
Oh by the way, also, you can use the tool in my profile URL link to find out what a comment used to say before it was edited (actually, to see the edit history, since comments can be edited multiple times):

Since I was curious, I used it, and understand your humorous remark now. :)


Sorry will not do... SORRY:)

I loved your sorry!

The poor thing. I kinda feel bad for her.
She got you at a very bad timing. She doesn't speak proper English even.
How did you know that she copied/pasted her comment?
Interested to know ;)



Was that before edited... I always check on people who are "weird" lolz

PS: Poor little shit you mean? Speaks good enough to talk shit...


Just happy she or he is gone...

LOLz. I guess I didn't see that!
Glad she left and hope she learned her lesson (its a girl's name in my language, as far as I could tell)
Take it easy now! ;D

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