Sam,s Clubs Stores Closed over night all over America and Without any Warning to Customers or Employees ! What Could be the Reason for This ?

in #news7 years ago (edited)


photo/Joshua Krause

With so many Sam,s Clubs all over America having closed overnight with no warning given to customers or employees ! We should be asking some questions to why ?? Well did you know that both Sam,s Clubs and Walmart were started by the same man ? a certain Sam Walton ! ?

Samuel Moore Walton was an American businessman and entrepreneur best known for founding the retailers Walmart and Sam's Club. At one point in his life, he was the richest American in the world.

But there is also a dark secret to Sam Walton, that not many know or could even dream of, its this......

"Sam Walton, founder of Walmart, was actually a US Intelligence Officer during World War 2, and he specialized in planning and building INTERNMENT camps in the United States. All of the American immigrants that were stripped of their rights and forced into internment camps can thank Sam Walton for his hospitality. Do you actually think it’s a coincidence that the company founded by Mr. Internment Camp is working closely with the government to build more camps? "

here is a link which will give you the very low down on this man !!

So why would this be ? Funny as Walmart is in the same postion, with hundred of stores closing down overnight and with no real economic reason being given by the management ! But with some major quite visible changes being made to the stores outside and in ! Cages are now placed outside with turnstiles and what seems to be prison style mass treatment admission queues for filtering the interns according to their personal record held by the authorities on our political veiws and statements over the years ! Somehow I dont feel I will be on their liked list ! But then I have never been too Government friendly me !!

Better to Die Fighting with a Sword in your Hand than in a Hole with Bullet to the Back of your Head !

What if I told you that there are some that believe that all these closed Walmarts and now seemingly Sams Stores too might be all interconnected by a secret tunnel system that they have been building without public knowledge or consent !


These once huge and customer friendly stores have been tranformed secretly into transportation hubs and treatment centres for human beings that will be brought there to be assimilated and taken off to their respective fates. Depending on whether they are seen as being dangerous, fairlly dangerous or just plain stupid government koolaid drinker slave class ! This is pretty scary and we should all be asking some pretty serious questions as indeed I do keep on telling you all !

Here as ever with my posts are a selection of videos that I have made for you to give you an idea on what could coming up round the corner if indeed I am right ! Watch them please ! But before you do, maybe you should take a good look at the two images I have posted below ! As I think they should give you good reason to take this post seriously ! Do you not find the similarity of Walmarts Logo and the tunnel boring machine strange ??




Watchman TV
Published on 25 Jul 2017

Shocking footage displays WALMART has become reconstructed into...

Owings Mills Sam's Club closes without warning

ABC 2 News - WMAR
Published on 11 Jan 2018

Several Sam's Club stores throughout the nation reportedly closed Thursday without notice to the public.

Retail alert Sams Club just fired me they closed the doors

Biz Hacks
Published on 11 Jan 2018

Sam's Club just let go 10,000 workers across the us as a statement today Retail alert: Sam's Club is abruptly closing nationwide. Walmart to close 269 more stores in the USA !


James Munder
Published on 13 Jan 2018

Sam Clubs ((Stores Closing))Fema Camps Opening !

The Awakening of the mind
Published on 12 Jan 2018

What if I told you that the "Hungers Games " is not a Film, but more a reality in the making ! One where your silence to Evil helps builds the walls that shall keep you forever from your freedom and true Destiny ?

Your thoughts and reactions on this my post, as ever most appreciated in my comment section below !




I believe this is just the beginning.
There are going to be many companies big and small that go to the wall this year.
Funny how so many successful 'businessmen' have ties to the security services, it's almost as if they're put in place by the hidden hand that controls everything.
You still have room for another tag, you could add #nomorefakenews so the truthers who are now using it will find your work.
Nice work buddy.

Yeah sure @tremedospercy, these " buisnessmen " certainly know to what side their bread is buttered eh ? I might add that in America its the Walmarts, but in Europe its the Home Depots and the Ikeas stores that will serve the same function and I am pretty sure that they too are connected by these tunnels hidden from veiw ! This is a global action and nobody will be spared once they decide to finally drop their "Hammer" ! These tunnels construction was I am pretty sure the source of all these terrible sounds that were being reported around the world on social media a few years back ! The Earth literally resonatiog as these machines passed beneath our feet from one Country to another ! The Channel Tunnel was a test to let them calculate their shedule ! Thankyou as ever for your sustained support my posts and I appreciate the "heads up " on that newly created tag ) I shall do it right away my friend ! thanks again !

It's going to be an insane few years my freind.
Kudos for the tag buddy.

Well few years I am not so sure @tremedospercy ! I think all this will play out this year more ! We have arrived at the year the most important ever for Mankind and his existance on this planet hurtling through space ! We all need to ask for peace and give off the Universal love that may protect us from the forces which do seem hell bent on our utter and total destruction !

WOW!! @gomeravibz this is really interesting! I had no idea that this was happening, i live in a part of the country that is not affected by this i guess lol thank God, but I have always thought things like this and have been against government for a long time. So i know i am a target of resistance...we need to team up and fight these bastards...not going to die like a sheep!

Cool well by coming onto my post and supporting it you have just drawn your sword bro @roguefighter )) Where are you then ?? I can assure you that if and when this starts everyone will be affected as this is the plan to take down America, the last country which has freedom and which resists the onslaught of Zionistic Marxist Globalism !We must fight now as tomorrow will be too late and thats for sure ! thankyou matey )

Wow. Yes, it's hard to know what exactly is going on.
My husband who works at Sam's Club (one of the ones still open, thankfully) theorizes it was a poor performance year followed by fear of telling employees in advance that the stores are closing - rats escaping a sinking ship... But is it as simple as that?

