Dakota Access Pipeline protestors win a victory - or do they?

in #news8 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: Dakota Access Pipeline protestors win a victory - or do they?

Sun Yuchen is a liar, thief, charlatan, and all around cunt. But I don't need to tell you that. Find me at Hive, where we are glad to be rid of him and all of his fake followers, sockpuppets, and thieves.


My friend has been there for the last 6 weeks and even got arrested. She posted her first Steemit post from the scene today. Please welcome her to Steemit and read about her first person perspective of the situation here. https://steemit.com/standingrock/@dcomposing/the-meaning-of-life-at-standing-rock

Good post sir.

I have done a lot of activism and some of it Envir. based. As you know I posted on this today when the news broke, I saw your interactions on the post a few mins ago.

You raise key points. This fight is far from over and the fact that Trump supports Big Oil and has stake in a company that is connected to this pipeline is an issue people need to be aware of.

The fight may not be over, but you have to celebrate the small victories like this, so today overall was good new. It's just not ALL the news. There is some precedent set here not the least of which ---

As soon as the Veterans got involved and started shipping into the area to support the Water Protectors --- the gov'ts and Army Corps of Eng. seemed to shift their gaze on the issue --- people need to remember that. I think that is important to note.

It was the only real opinion I put in my Steemit post today on the issue, to keep the Veterans' presence issue out on the front. I believe it is key.

Once they decided to take a stand on the police state behaviour, that shifted things.


It could be that the powers that be are perfectly happy to give the opposition small victories, as long as they don't win in the end. Small victories like this could shift a public looking for a simple narrative* into thinking the big guys didn't win. It could be to curb or dissuade the influx of new protestors from around the country, including veterans and our very own @kommienezuspadt. It could reduce the underdog effect that these protestors and natives have been granted so far by being trampled upon.

*I'm guilty of this, often.

Agreed brother well said.

The next misdirection and treasonous false flag attack on the masses is always just around the corner.

TY for the reply! Nice to hear from you.

We have pipeline battles and standoffs here in #Canadastan and we are regularly lied to and attacked by the gov't and police state just like there, we just have 10x less people and media and coverage.

BC Pipeline fight with the Native and Indiginous people there are just the latest -- and more broken political promises as usual.

Politics is full of lies and corruption. I know, I have been boots on the ground activist for years and bee smeared and targeted and lied about and stalked.

... We Steem On, as @runridefly says

I read through your post and the linked article and im a little confused.

How exactly is the army granting an easement? Unless the pipeline is going through an army base, an issue like an easement is a matter for civil government.

Oh hahahahahaha!
STOP IT....your killing me.!

im not sure what you find so funny. Its pretty clear from your previous posts that you have little in the way of legal education or knowledge.

I guess you know better than an attorney about how and why one gets a right of way easement (incidentally, it was what i thought it was -- the Army corps of engineers built the dam and owns the dam and the surrounding land)

Regardless, flagged for the disrespectful tone and NC resposnse

Since 2010, over 3,300 incidents of crude oil and liquefied natural gas leaks or ruptures have occurred on U.S. pipelines.
I drive an EV. It's not for everyone, but when there were gas shortages in Atlanta, I didn't affect me at all. When a power line goes down, just stay clear of it until the utilities fix it. When these pipes crap out, complete disaster.
Electricity is much easier to deal with than fossil fuels. (getting off soapbox) sorry for my gripe =<

Electricity is much easier to deal with than fossil fuels.

Because most electricity is fossil-fuel based?

See: https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.cfm?id=427&t=3

I should have specified that this was written specifically about powering vehicles. And power [from] the Grid is a blend of energy. Mostly coal, Coal can not be piped and thus does not apply. Transporting [energy] throughout our country was what I was trying to emphasize. Sorry for the confusion.

do you have any idea where electricity comes from?

A combination of sources my inciteful little peach. But lets not forget that the definative answer is the Grid. And the Grid, unlike any ICE vehicle that can't swap out more efficient engines when new models come out, is modular. Sure you can buy a new model. But most people just cant afford to do that. Then the Ford Expeditions chug along. But the modular Grid can redirect power in the event of a huge line failure instantly. One of these pipes goes out; calamity. And at some point in my lifetime fusion will find its way on the grid. But no flying Delorians with a Mr. Fusion running I'm affraid. Which it still ran on gas in the western movie.

But here is the stitch. Lets assume that you back fossil fuels. After all, they all come out of a flat earth right? 'Giggle'
How does the use of FF's benefit your life? Tell what you love about this stuff that you couldn't live without it. Seriously, I really would like to know. I see no purpose for them other than lack of viable alternatives and an effortless return on koch investments. But hey, some people just want to watch the world burn. Just another one of the Edward Bernays vector of mass manipulation. Only capable of criticizing everything they hate and seeing nothing to love, but this is the societal tumor called Ego. And Eddy's uncle Freud can teach you all about it.

You lost me at little peach
I no longer take you seriously.
Your logical fallacies for the day...are to many to number.

Damn straight it's not just about that pipeline. May you have the strength to keep it going, all you honorable protectors out there...

A friend of mine has been there protesting for months now. She has even been arrested and as soon as she was released, went right back into the fight. Brave woman. Looks like it's goong to be a long, cold winter.

Really sending a lot of love to everyone. And really, who would trust the words from the administration and corps at this point? We need to see some concrete action and real changes.

Much love to your friend for protecting basic human needs. I'm finding a lot of power in the use of "protect" over "protest". There are cherished values and basic needs under assault and the protectors are standing up and supporting them under extreme duress. Amazing.

Personally, I would not trust a word the corporations say at this point and governments have a long history of deception, particularly with Indians.
Awareness and "protecting" is increasingly happening on a global level. Protecting, I like that.


We can all choose viable alternatives to internal combustions (ICE) in a month or 2. Keep a look out for the chevy Bolt 238 miles per charge MSRP $30K WITH $7500 tax return and autonomous driving.

This is good news! But for how long until the next fight?

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Thanks for sharing this great news, keep the good work

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Cool nice article

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