PewDiePie Shifts To “YouTube On The BLOCKCHAIN” By Joining DLive!

Youtube’s most popular individual content creator by far, way above the rest is Pewdiepie
with a current 93 million subscribers on youtube. He’s not only crushing his competitors on that site but he’s also obliterating the viewership of the mainstream media so to say he has some major influence right now is a major understatement…And now he’s making the move to Dlive!!!
In this video
Dan Dicks of Press For Truth explains the significance of this epic migration and how it currently has the MSM and the major social media tech conglomerates shaking in their boots!
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nice one bro
Considering that DLive has absolutely no real (technical) protections against censorship (unlike D.Tube and BitTube, for example). How long until they come under pressure for hosting controversial content creators and start censoring them exactly like YouTube does?
DLive's policy already forbids "hate speech" AKA free speech (from their TOS): [....]hate speech that directly attacks a person or group on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, disease, age, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity.
DLive isn't even particularly distributed is it? It's streaming is all built on a proprietary, centralized video streaming software service called Wowza, hosted on Microsoft's cloud if I recall correctly.
DLive has many chokepoints for censorship. This seems like a stunt to promote the Lino blockchain. Too bad DLive didn't stick with STEEM. Too bad they didn't choose something innovative and censor-resistant like IPFS to host and stream content.
This is HUGE news for crypto!
This is very cool... soon they are also in steemit. 😊👌🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
No, they left STEEM for Lino.
I not say Dlive :))) ... I think all this big USERS :)) ... I know they go there :)
Lets see if @vimm can compete one day
Posted using Partiko Android
Obviously I think that it'll really influence DLIVE seeing that it's getting DLIVE into the limelight again, however only time will tell the changes I'm paradigm
Which exchanges can I trade Lino on?
Ha you can't. To my knowledge none support it and they haven't built support for COSMOS internal transfers in yet. That token should SINK when it becomes more liquid than just DLive running the transfers in and out.
It could possibly turn into a ponzi scam? Right now it's going good for them.. hmm..
The 13 year old army will bring crypto to the world. Can't wait. 2024 needs to get here faster.