10% loss of stores including ALL of their Alaska stores and three Puerto Rico stores (at least that one made sense given they were probably closed already)... bodes ill for the economy as well as the future of Sam's Club. Do we really all do that much online retail? Especially with a two-week wait for delivery (when I was pricing some shelving I wanted...) I think it's a huge gamble, that may or may not pay off...

Maybe Costco is ready in the wings to snap up lost market share... or maybe there's yet another company ready to grab and improve the big box store market.

Do I think FEMA is involved with this one? Given the fact there were closings all around the US, not just in the NE, any anticipated disaster isn't just going to affect a single region. And, to be honest, in the face of an anticipated disaster, you close your vulnerable stores and upgrade ones that are in better spots - ready to pick up the pieces after the fact.
No, pin other things on FEMA, but I would doubt Sam's Club's woes is one of them.


I hope you read this, because my husband just came home early (not enough business/too many employees today) and was saying that they haven't had a produce delivery in two weeks!!! All they have is currently on the floor... nothing left in storage. So, what's up with that???

well looks like his store will be closing too ! I dont like to be the bringer of bad news but this is a plan being enacted ! Its nothing to do with sales its more to do with what is about to happen I am very much afraid !

Hi @viking-ventures always nice to see a new face come onto my comment section ! Welcome to you ) Well ofocurse I have no concrete proof of all that I say, but there is alot of stuff out there that says there is something like this happening ! The tunnels I am pretty sure are real and they definately I am sure tied into the Wlamart design ! Apparently Walmart worked with the military when planning his stores locations to have hubs distributed in key areas of their choice ! Sam Walton was a bad man sadly, like so many who get rich off our backs !!

Something wicked this way comes......
Strangely, I think its a privilege to be alive at this time in history. to be held under the waters of censorship and greed, struggling and trying desperately to reach above, to gasp for a breath of freedom.

It is us in one form or another that will be the pivot point of the ultimate decision for the next generation ( it probably always has been so). Do we submit? Or will we get off our knees?.
Will we be the Eloi to their underground dwelling Morlock?
All we need is one undeniable in-your-face ultimate proof and it will all come tumbling down. As long as they can keep explaining these things away it is harder and harder to convince others.

We are seeing these things happen, we are grabbing people by the lapels and shaking them to wake up, more are snapping out from under the spell but will we reach the critical mass we need to be free, or will Walton become the ultimate 'Uncle Sam'?

I hope we have the fortitude for what is coming.

Thats once more a great comment and veiwpoint @leftamessage )) The Force is Strong in you )) You need to stop by to a good friend of mine @perceptualflaws, to see his latest post, as i find there are some parrallels in that which you say here and that which he has expalined in this amazing post ! Tell him I sent you, you,ll see he is very nice indeed )) Steem On !!

We're so screwed. I know this has been going on since summer 2015. I'm betting the SHTF after the Olympics end.

its ramping up so fast i cant even follow the issues @disarrangedjane !! its not a nice place to be to see and scream and have nobody listen but a few of my closest friends here in this community, which ofcourse you are one ) know that time is running out on these issues ! Just be prepared if that is indeed possible ?

Dead on babe , well said.

Great work as always @gomeravibz within the first sentence i was thinking that I was going to mention Walmart in my comment and then you made a connection I was unaware of! So thank you for your digging! Hmmm I wonder what they could be planning for??!!

These things certainly don't happen without reason and equally Walton must be getting paid a fortune for this space!! Said space is certainly valuable to someone. False flag, war, or equally some form of environmental catastrophe or a lights out event .. it's a testament to the times in which we live that I'm even thinking along those lines! Thanks for spreading the word my friend.

Hello @perceptualflaws ) Yes sad times to see people treated like this and it just smacks of something horrible round the corner No ? I am sure you see like me the true implications of this and the dots are there to be joined for anyone that choses to look ! As indeed you can be assured I have as ever ! This has been going on for awhile ! I was aware already of the Walmart connection, but now with Sams Stores doing the same and owned by the same organisation simply doubles down on what I have been seeing !

I bet this walmart is near a railway train station. Great post

Well yes thats right @road2wisdom, whether they are visible or not as indeed the tunnels to which i refer are all doted with trains for transporting military equipment and personal around the country to pop up where they are deemed necessary by the controllers of this event clearly planned in the infrastructure of military hubs hidden behind your " family friendly " stores from Mr Walton, builder of internment camps for America !

oh, thats pretty different as well scary to know, the videos poont out finely to everything coming in our mind. Is it popular in media of the country too or just ignored by them?

There are hundred of accounts on Youtube of Americans all seeing what I am reporting ! Sounding the alarm bells that seemingly many chose to ignore as ever with this sort of , yes , depressing information ! The media report nothing on any of this of course as they serve the controllers and they sure do not want anybody to know in adnvance of this plan and reason behind the Walmarts and Sam Stores location a building design !! Why indeed would you build suddenly cages with turnstiles outside a Store that has already closed its doors ?? Strange indeed unless they are soon to be used for something else than the sale of products to the public !

sometimes i really feel the media and government are eating people like crazy and most people are not even aware, only some are. This sounds scary and secretive

Well "eating" might well be the word @thatindianlady as these people are practising things which defy most human beings imagination ! They are not like us and they seem to think we are their food !!

Thats sad for the employees the state must have its notice for it.

yes ofcourse it is @jacoblayan ! Nobody with a family and bills to pay should roll up to work to discover that their emply has gone and with no prior notice of this decision ! Its just not human and frankly a disgraceful way of doing business, if indeed we can call it that ? Thanks for your comment )

what pill did you choose man? ,)

I think its fairly apparent from the things I am saying no @ipumba ))