‘Stasis Chambers’ that have been holding perfectly preserved giants for millennia now owned by the "Red Dragon Family"?
"Giants that have been in hibernation in “stasis chambers” for thousands of years are awakening, and are being sought out by elite military forces, according to several independent sources. After being located, awakened giants are allegedly being captured and held hostage by powerful global elite groups that do not want the rest of humanity to learn the truth.
Secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, was among the first to publicly disclose the existence of “stasis chambers” that were holding perfectly preserved giants for thousands of years."
"the existence of ‘stasis chambers’ that have been holding perfectly preserved giants for millennia."
"it didn’t put the beings in stasis that a lot of us would think of, as in being frozen but it just changed the way they experienced time…. they would probably go to sleep for maybe 20 minutes, and 30,000 years or so would pass by….”"
"Goode claimed that he learned from “smart glass pads” in the “secret space program” that ancient giants used stasis chambers to preserve themselves within Native American burial mounds and other ancient constructions. Oh, and of course these giants were red-haired super-white Caucasians: “very large giant humans with reddish beards. And their skin, because of the pale white, they look kind of gaunt.” But according to Goode, the giants were merely reusing alien technology; they were not the inventors of the stasis chambers. He adds that Abraham Lincoln had viewed one of these stasis chambers and referred to it when he mentioned in a scribbled note to a lecture that a “species of extinct giants” were buried in the mounds, a reference to the then-common belief that mounds were the work of the Nephilim."
"the original discovery of the Giant in stasis chamber to the artefacts now owned by the "Red Dragon Family"."
"He said that these stasis chambers with perfectly preserved giants inside them had been found all over the world."