The truth about truthers

in #news7 years ago (edited)

The internet is overloaded with alternative media and conspiracy theories, but who can you trust? What's true and what's nonsense? After reading this article you should have a better idea about who and what information to trust.

Definition of a truther

A truther is basically someone that doesn't believe the generally accepted truth of a certain subject. The term originated after the attack on September 11, 2001. The official story of this event made a lot of people question the media and the released information. This accelerated the growth of conspiracy theories in all subjects imaginable dramatically.


This is the most important factor you should focus on while processing information. Most truthers want to make the world a better place, but not everyone is doing it in the most ethical or efficient way. A very large percentage of the information that's coming from truthers is speculative, incorrect or irrelevant. Below you can find the most common factors that could indicate that you can't trust the information you are receiving with 100% certainty.


The vast majority of truthers have their content monetized. While this isn't bad per se, it's apparent that it's not their main focus to spread accurate information. There is at least a second motivation, in the form of money, to release certain information. Knowingly or unknowingly most truthers are working in the entertainment industry. One of the main examples is of course Alex Jones. He is making millions of Dollars with his brand.


Again, Alex Jones is a great example of this. His channel is filled with clickbait titles that seem to have huge claims, but when you look at it realistically, it's usually way less impactful than portrayed.

Lack of evidence

A lot of information available today is speculative in nature and lacks evidence. The absolutely most credible information is factual, meaning everyone is able to verify the information for themselves. All other information is essentially irrelevant. There's certainly a market for speculation or philosophy for example, but it shouldn't be the focus. The focus should be bringing factual information as efficiently as possible!


Many of the truthers seem to be religious and/or "spiritual". There's of course nothing wrong with this in theory, but in practice there's a lot of misinformation being spread. Some Christians for example seem to spread misinformation about Jesus returning or the end of the world. I lost count of how many times they predicted it, and yet we're all still here and Jesus still hasn't come (back).

Believe systems

This is one of the biggest problems with truthers. Some of them believe in things that either can't be proven or are outright debunked and they just won't let go, because of a psychological phenomenon called Cognitive-dissonance. It's a horrible situation to be trapped in a believe system, because you will automatically ignore all information that makes you uncomfortable. In many cases it's information that contradicts or even debunks your belief system. In the end you should put your pride away and truly focus on the end goal, which is to find the truth!


There's a lot of bad information out there. Try to be objective and rational. Look only at the evidence. Make sure you don't want it to be true, make sure it actually is!

(Image source)

Don't forget to follow, resteem and browse my channel for more information!


This was a good read. I've considered myself a truthseeker for a few years now and it's been quite the rollarcoaster as my old world or what I perceived it to be has crashed and basically disintegrated. I grew an insatiable appetite for a good amount of conspiracy and alt news info. I'd download and convert YT videos to MP3 so I could stream them all day during my daily routines to try and grasp of bit of the truth, sort the crazy, and I'd dare to share some of the info with the ppl close to me. Most of them didn't want to hear and thought I was losing my mind. But I realize now, I needed to experience this and to learn how to have discernment. This was quite a time for me--a major time of transition. And it was very dangerous. I'm an adult and when I think about how all of this alt news that may have 2nd and 3rd motives are accessible to the youth--that is scary. The well of information - lies, truth, half lives and such are all so easily accessible. So just as you laid it out on here, it's so important to be objective and as rational as possible in this big ride of crazy. Wild times we are in...Wild times.

It's very scary, but it's good that it's out there. It will harm a lot of people, but it will also do a lot of good. People like you and me learn from it, it's a learning process that wouldn't otherwise be possible.

D'accord! (Agreed!) 😉

I know a little bit of French, i understood that one at least ;)

truly interesting times we are living in!

I reckon Alex Jones would make a great road rage candidate, love to see him drivin and someone cuts him off.
I dont mind him , at least hes out there screaming for Freedom and talks about the destruction of the NWO that we all know exists, just ask GB senior.

Not really NWO, he calls them globalists.

