Deja Vu; CIA Provacateurs in Iran Celebrating 65 Years of Meddling

in #news7 years ago

Oh, Regime Change.

We've all heard the term all too often from the US and Israel when discussing tensions with Iran.

Last week, Iran broke out in protests for several days. Starting in the northern city of Marshad, led by the working class "without a leader or set agenda" in response to rising egg prices. The protests continued throughout the week the obvious progression of the discussion in the West inevitably led to discussion of "Regime Change".

Two days ago, Fox reported - in what appears to be a propaganda piece - that there is a group leading the civil unrest the National Council of Resistance of Iran lead by Maryam Rajavi. In an interview, one activist said

"We thank you President Trump. We call on all of the supporters of the people who press this regime from different fronts, to put pressure with you and overthrow with us," the activist told Fox News in broken English.

"Overthrow with us?" That seems weird. I thought this was by the Iranian people, for the Iranian people.

One would not organize to protest weak economic conditions and then argue for even worse ones to be imposed on their country unless they knew it would expedite their own groups rise to power, most likely funded and supported by an external actor. This most recent article is one of many indicators that show this unrest goes much deeper than domestic politics.

It must also be noted that there have been Pro-Government protesters, and that these protesters are in clear opposition to Israel and the US.

The Mainstream Western Narrative depicts these protests as coming from within, and they could very well be, but there are also obvious external state actors with their own interests stoking the fire in this growing state of political unrest.

The US-Israeli stance towards Iran has been a dominant narrative in Netanyahu and Trumps diplomatic speeches, echoed by other officials and pundits. Iran has been constantly singled out as the the main actor in the region promoting the growth of Radical Islamic Terrorism by participating in conflicts in as Iraq, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon.

Iran has always had a powerful sphere of influence in the Middle East, but their friendliness towards the US has flip flopped over the years. The most recent fallout with their leadership occurred in 2005 when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad came to power and Iran began aggressively pursuing the enrichment of Uranium. That led to the covert - and still unacknowledged - US led and Israeli supported Operation Olympic Games infecting their centrifuges with the Stuxnet computer worm that specifically targeted the Siemens equipment that was used to operate the machinery. Stuxnet was one of the first sophisticated cyber attacks from a state actor, and it rendered over 1,000 out of 5,000 of their centrifuges useless and eventually lead to the cancellation of their uranium enrichment program. US - Iran relations had high point when they signed a Nuclear deal with the US and 5 other world powers in 2015 during the Obama administration.

Last year the tone of rhetoric sharply shifted as Trump took office and tightened ties with Israel and began to make claims of Iran breaking the agreement. Contrary to these claims are those of the EU, the facilitators of the 2015 agreement, said there had been no violations.

So, why am I talking about the US when I should be talking about civil unrest in Iran? Well, there are many historical indicators that suggest this is a covert component of the US-Israeli agenda from the CIA and Mossad Intelligence agencies. The CIA has a long history in Iran, and recent reporting from within the conflict areas of Iran indicates that there is a covert campaign to provoke conflict through the use of political Provacateurs.

I Last week, Dan Dicks from @pressfortruth had a great report that touches on some important details on this emerging situation, and how talks "immediately morphed" into a discussion of an "armed uprising".

One of the important pieces of corroborating evidence he puts forth is that in June 2017 the CIA set up an organization with the mandate to gather more intel on the Iranian administration. It has also been reported that the US Is now giving Israel the go ahead to assassinate Iran's top general Maj. Gen. Qasseim Solelmani - a man who has been on Israels hit list for over three years and who narrowly avoided asassination due to US intervention by the Obama administration during their nuclear agreement talks in 2015.

A couple days ago Trump extended the Nuclear deal for "one last time" as he continues to stick my his campaign promise to renegotiate the terms or scrap the agreement completely. Add that to the fact that the US and Israel recently made a secret agreement which outlines their agenda for intervention in Iran, and you have recipe for chaos and disastor, with a clear motive for Regime Change. Check out this episode from the @corbettreport last week which elaborates on these topics:

It has now become very clear that the mainstream media isn't telling us the whole story and that Nikki Haley's claims that the civil unrest in Iran is coming from within, without US influence, flies in the face of the mounting evidence to the contrary.

Deja Vu. 1953 and Operation Ajax

If Regime Change is what is in the process of happening, it would not the first time the CIA has contributed to a regime change in Iran. There has been a long running history with the CIA and Iran that began in the 1953 with Operation Ajax and the ensuing Coup Detat on then Prime Minister Mossadeq.

Until 2013, this was still a theory, albeit widely accepted, but in 2013 , newly declassified documents released by the CIA confirmed their role in the 1953 coup.

