Something Else Hit the Pentagon

in #news7 years ago


The phrase conspiracy theory was deployed in the 1960s by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to discredit John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories.

9/11 @ The Pentagon
On the morning of September 11, 2001, American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757-223 aircraft, took off at 8:42 am from Washington Dulles International Airport on its way to Los Angeles International Airport. At 9:37:46 am EST, the official report stated that Flight 77, traveling at 530 mph, crashed into the Pentagon. Flight 77 somehow managed to get through the most heavily defended and most protected airspace known on the planet and then crash into the largest military headquarters in the world.


You can download the official 9/11 Commission Report here:

Bob Franken

According to the female news anchor, she states in the video, “the American Airlines jet landed short of the Pentagon.” CNN’s correspondent Bob Franken who was at the Pentagon stated, “from my close up inspection there’s no evidence of a plane having crashed anywhere near the Pentagon” … “the only pieces left that you can see or small enough that you can pick up in your hand’ …“There are no large tail sections, wing sections, a fuselage” …” which would indicate that the entire plane crashed into the side of the Pentagon”.

According to Professor Fetzer, Bob Franken was later reprimanded for his comments which were televised live. After the reprimand, Franken changed his tune and stated, “Only a fool would deny that a plane hit the Pentagon.”

April Gallup

April Gallup was inside the Pentagon as it happened. The moment that American Flight 77 was said to have crashed into the Pentagon, Mrs. April Gallop thought that she had triggered a bomb as soon as she turned on her computer. After the initial explosion, her son was completely blown out of his stroller. She got up enough strength to go and find her son, whom she could not locate.

There was an area with a pack of debris, so she and some others climbed over it, but before doing so, she was able to locate her son. She grabbed her son and proceeded to climb out with her son over her shoulders and exited out of the location that had collapsed. Mrs. Gallup escaped out of the exact impact of where supposedly Flight 77 hit and came out onto the lawn closest to the highway.

Mrs. Gallup states, “I hadn’t seen any evidence of metal, airplane seats, no luggage, nothing that would give me the indication that it was a plane that hit the building.” “I didn’t have any jet fuel over my body.” Not her, her son or anyone else had jet fuel on their body. “There was nothing on the inside that would give me any indication that there was a plane on that particular day that hit the building.”

"No one else saw in that area where I was, located saw any parts of any planes or luggage or baggage, or anything of that nature…”

There have been reports that no children are allowed inside the Pentagon, but I found these reports to be false.

"No identification is required for children age 17 or under when accompanied by an adult with a DoD building pass...":

Pristine Pentagon Lawn


This is a photo taken shortly after the apparent crash of Flight 77. Notice there are no signs of debris from a crashed airliner. Nothing to see...move along now.


There were reports of billows of smoke coming from the Pentagon, which were almost extinguished. Long and behold, the smoke was actually coming from dumpsters in front of the Pentagon as discovered by Professor Fetzer in Midwest 9/11 Conference Part 2. Please watch starting from the 31 minute mark where he begins to discuss the Pentagon on 9/11.




Fake Smoke Machines at the Pentagon on 9/11:

The Emergence of the Debris on the Pentagon Lawn

Professor Fetzer theorizes that a C-130H (Hercules), discussed in MidWest 9/11 Truth Conference Part 2, was seen circling the Pentagon. He believes that it must have dropped the debris. A&E interviewed Lt. Col. O’Brien, who piloted the C-130H (Hercules), of the Minnesota Air National Guard’s 133rd. In the interview he states that on the morning of September the 11th, he took off from Andrew’s Air Force Base. When A&E asked Lt. Col O'Brien if he had dropped debris on the Pentagon lawn, he stated that that accusation was absurd.

Professor Fetzer's reply, “Where else could it have come from?”

Lt. Col. O’Brien


Footage of a C-130 flying around the Pentagon shortly after the explosion



Unreleased Pentagon 9-11 Footage

“Bruce Looney took the following photograph from Ft. McNair.”
Ft. McNair is an U.S. Army post located on the tip of Greenleaf Point, the peninsula that lies at the confluence of the Potomac River and the Anacostia River in Washington, D.C.


