News Bilingual: Judge verdicts 85 lashes for homosexual couples

in #news8 years ago

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The Aceh Sharia Court Judge sentenced 85 whips to gay couples on Wednesday, May 17, 2017. The defendant was found guilty of violating the qanun (local regulations) prevailing in Aceh and Islamic sharia law.

"Guilty of doing liwath (homosexual), punishing in public as much as 85 times whip Determining the period of detention deductible punishment against the defendant," Chief Judge, Khairil Jamil said, when is he read the contents of the verdict.

Both defendants MT initials (23) from North Sumatra, and MH (20) from Jeunib, Bireuen. The defendant of Indonesian citizenship is also required to pay a fine of Rp 2,000.

Both defendants were found guilty of violating Article 63 paragraph 1 of Qanun Aceh, Number 6 on Jinayat Law, with the threat of 100 lashes or subject to a fine of 1,000 grams of pure gold or 100 months of imprisonment.(*)

News and photo sources:

Hakim Vonis 85 Cambukan untuk Terdakwa Pasangan Homo Seksual

Hakim Mahkamah Syariah Aceh memvonis 85 kali cambukan untuk terdakwa kasus liwath (hubungan sesama jenis antara lelaki dengan lelaki), Rabu, 17 Mei 2017. Para terdakwa terbukti bersalah melanggar qanun (peraturan daerah) yang berlaku di Aceh dan hukum syariat Islam.

"Bersalah melakukan jarimah liwath, menghukum di depan umum sebanyak 85 kali cambuk. Menetapkan masa tahanan dikurangkan hukuman terhadap terdakwa," ujar Hakim Ketua, Khairil Jamil, membaca isi vonis.

Kedua terdakwa berinisial MT (23) asal Sumatera Utara, dan MH (20) asal Jeunib, Bireuen. Terdakwa berkewarganegaraan Indonesia ini juga diwajibkan membayar denda sebesar Rp 2.000.

Kedua terdakwa dinyatakan bersalah telah melanggar Pasal 63 ayat 1 Qanun Aceh Nomor 6 tentang Hukum Jinayat, dengan ancaman 100 kali cambuk atau dikenakan denda 1.000 gram emas murni atau 100 bulan penjara.(*)