
He is paying her off for silence, and he was newly wed to Melania at the time. 10 years ago this would have easily been grounds for impeachment/resignation.

If republicans had evidence Obama had cheated on his wife there is no doubt they would be calling for his head.

What a strange world we live in.

I'm not so sure about that. In order for the Articles of Impeachment to be invoked, there must be evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. An affair does not qualify.
It was different in the case of Bill Clinton though, for the charge of high crimes and misdemeanors was not on the basis of his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but rather on the charge of perjury in that he lied about it, and obstuction of justice regarding the Paul Jones case.
There is absolutely a discussion to be had if those two charges qualify as "high crimes and misdemeanors" but make no mistake about it. The charges were over perjury and obstruction of justice, not the affair itself.
In Trump's case, giving money to keep an affair quiet is certainly questionable ethical behavior, but it does not qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors. If Obama had done the same thing, I don't think Republican's would have had a case against him for that same reason.
I'm not trying to take a side here, but rather to call this issue like I see it.

I am aware of how Bill Clinton was impeached, I understand what you mean though.

If Trump ever has to testify under oath there is no way he won't perjure himself. Obviously it is something he is trying really hard to avoid.

Trumps wife would have a problem with it if it wasn't a sham marriage anyway.

Kind of like his consensual presidency?

If you're busy banging porn-stars separate and apart from your marriage, sure it might be consensual, but you're still a muppet.

And then paying to cover it up to seem like a better person...


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