In one analysis of the documents it was concluded that the

"CIA extensively stage-managed the entire coup, not only carrying it out but also preparing the groundwork for it by subordinating various important Iranian political actors and using propaganda and other instruments to influence public opinion against Mossadeq. This is a point that was made in my article and other published accounts, but it is strongly confirmed in these documents. In my view, this thoroughly refutes the argument that is commonly made in Iranian monarchist exile circles that the coup was a legitimate "popular uprising on behalf of the shah. "


Now, the current Iranian tensions do involve a lot of different dimensions than those that existed in 1953. Instead of a a US-UK alliance intending to bring down the Iranian government for, there is also Israel and Saudia Arabia element pushing for a regime change.

One of the most credible researchers on the topic of the CIA coup is Nicolas J.S. Davies. His article I "America's Coup Machine Destroying Democracy Since 1953" outlines the the tactics the CIA established in 1953 and continues to use and develop

  1. Creating and strengthening opposition forces

    • Seed money for oppositions political organizations
    • Spread of propaganda materials
    • Bribery and Blackmail of powerful officials in current administration
  2. Violent street demonstrations

    • Paid Combatants inciting violence on both sides, causing confusion and chaos.
  3. The coup d'etat.

    • Pre-planned establishment of a new government, usually by military officials that have been groomed for the position.

Now, tell me, does any of this sound familiar?

We seem to be well underway with step one. Step two appears to have begun as evidenced by the protests, and the confusion caused by certain agents participating in such protests.

**What is presented to us as the truth in the west could very well be fiction, and although the strategy is much more refined, the truth is much harder to keep hidden these days. **

Another recent episode of the Corbett report which covers more in detail the theme of using "provacateurs" for the purpose of regime change. The episode is aptly called "How to Engineer A Crisis". Corbett cites more recent cases of snipers and/or other provacateurs working on both sides with the intent of causing conflict, confusion, and chaos:

*Below is a list of other Coup's that have had at least some CIA involvement. This list is not exhaustive as there are numerous others which not enough evidence has been gathered to prove. *

Iran (1953); Guatemala(1954); Thailand (1957); Laos (1958-60); the Congo (1960); Turkey (1960, 1971 & 1980); Ecuador (1961 & 1963); South Vietnam (1963); Brazil (1964); the Dominican Republic (1963); Argentina (1963); Honduras (1963 & 2009); Iraq (1963 & 2003); Bolivia (1964, 1971 & 1980); Indonesia (1965); Ghana (1966); Greece (1967); Panama (1968 & 1989); Cambodia (1970); Chile (1973); Bangladesh (1975); Pakistan (1977); Grenada (1983); Mauritania (1984); Guinea (1984); Burkina Faso (1987); Paraguay (1989); Haiti (1991 & 2004); Russia (1993); Uganda (1996);and Libya (2011).



Enough information has now surfaced conclude that the CIA and their Israeli allies are targeting Iran for for there strategic interests. Statements both on and off the record indicate that there is political intervention occurring. The political unrest has just began to bubble, and one should expect more to come. The conditions also seem to exist for a US/Israeli backed regime change in the form of a Coup D'etat. Add the Saudi motives into the equation and you are given a recipe for disastor and potential collapse in the region.

Although not every Coup is effective, the consequences are almost always negative for the state which has been targeted. There are already two failed states - Syria and Yemen - in the region and to add another one to that list could cause some even more serious long term effects.

Since the current conflict in Iran has many dimensions, this article is not intended to be conclusive. It was intended to highlight one of the many narratives that continue to unfold. I encourage you to do your own research and share any other insights in the comments.

Unplug and Divest
- Misfit in the Matrix

Some resources in which you can learn about some of the other Regime Changes the CIA partook in.

For a brief bigger picture view of the middle east, this video sums it up well in a few minutes:

Other Sources Referenced:


CIA has been behind so many rigged elections, assassinations, and coups around the world. When they get attacked the insane narrative is "the terrorists hate our freedom". It sounds worse to say the terrorists hated our meddling in their nations affairs. That doesn't sound as good.

Yea they have been overthrowing democracies since 1953, almost always for the purpose of installing a dictator . The list at the bottom of the article doesn't even mention all of them. Add that to the impact of their Monarch Programming for sex slaves, asassins and general mind control through the mass media and you have got yourselves some sick, very powerful individuals. Hence the "deep state". Have you been keeping up with Elsagate? It is shocking what some of these people with MK Ultra programming knowledge are doing to children through YouTube videos. I've just recently started to educate myself on the tactics used and it is shocking how widespread this programming is. Nearly every childrens movie, music video, and hollywood movie has at least some mind control programming

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