in #news6 years ago

Well done video by Tony Heller reveals the duplicity of mainstream media as well as the failure of the predictions of the alleged "climate prophet" James Hansen who testified to the Senate in 1988 how we were doomed by global warming. Tony goes through several of Hansen's predictions and reveals that they are in fact absolutely wrong. Yet, climatologists and mainstream media this year herald Hansen as the prophet claiming he was right on the money though they never prove their claim that his predictions were accurate. They just state that they were and expect us to accept their authority on the matter. If you do not see this as a con job on a massive scale then wait till the end of Tony's video where it is revealed that science does not matter for this exercise was totally about wealth redistribution via taxes on every aspect of your life. Sadly though, the masses will continue picking up the mainstream mass propaganda media like Newsweek, Time, Salon, etc, etc, and accept uncritically everything that is told them. This non-critical acceptance, this belief in authority is the product of their mental enslavement. Furthermore, their ad hominem attacks on those that dissent from the AGW narrative is indicative of cognitive dissonance. Open your eyes the climate has changed in thirty years and it has not gotten warmer regardless of the claims of alphabet agencies. 6000+ cold record temperatures broken globally. Crop losses happening globally due mostly to flooding, freezing and hail. And then there is the hail, every day dozens of reports of massive hail the size of tennis balls appearing in local reports but no national news agency is covering it. Increasing cosmic rays, weakening magnetosphere increasing volcanism. Dorothy, we're not in Kansas anymore.

What are you doing to ensure your food security?

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My Patriot supply and seed vault, my friend. I live pretty far south, so I should be ok; provided the population movements don't have a locust effect. A lot of farm land out here; and even more virgin forest.

Posted using Partiko Android

Shit, I may have to come and join you as I live in Canada. Virgin forest is a wealth of food unto itself among things. thanks for commenting.

Be well

There is a ridiculous amount of deer here, for one thing. And pretty much no matter where you are in North Carolina, you're in the forest as soon as leave the pavement.

Posted using Partiko Android

There is a great deal of geological evidence that shows that climates change. Likewise there is a great deal of evidence that human activity has affected climate.

The hoax is the claim that socialism will give us perfect climate.

While it is true that the left routinely fudges data to frame climate change as a disaster, the long term solution is for people who like freedom to show that socialism does not lead to perfect climate.

By making people dependent on government, socialism actually puts people in a worse position to deal with changes.

Thank you for the comment. I find your initial statement rather contentious. While I would agree that humanity has poisoned our waterways and caused extinctions, there is not any acceptable evidence that we have in fact affected climate. It is beyond our capacity to affect climate. We can geoengineer weather in small regions but that does not last long as the global climate shortly reasserts itself. Climate is cyclical and is driven by the sun and affected by planetary positions. All claims that humans affect climate are based on pseudoscience.

I am going to assume you are an American simply by your lack of understanding what socialism is. Your perspective is backward. You believe in socialism you are tyrannically controlled by the government. This is not the case. In socialism, it is the society that controls the government. Socialist countries are highly democratic and enable the individual to seek their dreams via free education, free healthcare etc. This is not the case in capitalist countries such as the U.S. where to get an education you have to go into extreme debt and the healthcare is the worst in the world. Worse yet, your government is controlled by economic elites and considering the rise of Homeland Security, you are far from free. In fact, it is arguable there is no such thing as freedom or the land of the free in a capitalist country. And it is these capitalist elites that propagate all this anti-socialist propaganda because they know how bad it would be for them.

I agree people should not allow themselves to be dependent on government but without government and proportional representation, you have the corrupt state of affairs that is the US today. Volunteerism is an ideal and quite idealistic, the only problem with it is that human consciousness has not evolved to that level where such an ideal can work. I love the work of DASH and the Dollar Vigilante(Jeff whatshisname) and others in the crypto/blockchain circles who are living this ideal and setting the example. Sadly it is just a drop in the ocean.

There is no such thing as a perfect climate, it is constantly changing. Historically, when the climate warms populations increase and that could be seen as ideal(but not perfect) but climate can be quite disastrous as has been witnessed every time the planet went into a cooling phase of climate cycles such as that which sent the Medieval Age into the Dark Ages. It was literally dark due to continuous cloud cover coupled with an increased level of volcanism ejecting particulate into the upper atmosphere. This period saw 50% of Europe's population die due to starvation(caused by crop losses) and then by disease. This is what we are witnessing now with increasing crop losses happening globally due to first by freezing, then by torrential rains and flooding and then by hail the size of baseballs and then by drought. This is exactly what happened during the Dark Ages. Funny how none within the mainstream are truly reporting on this. While we are not quite at the point of depopulation if these crop losses continue for a few more years and I expect they will then we may see depopulation due to starvation, especially in poor countries.

It is not the "left" that is routinely fudging data, it is the "left" that routinely believes in the fudged data. The left seems fixated on hating themselves and global warming gives them the excuse. It is the agents of the globalist tyranny that is fudging the data to bring about their one world tyranny via programs such as Agenda 2030 and the IPCC. And if you take a good look at who wrote the mandate of the IPCC it was Maurice String who was an agent of the Rockefellers who worked for them for over 30 years and Rockefeller is most certainly a globalist elite. He donated the land that the UN is built on.

The "left" and the "right" are merely tools by which the global elitists keep society divided and therefore easily manipulated.


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