The Debris

There was a piece of vine not indigenous to the Arlington; Virginia vicinity that was attached to the corner of this piece of debris. Newspaper James Hanson who earned his law degree from the University of Michigan – College of Law was able to trace back the piece of debris to a rain forest above Cali, Columbia where a crash occurred in 1995, as discussed in the Midwest 9/11 conference Part 2.




This image was taken right after the initial impact of ‘something’ hitting the Pentagon.



Source for above photos: Professor Jim Fetzer

The collapse of the side of the Pentagon wall occurred about 45 minutes after the impact of the object hitting the Pentagon. There were no broken windows adjacent to this hole. There was no evidence of any wing marks on the building where a 757 measures 126 “ 10’ from wing to wing. Nor any indications in the upper floors where the tail, which stood 44 feet 6 inches from the ground would have made an impact. And what happened to Flight 77’s engines that made of titanium? There was no evidence on the walls where the engines should have impacted, the heaviest and strongest part of the plane. Criminal elements and government stooges suggest that the engines had vaporized. Yeah right. Titanium doesn’t even melt unless it reaches 1668 Celsius or 3034.40 Fahrenheit.

  • Pratt & Whitney / Roll Royce engines

  • 12′ x 9′ Diameter Titanium steel alloy

  • 6 tons each

  • Melting point of titanium: 1,668°C (3034.40°F)

  • Max burning Temp of Jet-Fuel: 1120°C

(after 40 minutes only if the fuel source is maintained)


The only engine part located in the wreckage is the one pictured below. It was at one point claimed to be a Honeywell rotor from the rear ‘APU’ engine in a Boeing 757’s tail-section. The high-resolution photos of the ‘rotor’ in question were scrutinized and studied, of which Honeywell then stated, “there is no way that is any part of an APU engine we manufacture.”



Karl Schwartz, former GOP Strategist, Patmoz Nanotechnologies Inc. security systems CEO recognize the part as a JT8D Turbo from the US Air Force A-3 Skywarrior.

“The only piece of wreckage that appears ‘genuine’ in the FEMA photo is the front shaft bearing housing from the US Air Force A-3 Skywarrior or something very similar.

Only four or five of them still existed on 9/11. They were stored at Hughes Aircraft in Van Nuys, CA, now better known as RAYTHEON, a big war profiteer.







The air traffic controllers at Dulles thought the blip was a military jet.

Hani Hanjour


Hani Hanjour was the hijacker that supposedly flew American Flight 77 into the Pentagon. He was a slow learner and cried when trying to learn how to fly according to his instructor.

He had difficulty controlling and landing a single engine Cessna 172, two weeks into August after three test runs.

The Jason Ingersoll Photo Collection:


The image below shows where American Flight 77 supposedly came through to its last resting place located in the C ring.

Why does it say “Punch Out.” According to Professor Fetzer, “The Pentagon walls are about ten to twelve feet thick. Which is six feet thick of brick, three feet of concrete and three feet of limestone.” So a Boeing 757 was able to manage somehow to go through three rings E, D, and C made out of aluminum alloy? You’re kidding, right? And according to Professor Fetzer, it appears to have been punched out with chlorate military explosives, to give it a false impression that part of the plane went all the way through this hole. Professor Fetzer also mentions that if part of the plane had gone through at an angle, it would have created an asymmetrical hole and not a hole that appears to be too symmetrical.





The ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) in January of 2004 released its Pentagon Building Performance Report and a video computer analysis as to what supposedly happened when American Flight 77 allegedly hit the Pentagon.


The significance of this report is that the 18.5-inch steel reinforced concrete walls were omitted and overlooked. Secondly, the tail section intact as it entered Pentagon and left no entry point. Thirdly, they didn’t use any engines in the simulation. And lastly, they claimed to have taken out 50 support columns? The official report states that the support columns were taken out, but the photographic evidence shows otherwise.


There was no fire damage; computers were intact, and the desks were intact.

