House Judiciary Votes Yes to Investigate Previous Administration's Crimes: Good or Bad?

in #news7 years ago

Just a couple days ago the Judiciary Committee in the House voted Yes to send a letter to the AG (Attorney General) requesting a special council be appointed to investigate multiple areas of concern.


So my question is why? Why does a special prosecutor need to be appointed, I'm sure the argument is a Republican can't investigate a Democrat or vice versus, but sorry that's not a conflict of interest and if it is... we have a hell of a bigger problem than some corrupt politicians. (we could argue the only conflict of interest is to make sure another corrupt politician isn't handling the investigations)


But back to the point, why are these Republicans in Congress once again trying to force their will on the executive branch?
Is Congress pushing the boundaries of Article 1 of the constitution? Seems to me they are, but this certainly isn't the first time and won't be the last.


So what's the point here, why can't the AG handle this investigation? Is this a trick so that justice can be delivered by someone that the establishment selects? That way they can get the outcome they want. I lean toward this being a bad thing, no way Congress would pick a special counsel that isn't just as bought and corrupt as the rest of them.

But what do you think

Side Note About Accepting Reality

As far as the Clinton, Obama, Comey, Lynch, Bush and on and on and on. There is no one to investigate these people and no one ever will. I don't mean to seem cynical, but seriously one is going to do anything about it and no American citizen is going to step up and do anything either.

  1. Come on, Bush lied to us to start a war that resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths... and counting.
  2. Obama ran guns for drug cartels, gave billions of dollars to a terrorist nation, allowed the unmasking of hundreds of American citizens, orchestrated one of the bloodiest civil wars in decades (Syria), used the IRS to target political enemies, used the EPA to shut down private farmers and ranchers' businesses.
  3. Clinton had thousands of classified documents on an unsecured server, coordinated with MSM to cheat in Presidential debates, orchestrated the assassination of the leader of Libya, hired a third party to run weapons of war that ended up in the hands of ISIS, sold Uranium to Russia and was paid millions of dollars for it.
  4. Comey admitted to lying to the American people about a criminal investigation, disregarded the law on the direction from the AG, leaked conversations he had with the POTUS.
  5. Lynch ignored all the crimes of Clinton and Obama and even obstructed the efforts of investigations, because she never gave the FBI subpoena power and she even met with the spouse of the subject of an investigation in a secret meeting (or so they thought, thank God for cell phones)

OK so anyone of us would be in prison if we pulled this crap. Point is nothing will happen, the sooner you accept that the justice system is only meant to punish the peasants and ever now and then a low level noble the sooner you will make a decision.

What decision? Well once you accept reality I'm confident you'll figure out what the decision you need to make is.

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Reference: (you can read the article with all 14 points of this investigation)


This is all about turning the "Russia collusion" witch hunt on its head to try to expose the fact that the Clintons were the ones actually colluding with Russia, China, North Korea, and others. In effect they are taking this media shitshow and making it risky for them to keep pushing it because the whole reason it began was to draw attention away from their own crimes. Accusing your political opponent of what you have been doing is a classic political tactic that automatically makes them seem petty and refractory initially regardless of how much truth there is to it. Sessions is refusing to act on these matters, and the Democrats are pushing the justification for this so it is much easier for the Republicans to justify their own special council as a result.

That would make sense, but the special counsel would take the investigation outside Trump's influence. And I've learned to distrust these Republicans. They seem to hate Trump just as much as the democrats. The establishment hates Trump, he want fair trade, less intervention wars and controlled immigration. Oh yeah and he wants the fed audited. Dangerous things to do.

Yes, he is definitely not being helped by establishment Republicans. Muller's investigative team is also stacked with Clinton contributors. I think maybe the real question might be are they more interested in bringing down Clinton/the Democrats or Trump. We'll see.

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