Tarot Explains Great Awakening: Banish Falsehood

in #news6 years ago

Welcome Friends!

Today we examine the second step in the "Great Awakening" process as displayed in Tarot.

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So far, we discussed the initial step of realizing the Illusion. There are grand illusions and tremendous lies being perpetuated throughout society and, unfortunately, within our own Hearts and Mind.

Once we individually realize the Illusion, we can begin to regain Self Respect and Freedom.

This initial step often comes to us at our lowest and most disgraceful points in Life.

This is part of the fundamental pattern of The Oneness, and should be remembered when healing.

It is the natural manifestation of awareness to Truth, even when one is surrounded by total darkness.

This Lie is represented through the Devil in Tarot, and we discuss this period as The Eclipse.

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Once the Illusion is realized, a choice is presented:

Does one continue to allow the Lie to grow within and without?


Does one reject the Lie, and Live outside of the Illusion?


Many people will see the Lie.

Those people will see the Lie in different manifestations over and over again throughout Life. Continually plagued with Suffering and mental imbalance while living in a materialistic playground.

Choosing to Banish the Lie is not an easy choice. The road less walked often appears too challenging, and frightening to pursue.

Especially when a clear cut path, paved by the stones of warlords is already present.

Because of this, many people will see the Illusion, know that there is something wrong but will never escape the prison.

Even though, having seen the Illusion, those same people hold the key to escape in their hands.

For those of us who prefer Self Respect, Freedom and Love, it is time Banish the False.

Destroy The Tower.

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If this were easy, then everyone would have escaped the internal and external tyranny that we currently live within.

This is difficult.

It should not be taken lightly.

Nor should one believe they can breeze through this process.

The Tower is a card of action, and sometimes even Force.

This means that there will be conflict.

When one drops out of the Illusion, there are always people who will be self-interested in not losing you to Truth. Some people will realize what is happening, most will not.

The key is not be dissuaded, and to listen to one's Heart.

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The proprietors of the Illusion in one's life must be banished: Occupations, Friendships, Loved Ones, Organizations, Habits, Thought Patterns...

Letting go of attachments becomes easy once you realize most of them are poisoning people:

GMO Foods




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However, it can be difficult letting go of even the most poisonous of people. It can also be difficult watching people let go of you as you leave their World of Delusion.

Once the Banishment is complete, a new world will unfurl.

A bright world.

A world where one will learn to Love Thyself.

A world where one will regain Self Respect.

A world where one can find Freedom.

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It brings one to a period of Reflection, Learning and Connection.

In our next lesson we will brief on The Cleanse.

Thank you all and Take Care.