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RE: Fire At The Clintons' House Right Before An Investigation Here's NINE Times They Obstructed Justice

in #news7 years ago

The Clintons must be one of the most corrupt families in America, if not the most.

The hypocrisy of Hillary trying to pose as a defendant of women, while attacking the women who were victims of Bill’s sexual abuse, is another reason to despise these 2

And inexplicably, some people seem to love Hillary?


They may be bad, but Donald Trump is the worst thing that ever happened to the US

You have been brainwashed.
Now, I hate both the Ds and the Rs, so I have watched presidents equally for a long while.
And Obomba was the same as Bush was the same as Clinton was the same as Bush.
Chump hasn't really done anything different.

The only thing different this time is that both sides of the MSM puppets are maligning Chump. It usually is only one or the other.

What really happened is that the MSM sold a world view that a vote for Hitlery would be, and so, if Hitlery won, you would remember that world view, and not what she was actually doing. (Just like Obomba)

So, you were programmed with this world view, and then the key part of it didn't happen, so now you are left with an uneasy feeling that the world is completely wrong. And according to the MSM that wrongness is Chump.

The uneasiness is actually from the programming of that world view.
Learn more about the real politics. How govern-cement really works. And break the conditioning you were placed under.

You are very correct @builderofcastles, there is a lot of brainwashing going on to think that hillary is some kind of saint and Trump is not.

Only people who know who they are, would be able to see the lies.

Great analysis.

Maybe, but we must not omitt punish people doing wrong just because they are not "as bad" as another

Feel free to actually include reasons why...

No, they are far from the most corrupt family. They are actually small potatoes. Their personal body counts are only in the hundreds.

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