The official report said Flight 77 took out all these wall structures and support beams, but photo and video evidence speaks for itself and shows the north side (left side) was completely intact.

This piece of debris as you see down below comes from a Boeing 757, but not American Flight 77. The debris appears as if it was peeled off with no signs of it being exposed to intense heat or a violent crash.

Glen Stanish


Glen Stanish is the founder for 9/11 Truth. He has 20 years as a professional airline pilot. He has also studied aviation incidents and accidents and stated in ‘9/11 Ripple Effect’ that no Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon because there would have been an abundance of the wreckage. Large tail sections, indestructible landing gear, indestructible engines, wing spars, fuselages, seats, etc.

Glen Stanish's interview:

Witnesses see a plane

A group called Citizens Investigative Team reported that there were witnesses that saw a plane fly toward the Pentagon north of the Citgo Station. The witnesses stated that an airplane flew about 300 feet in the air and approached the Pentagon. A truck driver named Dave Bawl saw a plane fly over the Pentagon and then swerve over it as soon as there was an explosion. What a way to help fool everyone into believing the official story that people did witness a plane. Dave was found dead in an abandoned building weeks later.

The green line in the image is the direction of American Flight 77 according to the official story of which it would have taken it south of the Citgo station.


The official story stated that American Flight 77 maintained this trajectory of flying 20 feet above the ground for 3280 feet before hitting the Pentagon, traveling at 530 mph hour. The official report also stated Flight 77 took out five lampposts before hitting the Pentagon. It did this without its wings falling off, ripping off, tumbling out of control, or bursting into flames? This act not only defies the law of aerodynamics but Newton’s third law as well.

And according to Newton’s third law, a plane traveling 500 mph hitting a stationary lamp post would have the same effect as fixed plane being hit by a lamppost going 500 mph.

CNN (one of many propaganda machines) conducted a case study on the Pentagon. The utter nonsense that they put out to believe that a Boeing 757 can survive hitting five light poles, let alone one light pole traveling at over 500 miles an hour. Their explanation of the fish-eyed lens is ridiculous as well.


Southwest Airliner sustains damage from flock of birds


Local 12 in Tampa, Florida reported on a flock of birds that hit the leading edge of this Southwest Airliner and the damage it sustained. This was just done by a flock of birds. Now, imagine a plane hitting five lamposts and still being able to crash without exploding due to the fuel inside the wings, without tumbling out of control, and still being able to penetrate two thick walls of the Pentagon.

Plane Clips LightPole and crashes
Plane Crash Kills 3; was to pick up ex-president Bush:

“The cause of the crash — just south of Hobby Airport — was not immediately known. Television station KHOU reported that the plane had apparently clipped a light pole prior to the crash.”


Wing gets clipped off from hitting pole - Notice it explodes because the fuel is located in the wings.

Fred Fox


Fred Fox is a former U.S. Navy and a 33-Year commercial pilot for American Airlines. He stated that not even a seasoned American test pilot could have flown a T-category aircraft like the 757 would have flown into the first floor of the Pentagon because of something called, “Ground Effect.” Professor Fetzer explains “Ground Effect,” in Midwest 9/11 Conference Part 2. It is the accumulation of pocket of compressed gas beneath the fuselage, which meant that the plane could not even get lower than 60ft to 80ft to the ground, traveling at that speed.

9/11 Ripple Effect Documentary – Ground Effects

Captain Russ Wittemberg

Have a listen to what Captain Russ Wittemberg has to say about all of this right after Dario Fo (Nobel Peace Prize Winner) in the documentary, ‘Zero’. It defies the laws of Physics! He was 30 years flying experience in total coming from the military and flying for civilian aviation.

Here is a short clip from the documentary ‘Zero’ where Capt. Russ Wittemberg gives his interviews:

“I challenge any pilot, any pilot anywhere: give him a Boeing 757 and tell him to do 400 knots 20 feet above the ground for half a mile. Can’t do. It’s aerodynamically impossible.” – Nila Sagadevan, pilot and aeronautical engineer

Please Watch ZERO: An Investigation Into 9-11 (Full Documentary)



Drills and Simulations
Condoleezza Rice had denied any ideas that airplanes would be used as weapons or even against the Pentagon according to Professor Fetzer. And within a year prior to 9/11, a simulation was conducting using a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon.


