Our South African Future

in #news7 years ago

The South African parliament voted earlier this week to "begin the process of amending the country’s Constitution to allow for the confiscation of white-owned land without compensation." We know where this leads. We’ve seen this movie before, in Zimbabwe, and the inevitable endpoint of this process will be the genocide of white South Africans.

Recently the mainstream media has had to cover the ongoing white genocide in South Africa. They are not framing it as genocide though, of course. Instead it is presented as an unforeseeable accident; something which could not have been predicted or prevented. Just another random event in the news cycle.

It is anything but. The mass violence we are about to witness against the 4.5 million white South Africans is part of a multi-decade trend, as we saw in Rhodesia. It is also a fate which awaits all of us if we don’t reject white guilt and end the cult of anti-white hate which has spread through our education systems, entertainment industry, government and media.

The Boers and the British who inhabit South Africa are descendants of European traders and colonists who built the nation as part of the British Empire. Like many former parts of the empire after World War II, South Africa broke away and under the leadership of the Boers formed an independent country in 1961.

It’s often stated by the alt-right that demography is destiny, and in the case of South Africa this has been proved absolutely true. After independence, the Boer ruling group pursued a dogged strategy of self-sufficiency and national sovereignty. They even negotiated with Israel to provide uranium for their nuclear program and got six deliverable nukes in return. They did not just lie down and die like our elites are doing today.

But that was still not enough. With the international media and globalist power structure against them, South Africa became increasingly isolated. In 1974, the Jewish leader of the main opposition party Harry Schwarz (incidentally, the same original family name as George Soros) signed the Mahlabatini Declaration, which was an understanding that South Africa would ultimately transition to a multi-racial polity with representative government for all groups. This, of course, meant black rule.

This agenda was realised in 1993, when South African President F. W. de Klerk agreed to open up the country to black rule. Nelson Mandela became president the following year.

The party that Nelson Mandela led, and which still rules South Africa, is the African National Congress. The ANC's policy platform is a cocktail of socialism, anti-colonialism, tribalism and black nationalism. This potent array of ideologies all converge on a common anti-white position.

Nelson Mandela was clever enough to keep his anti-white views under wraps, but when among his own people he made no secret of the ANC’s real position on racial harmony. In this footage he can be seen singing the ANC’s liberation song, which translates as ‘Kill the Boer’. This has been the guiding ideological objective of the ANC since its founding, and it is an objective they are within reach of achieving.

When the de Klerk government abolished apartheid and handed South Africa over to black rule, it didn’t take long for the victorious ANC to begin applying state power against its racial enemies. Whites lost their jobs, lost access to welfare and have been economically marginalised ever since. Now they are on the verge of losing their property rights entirely and being massacred.

But why is this reaching a fever pitch now?

Well despite participating in the "Kill the Boer" singalong, Nelson Mandela was not as anti-white as the current generation running the ANC. From 2009 to 2018, the leader of South Africa was Jacob Zuma of “you can’t get AIDS if you have a shower afterward” fame. He sang ‘Kill the Boer’ in public in 2010 as a show of defiance against any equal application of hate speech laws against blacks.

Recently, Zuma has resigned and his successor is Cyril Ramaphosa. Demands for land confiscations and retributions against white South Africans from the Marxist base of the ANC party have been growing ever since the ANC took control. Julius Malema, who was kicked from the ANC for being too radical even for them, started his own Economic Freedom Fighters Party and openly called for land expropriations against whites. It is now the third-largest party in the South African parliament. Malema has been on a speaking tour of South Africa recently, agitating for violence against the so-called Dutch thugs and saying he will ‘cut the throat of whiteness’.

It is this position of stealing white land that Cyril Ramaphosa has also adopted.

The violence we are seeing and which is about to escalate in South Africa is not happening spontaneously. It is part of a decades-long Marxist agenda to push whites to the fringes of their own countries and ultimately eradicate us. Isolated voices on the right have been warning of this for a long time, but it has seemed too unbelievable, too impossible for still-comfortable white majorities in the West to believe.

When the Rhodesians were murdered brutally and had their lands stolen, the international media was silent. There was no outrage, no humanitarian effort to save the Rhodesians. The result was entirely foreseeable. Zimbabwe went from being the bread basket of Africa to the basket case of the world. Leaving aside the racial and genocidal elements of what happened, when radical governments destroy property rights they quickly destroy the economy and create hyperinflation. This is also in South Africa’s future should current trends continue. Already, the city of Cape Town with its half a million inhabitants is about to run completely out of water. It is the first time in modern history this has happened to a city.

This is how our civilisation ends. Whether it is with Muslim refugees in Europe, Central American immigration in the USA or Asian immigration in Canada and Australia, our governments have decided to dissolve the people and elect another. They do not realise or do not seem to care that they, too, will also be replaced.

There was a time when South Africa under the Boers was prosperous, secure and advancing. It seemed the future was bright for everyone in that country. Under the surface, however, postmodern ideology and neo-Marxist hate were spreading their tentacles, weakening the resolve of whites and inflaming hate among the blacks. This is happening today on campuses and in classrooms throughout the West.

What bitter harvest will we reap by failing to stand up to it, when we still could? If we don’t take a stand against white genocide in South Africa, where will we?

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The article portrays whites as the victims, but no matter how thin the slice is it has two sides.I believe that all humans are equal and there is no such thing as black or white.

Only whites think like that. There are billions of people who envy you and have been taught that what you have was stolen from them. Look at what is being done to families in South Africa. It will happen everywhere if naive Westerners keep refusing to look reality in the face.