Ok ... and glabal warming is now climate change...

AJ is controlled opposition he's been caught too many times fear mongoring and liing. Redistribution of other peoples reports and adding your own spin can in no way be considered the truth specialy when being a snake oil salesmen. Which beggs the question : " who is writing those reports taken from other people, can they be trusted and who stands to benefit from them. Any truther who is anyway connected to royalties is not in it for the truth because the truth is NOT for sale. Much like paranormal investigation, don't get involved if your not prepared for what your getting yourself into. If you can not afford to share the truth or proof of the facts out of your own pocket you have no right getting involved.

The trouble with the truth movement is that anybody that has a conflicting opinion is called a shill.
If someone like AJ reports information from another scource , does that make him controlled opposition.
Should people only report from their own investigations? I would argue that the information would be rather limited. People are entitled to be wrong or human. Every comentator has the right to present in their own style. Does someone have the right to make a living doing what they believe in ? Of course they do. Most of the anti establishment broadcasters make royalties from many avenues often to fund their operation and get their truth out.
If Jesus returned tomorrow he would be strung up again and the cheers from the peanut gallery would be shouting shill.
People like AJ are responsible for the spark that start many people on their journey for truth.
I would also argue the many decent honest truth seekers started their journey by hearing people like AJ before moving on to other avenues.
I would love to have the money and time to travel around with a bullhorn shouting down bilderbergers and other globalists but I dont have the income or royalties to pay for such an excercise. And I wouldnt be prepared for the people coming out of the woodwork calling me a shill.

Controlled opposition/shill talk without evidence = byebye credibility.

jesus say there is no absolute truth meaning the truth is not black and white.
by digging into the rabbit hole more truth is exposed further you dig the more you learn..

Absolutely, you can even learn from bad information :)

False Dichotomy.

Great post @calamus056. I don't know who said it first, but I'm sure someone said it "Question what you don't know, question what you think you know, question everything". Not sure if I quoted it correctly, but I try to live up to it.

Well, it's certainly important to question everything. Even things you think you know ;)

It's a learning process. You can't make mistakes in life, you can only learn.

Seek the truth diligently and you shall find it.

There is so much information in the age of the internet but it is impossible to sort everything. The best we can do is not be lazy and not just agree with the news even if it agrees with our schema. Truth points to reason. So thank you for the post and have a nice day.

Ad Ignorantum.

When it comes to the truth, We have to realise it's self-evident. The most important thing is not just believing corporations that have their own agenda. I feel people are naive to think there aren't corrupt people at the top paying out a scientist to bring out peer reviewed information that is just a plain out lie. We must have discernment and actually really want to know the truth, otherwise your just wasting time. anyway thanks for the reminder! following

Matthew 22:16 And they sent their disciples to him, along with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully, and you do not care about anyone’s opinion, for you are not swayed by appearances.

Emphasis mine

  • Why the disdain for a self made, self financed news org such as Infowars?
  • He woke me up decades ago.
  • He broke news decades ago that are now making MSM headlines.
  • He is not financed by special interests.
  • He is supported by his listeners/viewers.

Do I agree with Alex Jones all the time? Heck no. In fact, I disagree with some of his stances and analyses. But for truth's sake, he is a whole lot more trustworthy than CNN and other MSM controlled by Americana haters.

Why the mentioning of being spiritual or 'religious' if nothing is wrong with it? Would it be a be good idea to read the Bible before chiming in? Commenting on subjects with little or now knowledge on the subject doesn't help ones' credibility.

There is indeed a lot of misleading information out there. MSM are on the forefront of it. Some head line click baiters can quickly be spotted by discernment. This post, sadly, seems to fit that category.


Nothing personal.
Good luck!

ch @globocop

+++ It Is Every Human Being's Right To Know The Truth +++
news -- intel -- analysis

I didn't want to comment, because i know it's only going to end in an argument, but LMAO you resteemed this article? How the hell did that happen?