Speaking of simulation and drills, did you know that there were drills going on before 9/11 as well as on the day of 9/11, which caused utter confusion? Also note that there was 2.3 trillions dollars missing. The team “Able Danger”, who were investigating the missing 2.3 trillion dollars/nukes were called into an emergency meeting on the day of 9/11 at the Pentagon. They were at the exact spot as to where Flight 77 allegedly hit.

Representative Cynthia McKinney drills Rumsfeld:


The Military Drills of September 11th: Why a New Investigation is Needed -- list of drills on 9/11

Llyod A. England
Llyod A. England is a crucial (witness) who allegedly had a light pole (#1), smash right through the windshield of his taxi, which was furthest from the pole. He states that he pulled the pole out minutes after it struck his windshield. He states that he had help from an unknown bystander came by to help him take the pole out of his taxi. You can see that there is no damage to the hood of the car. According to the Virginia Department of Transportation, the pole was 40 ft weighing 247 lbs. Here is the interview. It is very interesting, which Mr. Lloyd A. England stated that his wife was an employee of the FBI.

**9/11 Cab driver Lloyd Edward – Interview! (Short version) **

Lloyd's Illustration

Notice the C-130 flying in the background in the image below.


No damage to the hood!

Lloyde England and His Taxi Cab – ‘The Eye of the Storm’ documentary.

Official Trajectory of Flight 77 - Location of the Poles

According to a theory by the group Citizens Investigative Team of the “Eye of the Storm”, they believe that the poles could have been staged by the following means:

It was just shortly after the explosion; traffic was being blocked on southbound Route 27 just before the bridge. A witness saw a man on the road trying to flag her down to get her to stop, but the woman refused. She was forced to get off the Columbia Pike exit just north of the bridge.

According to the investigator in “Eye of the Storm”, there were no witness reports of Pole #1 entering the cab of Lloyde Edward. There were no reports of the cab spinning out sideways with the pole sticking out over the hood as Mr. Edward has stated. No witness reports seeing the pole in the taxi cab whatsoever. There are only about 20 folks who mention the pole, which was already on the road after the event.

So how were the poles then staged? The area was under control by Pentagon and Arlington police. The Pentagon police control the three out of the five poles. The Virginia of Transportation managed the other two poles and would not provide information to the filmmakers of the locations of the other two poles. One possibility was the renovations that week at the Pentagon was to be completed and scheduled to close down at the time.

President Bush had left the heliport on 9/10 and was scheduled to arrive back 9/11 at noon as confirmed by Heliport control Sean Boger, which means that the Secret Service could control the area without people asking why. They received confirmation from a Pentagon renovation contractor that they were moving around trailers on 9/10.

The Pentagon's 86 Separate Cameras

The Pentagon had 86 separate cameras. Why didn’t they show us the video footages from all the different angles if it was a plane that hit the Pentagon? The FBI confiscated all of the video footage, but in 2006, the FBI was forced to yield due to the Freedom of Information Act, releasing four footages.



Pentagon Building Performance Report



The following three images below come from “You can determine what is a solid object, and what is not. You clearly see a line of dense (but not solid) white exhaust, trailing a solid narrow lineal object.”




Legendary Jack White - photo analyst

Mr. White was asked on behalf of Jim Fetzer was asked per a kind request to scale an image of a Boeing 757 into the frame.


Do to a lawsuit that was filed and won in a court of law, this video footage was from the morning of September 11, 2001 of the Pentagon that released in 2002. According to the hotel manager, the FBI confiscated the footage. The news anchor even states, “It shows the explosion that followed the crash of American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon, but the video does not show the airplane.”

