My Thoughts On The State of The Union

in #news7 years ago (edited)


I just wanted to add my two cents on the current events this past week.
So here it goes...

A $700 billion military policy?

The Unites States Senate unanimously passed a bill which Included this:


...a report on the potential offensive and defensive cyber applications of blockchain technology and other distributed database technologies and an assessment of efforts by foreign powers, extremist organizations, and criminal networks to utilize these technologies."

A "report" huh? 🙄

I live in a country who's military loves to find and/or create conflict....kinda like that over-dramatic pessimist of a family member, always looking for shit.

Sorry...but no government or any amount of money can stop blockchain! GTFO

Vitalik Buterin Interview

Vitalik, founder of Ethereum crushed an interview earlier this week. There's obviously an enormous amount of processing going on in this dudes brain...and it's beautiful <3

Hillary’s Social Diversion:

Back with her shinanegans and a book - What Happened.
First and foremost, this creature has no credibility whatsoever. NONE! On top of that, she's pandering to irrational feminists; which society is catching on to.
It's all a social engineering tactic to divert your attention away from what's really going on. Don't buy it!

Bolivian President addresses UN

"It is clear that the main threat against mother earth, against multilateralism, against peace & freedom is the United States government."

The above quote can be found @ 18:50.
It's always nice listening to the perspectives of leaders around the world. Evo Morales is one of my favourites. He quotes & pays homage to Che Guevara during the speech.
Check it out!

Food for thought

  • If taxes are just a membership fee to be a U.S. citizen, can I cancel my membership?

  • Why do we allow other people to decide what we can and cannot do?
    What we can and cannot purchase?
    What we can and cannot wear?
    What we can and can’t consume, ingest, drink, grow, make, etc.

I know bondage is still popular, culturally…
...autonomy is way more enticing though!

Quotes of the week

Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini calls 'Medicare For All Act' "lousy"

JPMorgan CEO calls Bitcoin a "fraud"

Same mentality, different people. Keep disrupting😎



"but no government or any amount of money can stop blockchain! GTFO"
LOL! I couldn't have said it any better myself. Love your writing style, nice to see someone else understands the role of politics within the industry. Wow, really like your questions at the end too. Excited to read more!

Why thank you!

Politics play a crucial role. I mean, it's coming face to face with traditional power structures and telling them to move out of the way :)

Great write up.
Vitalik interview was good.
Bolivian president telling it like it is.
I may be wrong, but I believe I saw once that there is no actual written law that states U.S. citizens must pay taxes.

Thank you sir!

Now if we could simply not pay taxes w/o being intimidated & pillaged by the IRS. That will be the day :-)

Offshore accounts, shell companies, in-family transfers and tax loopholes. That system is setup for 'them.'

This system is a threat. My biggest worry is that too much will be vested into just one crypto that can be manipulated and controlled. I hope there is a way to keep this from happening.