Understanding Family and Friends After Waking Up To The Reality of Global Slavery

in #news6 years ago

One of the main things preventing us from actually achieving peace and freedom, is the simple fact that many people who actually are unhappy with the status quo are too afraid to speak out, because they are worried about what their parents, friends, or even complete strangers will think of them.

Whether you believe the world is being corrupted by a cabal of government officials, banking institutions, military interests, reptilian aliens, or some mix, we generally understand that there are rebellious minds out there that question official proclamations made by government agents, police officers, and media pundits. Whether we come to the same conclusions or solutions does not yet matter. We appreciate all those who choose to peek behind the veil of Statism and authority. Personally, we both believe the State, as an institution, is immoral, and the majority of the world’s government are corrupt pawns for various interests that operate in the shadows.

Maybe your view is not as extreme, but chances are if you are reading this book, your views could be classified as outside the “mainstream”. There’s also a good chance you have spent some nights researching on the internet, watching documentaries, and rearranging your worldview. You have likely attempted to share this information via social networks, internet forums, and casual conversations with friends and family. Perhaps you are now comfortable proclaiming to your loved ones that you have “woken up” and have begun chastising them for not taking action and joining the revolution! Unless you’re one of the lucky ones, you were, unfortunately, probably met with silence or straight up mockery.

This silence and rejection may lead to feelings of anger and resentment that can cause real damage to important relationships. For those of us who feel like we have discovered long hidden truths, it can be extremely disheartening to have our close friends and family turn a blind eye, with our words falling on deaf ears. Remember, sometimes your job is only to plant seeds, not to constantly attempt to “convert” people to your perspective.

We understand that tumbling down certain rabbit holes can lead to life-altering revelations - new values, new principles, and a new understanding of the world - which leads to a reassessment of the types of relationships you keep. Some individuals will choose to disown family members and friends over differences that are deemed to be too great to continue the relationship. While we do not believe free individuals should be obligated to maintain any relationship which is counter-productive or destructive (whether blood relative or not), we also think this decision should not be taken lightly.

Simply appreciating an individual for where they are on their path can also be of value. We are all at different points in our journeys. This does not mean you should abandon your values, but remember that everyone is learning. Have compassion for those who do not see what you have come to see. Lead by example and others will be encouraged to begin their own search for answers.

This has been an excerpt from Finding Freedom in an age of Confusion, my book with Derrick Broze @Dbroze

Available here for free PDF and paperback:


I've become increasingly disgusted with the political system for decades, but until early 2017 I had no realistic hope that things could change. Strangely enough it was the mathematics of bitcoin and that solution to the byzantine generals problem that made me realize that there is hope. Until last year I was an anarchist at heart only. I believed that it was a temporary state between the collapse of administrations that could not be sustained long term. Now it is possible to opt out of bordered governments and corporations for borderless DApp's that will compete for our "pledges". How can existing land based corrals of human livestock continue to be forced into imaginary lines drawn mostly on maps and not in nature? Violence.

The less we feed that beast, the less dangerous they will become. However, I believe all hell will break loose in the next decade. It's difficult to project the US national debt and the parabolic curve of indebtedness, but current estimates of 25 T in debt in 2022 assume that we don't have another economic crisis like we did in 2008. At some point we will reach 40 T in debt which will further lower our buying power 1/2 from what it is now. This is an assumption I'm making (keeping in mind I don't have a degree in economics). It's just a common sense guess. We know that such graft orchestrated by the banks can't last forever.

While speaking out about these issues is important, I think that economics is the only "persuasion" that will ultimately work. That's why bitcoin is so incredibly important. Without it, there would be no hope of existing outside of the digital panopticon currently being quietly built around us.

This is great! I look forward to reading your book; I think it is important to get more of this content out there. These ideas are after all seeds.

You have a correct idea when you mention convincing friends and family of these ideas. People don't accept facts and look away from truth. I think the best solution is to convince others by a solid example of a free life.

I have bought Johns books and give all of them a 5 star well worth the read. Him and Derrick really help bring anarchy into the modern world with out advocating for one ideology to run them all type non-sense

I will read it.
Thanks for the review.

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Once again, a thought-provoking post. Thanks for your effort.

While I'm sympathetic to the cause, I'm going to strongly disagree with equivocating between people who "believe the world is being corrupted by a cabal of government officials, banking institutions, military interests, [or] reptilian aliens."

Yes, it's important to build coalitions, but I don't think you want to invite everyone into the tent just because they oppose the existing order. The means matter just as much as the ends. For example, in twenty years, I don't want to be struggling against a bunch of anti-vaxxer neo-fascists we empowered by letting them into the movement because they were afraid the currently existing government was engaged in ritualistic baby sacrifices at downtown pizza joints.

Basically, I'm going to vehemently disagree with the maxim that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That said, I'll certainly be following you now.

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