Swedish Police doesn't have the resources to deal with rapes. Must deal with murders

in #news7 years ago

Ah..Sweden. This murderous, rapy people to the east. They've always been like this! Always with the murders and rapes. It's so strange. It must be the patriarchy. I have no other explanation...OR..perhaps it's the white man who is losing the power because of the feminism.. And then they murder rape. Because it's always a "swedish citizen" who does the raping and murdering when the mainstream media reports on it. That means it's a white oppressor-nazi.

A twelve year old girl was raped in Stenungsund, but the case did not proceed even though the police had the NAME of the motherfucker.

Earlier this year two men (probably Sven and Ingvar. Those patriarchal fucks!) raped and filmed a woman. The rape was published in snapchat. Even if the movie was retrieved the men was free.

Torgny Söderberg, chief of police in the Stockholm says;

"With the situation we have today, there is no possibility for us to solve both rapes and murders."


As we know every day 3 police officers quit in Sweden. 80% say the are looking for another job. Everywhere they are talking about how the police is about to lose the battle against crime.


How can this be? In the worlds most feminist country! Is it the white swedish nazi-man who is fighting back because women have taken away his precious patriarchy? How can rapes go up and murders go up in such a sweet and nice feminist country?

I can't see any other possibility than the FACT that it must be white swedish nazis who kill and rape because they are slowly losing the patriarchy. That's why Swedish women must vote so that they get more muslims and africans into Sweden, so that they will get rid of the white evil nazi man.



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How is it possible that in a civilized european country
like sweden the police can't do anything in rape cases
like you have mentioned. The society must come
forward and protest.

Those rapists must be punished accordi to law.

There is just too much crime and too little police. Sweden wanted the world to come to their little fantasy-land. Now they've got the real world there. Spoiled feminists wanted third world people in an advanced society. Now all the pussified police-officers don't want to be policemen because they no longer chase 16 year olds on mopeds. They are up against real world criminals.

They wanted it, now they got it.

i really like this dude^. yo you got a blog or something? why not a get a video cam and hire like 2 other people to do a small new station? Just lease your material to a US news syndicate - we need you

Thanks dude. Nah i dont. This is really just a side hustle. I might eventually do a vlog. I dunno. But chances are it could end up terribly. Im not used to the camera or hear myself speak. We'll see 😎

I hate the way my recorded voice sounds too. Vlog could be awesome to try with DTube.

@scandinavianlife Thanks for sharing :-)I am following
Best of Luck !.