UN as part of a conspiracy in US law is also not a healthy sign of mental health-it is delusional in nature. But such delusions are not exclusive to the sovereign citizens movement.

So instead of offering a few, since there are so many and explaining Why and How it is so, you want me to Trust your word?

The one that sticks out most is the upper and lowercase nonsense, as well as the idea of secret accounts in our names by the federal govt. Also what stood out was the denial that a state has [criminal] jurisdiction over a person through their statutes. It reeks of the strawperson fringe of the movement warped by bizarre delusions.

Especially when you cannot conclusively demonstrate any of these baseless assertions.

What also stood out sounded like the classic lien fraud committed by sovereign citizens also known as paper terrorism.

Which offers no explanation as to why and how it is so.

As far as not knowing that the legislature represents the people, is something a reasonable disenfranchised person may argue. But it is still a shared belief with the sovereign citizens. The distinction between an ordinary person is that it is more likely to be a simple belief or spur of the moment rhetoric, whereas a sovereign citizen would more likely hold onto the belief at a delusional level.

The legislature applies to no Sovereign. The jurisdiction of a Commercial Code is over commerce. The US is no more federal and no more National, it's foreign to the American States.

You asked for examples that the document reference stuff from the sovereign citizens playbook, and i provided them. Your disagreement of law is irrelevant to what you had requested.

Article 3 of the constitution, section 2.

The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;--to all ... controversies to which the United States shall be a party.

Article 1, section 7

Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a law, be presented to the President of the United States; if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it.

The legislature, who represents the people, has the ability to pass bills, the executive branch (the sovereign) can then sign them into law. Once they are [federal] law [or equity issued from a federal court], the judiciary branch then has jurisdiction for those who violate the law.

Just because you say that the you in capital letters is a corporation, not a person, doesn't make it so nor does it deny the courts of their jurisdiction over a person or a corporation. Even the UCC capitalization provision doesn't legitimize a corportaion, the optional capital letters provisions applies to warrentees-and capital letters alone will not save a warrantee. And even if you were a corporation, the federal courts still has jurisdiction where the united states is a party or other provision of article 3 in a federal or civil claim against a person or corporation. That means that the federal courts has jurisdiction over a person, regardless if they hide behind the shell of a corporation, when there is probable cause to believe they have violated federal law. They will nail, oh will they nail, a person whose only defense appears to be that he is a rogue person of his own corporation.

The legislature, who represents the people, has the ability to pass bills,

How and why does it represent the people?

the executive branch (the sovereign)

How and why is the executive the Sovereign? Simply saying it's so doesn't make it so.

can then sign them into law. Once they are [federal] law [or equity issued from a federal court], the judiciary branch then has jurisdiction for those who violate the law.

Who do they have jurisdiction over? How?

Keep asserting its so because it doesn't require anything more than your baseless assertions.

It seems you're not denying that corporations were created after you and are what the court has jurisdiction over, but you claim that it doesn't matter, because that's not fraudulent as fuck if someone creates corporations after your given name and rolls them into giant trusts after they had been used as sureties for the debts of the bankrupt United States Of America. The crime of Personage and Barratry.

Questioning a courts jurisdiction is common for sovereigns to do, but is also a valid legal strategy-especially when a court doesn't have jurisdiction. The distinction here is that the sovereign citizens claim to not know that a state has criminal jurisdiction over people.

You keep making claims but offering no clear simple explanation for any of these things, it's one assertion without Reason, without Logic after another.

Do you even Question Bro? You talk about it but do you have one Question? Lmao what a Hack

Invoking the UN as part of a conspiracy in US law is also not a healthy sign of mental health-it is delusional in nature. But such delusions are not exclusive to the sovereign citizens movement.

I like your Hack Name, as if this is anything to do with Sovereign Citizens What a moron.

There are over 250 bonds created with my social security number and when I paid a bill using the Federal Reserve of Atlanta as the routing number and my social security number as the account number it came up as the Bureau of Public Debt. When FDR took the gold they set up Treasury Direct Accounts for people's social security number and baby bonds are created from that if you have the ss number and the person's signature such as a job application or a credit card application.

the sovereign citizen is an oxymoron. a freeman is an individual sovereign and belongs to he, himself and a citizen is a man who belongs to a nation or enterprise set up to rule him. like the romans. you wanted to be a citizen you had to jump through hoops and pay taxes but there were rewards. you didn't have to become a citizen but you were left without protection. for a man that wants to be left alone to make his own way beholden to none that is the def of a freeman. sovereign and citizen are two different things. they don't go together like peanut butter and chocolate.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any state to the Contrary notwithstanding.
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

Judicial Officers: Trustees that manage the CPT, the charitable public trust: aka The Constitution (inc).

