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RE: My thoughts on Wigington's Geoengineering podcast

in #news9 years ago

I am so lucky to have a wife who understands all these subjects. We did not vaxx our 2 little girls and they are healthier than all the other kids their age. She knows about chemtrails, the warning label on the back of the toothpaste. She knows why the "doctor" wants to keep everyone coming back and the dentist pushes for fluoride treatments, surgeries and x-rays. She knows about all the saser-cut stones in the pyramids and time-portals right over our heads. Mama studies the Bilderbergers' actions every year and what "new" tech the multi-national corps then push and why. She shares this knowledge and does not push the subject on others, she just plants the seeds like I do. Mama, I love you.


Outstanding Ken, I am happy on all fronts for you and your children.

Damn Ken, I have a new found respect for you. I never would have thought you were into those kind of topics, I'm not sure why, just a bad read on my part I guess. ;)