
Well said Jeff, the Borrowing from the future to fund the present will end soon.


I plan on trading fire wood for crypto for a living, not sure I will be too involved in this pyramid scheme. They sure do have a funny way of dragging us in no matter what we do for sure though.

It's the same in Europe. Retirement at 67 and a shitty pension to live on.

nice what you said

But one thing has to be said. The Fiat money is also used to finance social peace. Once the system is gone, it is our responsibility to help other people in need. This can no longer be blamed on others. Freedom comes with responsibility.

100% right. I made some similar points in my blog.

At this point we are in the downward spiral. There is no political will to change the system and young wage earners will just continue to be pushed down until the whole thing collapses.

Never paid a dime into that scam!!!!!!!!!!

Ah yes, the grand scam! But so much out there is about "borrowing from the future to fund the present." And a lot of Social Security statements now include a line "advising taxpayers to make alternative arrangements for retirement."

Oh well; a lot of people are starting to live with the idea that "retirement" is increasingly becoming an archaic term. You pretty much get to work till you die.... you're INside the system, you work till you die. You try to go OUTside the system, and the support mechanisms are so thin (except for a lucky few) that you work till you die.

Oh well...


That was a great speech Jeff! I know you are Canadian, and I am not up to date on how their retirement program works. But, the more people warning us about the failings of the USA's Social Security the better.

And, I fully support the idea of being able to live anywhere I want someday. The avenues I've made into crypto, so far, are awesome, despite the recent synthetic dip.

Any idea you have for accelerating independence, I would be interested in hearing. But, I also feel the need to stand my ground and fight out the information war being waged by independent journalists against mainstream media.

Then again, being born in Hawaii and growing up in Pensacola, it will not take me much to want live closer to the equator.

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