Here not for baseless arguments either. I am for truth.
I am also for everyone's right to express their views.

I resteemed, so people can make up their own mind. You did put a lot of effort into your post. Disagreeing does not mean one has to downvote or bash. I am for dialogue and hopefully, our dialogue will help people to discern.

Hope this makes sense. 😎
All the best!

ch @globocop

Great to see you at least have some integrity and have good intentions. The unfollow also isn't really necessary then, is it? ;)

Nice try. :) You have some decent articles out there, but so do others. I am sure I will come across your posts again - as some of my followers also follow you.

ch @globocop

I did reply to your comment after all (see below). I couldn't resist since you were so nice in your reply :)

I appreciate the civilized comms. Perhaps some people could learn from the way we can disagree and still be polite. 🙏

I don't know if we even disagree about anything. Probably the only difference is that i didn't read the Bible, because i already figured out the existence of god on my own.

All i will say is this:

  • Even if Alex Jones isn't the most credible person, you can still get a lot of value out of following him
  • All i said about Christians is that the ones that predict the return of Jesus every year have little credibility

Also, I've watched Alex Jones myself of course (especially in the early 2000's) and the existence of god is apparent, i don't need a Bible to confirm that.

The phrasing re Christians is misleading in the original post.

By saying Christians, all Christians are implied. I am not alleging intent, but the Bible speaks of Christ's return, but is also very clear that only God knows when Jesus returns. It then follows that those who predict His second coming are false prophets. If they were true followers of Christ, they'd not be going against His word.

Simple logic - whether believer or not.


I changed it to SOME Christians. Damn it's hard to not be misinterpreted. I thought about not doing the article, because of this exactly situation, but that's not my style. I stand behind what my vision and i won't stay silent, even when it inevitably results in conflict.

Hmm intersting, guess some Christians didn't read the Bible properly, how ironic hehe.

LOL - yeah indeed. Appreciate the change in wording.
Christianity is sadly not what it was meant to be. Throughout centuries and today - it's surprising how many are deceived and deceiving themselves and others.

My main points on Jones are laid out above. I pretty much moved on from AJ, though still appreciating his efforts to speak about subjects the MSM do not.

"A truther is basically someone that doesn't believe the generally accepted truth of a certain subject. " I just want the truth. lol

Credibility does not exist as a form we can see at the table. No one has any of it unless they do there own research and testing. lol

Monetization is something all people have to consider for obvious reasons.

Sensationalism is deceit and can usually be shown to arise from monetization.

Religion is a huge category that includes most of the population. The fact is that many so called sciences use Natural Sciences credibility to enhance their own dogmatic beliefs and by doing so are really practicing the new religion called scientism. One way a person can know they are dealing with a religion and not natural science is in how the ology names there unproven ideas. In scientism they come up with names like The Theory of Evolution or The Big Bang Theory, but when you ask for the time machine they must have had to confirm what is claimed to be proven they will role there eyes and walk away.

Believe systems are all stupid as human beings can know things. Just believing is the religious lazy person's method for escaping responsibility for what they manifest into the world. One can think that the world has a creator without being religious. It is one thing to explain the ordered reality we see by thinking it was planned and quite another thing to claim you have special rights and know what that creator wants. The one is looking at evidence and the other is fraud.

Conclusion. No matter how you slice it or dice it what you think is true is entirely different from what you have experienced. I would rather spend my thinking on things that have substance even though I know there is mass and corporal worlds. The two are separate but have places of interaction. It is just easier to think about that you can touch than that you cannot. lol

I agree with your general mindset.

In scientism they come up with names like The Theory of Evolution or The Big Bang Theory, but when you ask for the time machine they must have had to confirm what is claimed to be proven they will role there eyes and walk away.

LMAO, yeah. Hypocrites :)

When you shared yours in the post I thought it was only fair that I share mine. I also suspected we would in the main agree. I am sure there are some things you have a different take on. Cool. Is what makes us valuable to one another.

We're all experiencing this simulation together ;)

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