in #news7 years ago

From Newsweek

A billionaire's petition to impeach Donald Trump blew past the 1 million signature mark this week, just 11 days after he launched the campaign demanding the president's removal.

Tom Steyer, a Democratic donor and ex-hedge fund manager, told Axios on Tuesday that 1,119,720 people have added their names to his website, NeedToImpeach.com. Judging from Trump's tweets, the commander in chief is taking notice of the growing opposition.

"Wacky [and] totally unhinged Tom Steyer, who has been fighting me and my Make America Great Again agenda from beginning, never wins elections!" Trump wrote Friday.

On October 20, Steyer started a $10 million initiative to push for the impeachment of Trump, who he told Time is "an immediate danger to the health and safety of America," given the president's recent threats to Americans' First Amendment rights, his statements provoking conflict with North Korea, his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, his inadequate response to white nationalist violence and his decision to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement.

Read more: http://www.newsweek.com/trump-impeachment-petition-tom-steyer-697043

The latest gambling odds for Trump being impeached are only paying out and extra 1.5x on top of your wager these days. Odds makers know whats up. This ship is going down.

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Hmmmmm. It sounds so much like the Jerry Springer Show to me. Every other day there's some scandal, some titillating tidbit of drama with these political people.

Impeachment involves facts, evidence, testimony, witnesses, etc. This guy's poll involves none of these things. It is merely a distraction for the displeased masses.

In the meantime, where's the governance? Where are the bills for the serious matters? Where's the poll demanding healthcare, housing, education, job creation? The important subjects are cast into oblivion, while they pray their myriad of soap operas keep everyone yapping about who said what, when, and to whom; and pointing fingers at each other.

The poll guy is part of the problem, he's part of the show, too.

The position of U. S. President is written into the U. S. Constitution; therefore, it is tied to the very existence of the government. People seem to think they can so easily bring criminal charges upon a sitting President, with no consequences to the foundation of government. How utterly childish, foolish, and short-sighted of them.

While they bicker, levy insults, and refuse bi-partisan accord, the rest of the world leaders make trade agreements and arms agreements without the U. S. For every day they pursue charges against President Trump, they hinder his ability to work on the best behalf of the country. I do not like everything he says and does, but I do agree that he has an extremely important job to do.

And, the majority of people in a poll have no idea what the President has to consider when making comments and/or decisions. After all, only 45 people in the world have ever held the position!

President Trump should simply, unceremoniously, and without notice, fire Special Counsel Mueller, and move on with the duties of the presidency. The shock factor alone would overwhelm all dissenters, but would send a strong message to the people, that he is intent on spending the majority of his time on "Making America Great Again".

those people don't want to see america great again, and this is why they attack trump and everything great about america.

Exactly. It is why those of us who are loyal to the country must continue to make our voices heard, both verbally and in writing. To that end, I write as much as possible.

I agree with you. but we have to be strategical about it. I personally was mostly exposed to constitutionalists liberterians thinkers... as such we always agree on everything. The problem is how to expose the enslavers. They own their platforms (twitter, fb, and co) and by owning the battlefield they are at strong advantages. but who says that we have to express our ideas on their systems? there is no reason for it.

I'll give him another year

I'm just not optimistic enough to believe Republicans would move against Trump.

Fair enough but one can hope it will be a different power structure after 2018.

Read my post about trump being impeached . The one thing I like under him is that .. CNN is losing its credibility .. Hollywood is going down .. pedos n sex offenders are being exposed ... suddenly Trumps comments about women almost forgotten in comparison to the sick stuff that Weinstein , Hoffman , Spacey , George Bush Snr have done !!!!

The real question is whether or not you really want Pence in charge. He's a much scarier option!

Ratings mean nothing in the scheme of things. Have you ever heard of a US president being impeached for low publicity ratings? Me, neither.

How about colluding with a foreign power?

We can all hope. While I agree with some that he has done, he himself is an utter trainwreck. I thought bush couldn't be topped. He is very palinesque lol

thanks for your good information i like it

this is a great post brother
your valuable post is very importent for me

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