You are trying to aver that judicial officers are managers of some property-specifically you say a charitable public trust.

Why do you say that it is a charitable public trust? Our rights which are property do not come from government, but from nature. The constitution is not property; It is a document that outlines the functions and parameters of our government and the judiciary has the power to interpret it the document.

I provided the section that specifically states that they are Trustees by role. Do you need the definition of a trustee or what don't you agree with? Do you understand what a Judicial Officer is? another word for Judge, and by definition, a judge acting in the public interest and in a public capacity is a Trustee of the Public. The constitution is a Corporate Charter, it's not Our Government, it's never going to be Our Government.

If you understand what the PCT Public Charitable Trust is then you should understand why and how it applies to the Role of your so-called "government", if you are not aware of that then it's ok to confuse the function of the constitution and think that it's up for Interpretation.

It is emphatically the duty of the Judicial Department to say what the law is.
-Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803)

A constitution and a charter are two different things, regardless of someone's opinion piece. The constitution is a constitution, it is not a public or corporate charter. Your premise then that a judge (or other judicial officer) is a trustee of a public civil trust is untenable.

a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.

a written grant by a country's legislative or sovereign power, by which an institution such as a company, college, or city is created and its rights and privileges defined.

Sadly, I am not up on my Hebrew. The only definition I could find for militia was מיליציה-which didn't include a definition of people. The author is your second article divined that people meant militia, and build her argument up upon a false belief-a delusion.

In your second article your author stresses how beneficial the constitution was to King George and certain Colonist. Our contenentals weren't worth the paper they were printed on following the war, and the English had significantly cut off trade with America and began dumping products making it difficult for Americans to engage in trade. It was for Americans to try to open up more trade with countries like France. England's recovery post 1790 seems to be more from the Industrial revolution, and America's for providing grains when England and France were fighting in the 1790s. You can read more of a summary of details here. your author goes on to stress the importance of a Navy in the constitution. The Navy was created in 1775 for the war, disbanded following the war, and later recreated in 1798. The navy wasn't as important constitutionally as she claims. The letters of Marque authorized by the constitution was for the private sector to handle. Article 3 of the constitution also undermines her argument that the British monarch had jurisdiction over matters of admiralty. Much of the international law was defined by Hugo Grotius almost 200 years prior. Likewise her argument that the government placed life insurance claims against us on behalf of corporations is also silly.
I don't think for a moment that she has read the declaration of independence and understood the nature of each indictment against the king. Or the sacrifices that our founders made.

There is much to be read about the founding of this country, thousands of years worth of ideas and debates. Probably would take a few years to digest the important documents and its evolution, but the basic ideas are so simple a person of ordinary intelligence can understand them. Many of the original works are public domain and translated into English. Tis better to find and read the source material when possible than some sovereign citizen quack on the internet.

A constitution and a charter are two different things, regardless of someone's opinion piece. The constitution is a constitution, it is not a public or corporate charter. Your premise then that a judge (or other judicial officer) is a trustee of a public civil trust is untenable.

A post is a post and is not a pillar and a spoon is a spoon and a fork is a fork. A constitution is a constitution and a charter is a charter, even though the charter for a corporation is in function the same as a "law of the land", and it's no law of the land when it's for a Corporation. Virgina Corporation? The commonwealth? The Mayflower Company? Do you even commerce Bro?

We know who the Sovereign is, and we know the numerous Trusts set up.

The Country you talk about is either a Federation or Confederation of States, and in reality, not in what you believe, they are all corporations and even if they weren't they wouldn't have the authority of a sovereigns pinky finger because without consent there is No Law, only Tyranny.

A Pilar vs A post.

The meaning of words is the spirit of the law. [Romans 8:2]

We don't Consent:

If the Constitution be the Law of the Land then what our public servants have done is nothing but Treason!


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