Very Interesting

in #news7 years ago (edited)

So a contact of mine sent me some highlighted parts of the letter sent to James Comey ... Read the letter but focus on the highlighted parts. The level of corruption coming out is already mind-boggling and we haven't even scratched the surface! America, it is time we get our bootstraps ready. And not for some of the horrors that I spoke of before I went on my hiatus (don't get me wrong, had Hillary won the election we would already be at war, our economy already collapsed and undoubtedly chaos in the streets) but rather in anticipation for the few hard liberals who will never accept the cold hard facts; that the Democrats, Obama, Clinton and, to be honest, the entire D.C swamp rats are rotten to the core. This news will come out....

Also, there are rumors coming from the DC that not only was McCabe forced out of thr FBI (and one has to wonder what he forked over to leave with all his benefits) but that we can expect more "step-downs" in the coming days/weeks...
As I get more leaks I will share them.......