FR French F1 driver Romain Grosjean survives fireball after huge crash

in #news4 years ago

New Zealand's workplace regulator has filed charges against 13 parties following an investigation into a volcanic eruption on White Island in 2019 which killed 22 people.

A surprise eruption on the White Island, also known by its Maori name of Whakaari, on Dec 9 last year, killed 22 people and injured dozens.

Majority of them were tourists from countries like Australia, the United States and Malaysia who were part of a cruise ship that was travelling around New Zealand. There were 47 people on the island when the volcano erupted.


Worksafe, New Zealand's primary regulator for workplace related incidents, said in a news conference its investigations found 13 parties had not met their health and safety obligations in taking the tourists to the White island.

"This was an unexpected event, but that does not mean it was unforeseeable and there is a duty on operators to protect those in their care.” said WorkSafe Chief Executive Phil Parkes.

Worksafe has charged 10 organisations under the Health and Safety at Work Act with each charge carrying a maximum fine of NZ$1.5 million ($1.06 million).

Three individuals were charged as directors or individuals who were required to exercise due diligence to ensure the company meets its health and safety obligations. These charges each carry a maximum fine of $300,000.


WorkSafe did not name those charged as they may seek suppression orders in their first appearance in court on Dec 15.

The agency said it had not investigated the rescue and recovery following the eruption, as that is the subject of a coronial inquest which is underway.

At the time of the eruption questions were raised why people were allowed on the island, a popular destination for day-trippers, given there was reportedly a heightened risk of an eruption.

Race officials and drivers praised the modern safety systems developed for Formula One on Sunday after Romain Grosjean said he was "okay" after surviving a high-speed crash and fireball blaze on the opening lap of the Bahrain Grand Prix.


The Frenchman's car rammed into the barriers as he braked hard from around 250 km/h (155 mph) during the opening lap, the front part hammering into the steel guardrails which buckled.

Grosjean, 34, trapped in his cockpit, flew under the barrier as it gave way and as his car burst into flames, splitting in two on impact, but managed to escape with only "light burns" to his hands and ankles.

"Hello everyone, just wanted to say I'm okay, well, sort of okay," said Grosjean from his hospital bed in a video posted on social media.

"Thank you very much for all the messages."


Safety and official medical car driver Alan van der Merwe was on the scene within seconds as he followed the field after the start of the race and along with chief medical officer Dr Ian Roberts they battled the blaze to save Grosjean's life.

"It's a miracle that he's alive," said 1996 world champion Damon Hill, who was Ayrton Senna's team-mate at the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix when the Brazilian was killed.

Van der Merwe said: "It was a big surprise for us as well, we've never seen that much fire in 12 years.

"Romain started to get out of the car himself which was pretty amazing after an accident like that. It was a relief to see he was okay. It just goes to show all the systems we've developed worked hand in hand -- the halos, the barriers, the seatbelts, everything all worked as it should.

"Without just one of those things, it could have been a very different outcome."

Grosjean lost control of his Haas car after clipping the front left wheel of Daniil Kvyat's Alpha Tauri, having skewed right in the intense battle for position at Turn Three on the opening lap.


His Haas team boss Guenther Steiner said: "When you see something like this the only thing you think is 'I hope we get lucky' –- you don't think how it happened or whatever.

"I would like to thank all the marshals. They did a fantastic job to get him away as quick as possible from the fire. It was amazing what they did."

Grosjean said the once controversial 'halo' safety device had saved his life.

"I wasn't for the halo some years ago but I think it's the greatest thing we brought to Formula 1 and without it I wouldn't be able to speak to you today," he added.

Grosjean 'conscious at all times'


Steiner added that Grosjean, who is set to leave F1 at the end of the season, had suffered "light burns on his hands and ankles".

Grosjean was taken to hospital, with reports suggesting he had also suffered a suspected broken rib.

"The driver self-extricated, and was conscious at all times," the FIA said in a statement. "He was taken to the medical centre before being transferred to Bahrain Defence Force (BDF) Hospital by helicopter where he is undergoing further evaluation."

The race restarted after a lengthy delay, with newly-crowned world champion Lewis Hamilton going on to take victory.

"I'm so grateful Romain is safe," Hamilton wrote on Twitter.


"Wow... the risk we take is no joke, for those of you out there that forget that we put our life on the line for this sport and for what we love to do.