A Missile

“I heard a very loud, quick whooshing sound. I was convinced it was a missile. It came in so fast – it sounded nothing like an airplane.” Lon Rains – Editor for Space News (Pentagon eyewitness)

Donald Rumsfeld back in 2001, told ‘Parade Magazine’ about the missile damage to the Pentagon.

UPDATE: The Department of Defense has removed this article. You will have to view the waybackmachine. Copy and paste the link from below and you shall find the statement by Rumsfeld that it was a missile. -- copy and paste into

Secretary Rumsfeld Interview with Parade Magazine

Presenter: Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld

October 12, 2001

(Interview with Lyric Wallwork Winik, Parade Magazine)

Check out the third paragraph, ‘and the missile to damage this building’. It is the third sentence located from the bottom.


Former 9/11 Commissioner Tim Roemer -- says a ‘missile’ hit the Pentagon, but quickly recovers and says plane:

(Unverified) Leaked video of missile hitting the Pentagon

Retired Army Major General Albert Stubblebine

Retired Army Major General Albert Stubblebine gave an interview stating that no plane hit the Pentagon. In his last assignment, he was head of all the U.S. Army’s Strategic Intelligence Forces around the world. He was “responsible for the signal’s intelligence, photo intelligence, counterintelligence, human intelligence.” He concluded that Flight 77 didn’t crash into, but something did. He found no evidence of wing marks on the Pentagon.


"Remote viewing is the trained ability to acquire accurate direct knowledge not available to the ordinary physical senses, of locations, things and events — these are distant in time or space from the Remote Viewer and can be in the past, present, or future.” -

Remote viewing is the brain child of Dr. Harold E. Puthoff and Ingo Swann, created back in the 1970s for the U.S. Military and finally officially closed in the 1990's. However, the closure of the program was all a ruse.

Trailer - Daz Smith & Dick Allgire see a missile that hit the Pentagon

9/11 Project

The Hijackers
Nine out of the nineteen alleged hijackers on 9/11 were found alive.


“The other two men accused of being terrorists are Salem Al-Hamzi and Ahmed Al-Nami. Mr. Al-Hamzi is 26 and had just returned to work at a petrochemical complex in the industrial eastern city of Yanbou after a holiday in Saudi Arabia when the hijackers struck. He was accused of hijacking the American Airlines Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon.”

“Last night the FBI admitted that there was some doubt about the identities of some of the suspects. A spokesman said: “The identification process has been complicated by the fact that many Arabic family names are similar. It is also possible that the hijackers used false identities.”

“The spokesman declined to say whether the FBI would apologize’ but added: “If we have made mistakes then obviously that would be regrettable, but this is a big and complicated investigation.”

As Reported by Main Stream Media

Revealed: the men with stolen identities

Hijack ‘suspects’ alive and well

Hijack ‘suspect’ alive in Morocco

“We have several hijackers whose identities were those of the names on the manifests,” Mueller said. “We have several others that are still in question. The investigation is ongoing, and I am not certain as to several of the others.”

“Officials refused to say how many hijackers may have used false identities, but officials of the Saudi Arabian government said Thursday that six of the men that the United States has named as hijackers killed in the attacks appear to be living in the Middle East.”

FBI Chief Raises New Doubts Over Hijackers’ Identities

September 11 — The New Pearl Harbor (FULL)

9/11: Simulations NEW RELEASE 2014 Full Movie (HD)


Till next time...


Scuba Steve


Good post..

Thanks for sharing this. Over time more and more people are fully understanding how much we are really lied to on a daily basis. Keep up the good work and keep spreading truth! Oh and if your interested in some 9/11 info that a most people are not aware of (even many in the conspiracy theory world) check out the article below.

September 11, 2001: This Post Will Likely Show You How Little You Actually Know About The 9/11 Attacks... SERIOUSLY...

You are very welcome. I thought this article would be more popular though. I guessed wrong. I wrote this article under a pseudo name on BIN, where I got over 70,000 hits. It's barely getting any attention here on Steemit.

Now following you.

Wow so much detail, great post!

Thanks. It's just too bad it didn't get the traction that I was looking for.

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