"Thankful to the FIA for the massive strides we've taken for Romain to walk away from that safely."

The safety car was quickly back in action following the restart as Lance Stroll's car flipped over.

The Canadian's Racing Point made contact with Kvyat's Alpha Tauri at Turn 8, his car coming to a halt upside down.

Stroll was uninjured and stayed cool inside his car.

"I'm okay, just hanging upside down," he told his team before climbing out.

Le ministère de la Défense n'a dénombré que 10 morts et 7 blessés dans un communiqué publié en début d'après-midi, mais minimise souvent les bilans de ce type d'incident. L'attentat n'a pas été revendiqué pour l'instant, mais la province de Ghazni est le théâtre de combats sans relâche entre forces afghanes et Taliban.


L'ombre des Taliban
Un autre attentat-suicide à la voiture piégée a tué un civil et en a blessé 20 autres dimanche matin, dans la ville de Qalat, capitale de la province de Zabol (sud), a indiqué le chef de la police provinciale. L'attaque – qui n'a pour l'instant pas été revendiquée – visait la voiture du chef du conseil provincial de Zabol, Atta Jan Haqbayan, qui a été blessé, a-t-il précisé.

Si les Taliban ont arrêté de cibler les forces américaines dans le cadre de l'accord américano-taliban signé en février à Doha, les insurgés n'ont fait cependant qu'intensifier leurs violences contre les forces afghanes depuis. Ils les attaquent quotidiennement à travers le pays malgré les pourparlers de paix entre les deux camps toujours en cours au Qatar.


Ces négociations ont débuté le 12 septembre, mais avancent très lentement en raison notamment de mésententes sur les simples règles de discussions. Les deux parties n'ont pas pu non plus se mettre d'accord sur un cessez-le-feu.
"Les requérants sont fondés à soutenir […] que l'interdiction précitée présente, en l'état de l'instruction et alors même qu’elle serait susceptible d'être modifiée à partir du 15 décembre prochain, un caractère disproportionné au regard de l'objectif de préservation de la santé publique et constitue ainsi, eu égard au caractère essentiel de la composante en cause de la liberté de culte, une atteinte grave et manifestement illégale à cette dernière", a indiqué le Conseil d'État dans son ordonnance.

"Il est enjoint au Premier ministre de modifier, dans un délai de trois jours […] les dispositions [du décret limitant le nombre de fidèles à trente] en prenant les mesures strictement proportionnées d'encadrement des rassemblements et réunions dans les établissements de culte", a décidé la plus haute juridiction administrative française.


Après avoir fermé leurs portes pendant le mois de reconfinement, les lieux de culte ont rouvert leurs portes ce matin aux fidèles, mais dans la limite de trente personnes. Une jauge maximale que les autorités religieuses contestaient malgré l'annonce d'un assouplissement possible au 15 décembre.

"Quand on voit les images de la manifestation d'hier avec cette foule compacte, et penser que dans des grandes églises il ne peut y avoir que trente personnes, c'est absurde", a déclaré l'évêque de Nanterre, Matthieu Rouge, sur BFM TV, faisant référence aux rassemblements contre l'article 24 de la loi "sécurité globale" qui ont eu lieu à Paris en région.
Il était célèbre pour avoir incarné "le plus grand méchant de tous les temps". L'acteur britannique Dave Prowse, indissociable du personnage culte de Dark Vador dans la première trilogie de "La Guerre des étoiles", est mort samedi 28 novembre à l'âge de 85 ans, a annoncé dimanche son agent Thomas Bowington.

"C'est avec grande tristesse que nous devons annoncer que notre client Dave Prowse est mort hier matin [samedi] à l'âge de 85 ans", a écrit l'agent sur Facebook.



"Que la force soit avec lui, toujours !", a déclaré Thomas Bowington à la BBC, déplorant une "perte véritablement et profondément déchirante pour nous et pour des millions de fans à travers le monde".
La Conférence des évêques de France (CEF) avait déposé une requête auprès du Conseil d'État pour obtenir dès maintenant un assouplissement en fonction de la taille du lieu. "La liberté du commerce et de l'industrie et la liberté de culte ne sont pas garanties de la même manière", a déploré Me Guillaume Valdelievre, avocat au Conseil d'État représentant la CEF.

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