in #news7 years ago


Mike Cernovich is over the target as it pertains to the political assassination of Seth Rich, and that's great - but we would like to see him spill the beans regarding the FULL TRUTH about the 9/11 false flag operation. It is our job in the "alt media" to inform the world about who the REAL ENEMIES of humanity are. Thanks for tuning in.



On Thursday, September 9, 2015 I interviewed author Rebekah Roth about her new book 'Methodical Deception'. New information she has recovered about the 9/11 false flag event will shock you to your core. This bombshell evidence destroys the "official story", forever. Israeli Mossad involvement in the 9/11 false flag attacks can no longer be denied.

THIS WILL SHOCK YOU TO YOUR CORE: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad

steemit  Shot 2017-05-20 at 8.49.49 PM.png


I conducted an interview a few days ago with the Rich family representative Brad Bauman whom I'm left with the impression is a DNC plant that was 'assigned' to the Rich family- overall I think I nailed him on a few items and he was spouting quite a bit of rhetoric vs. facts- anyone following this case may enjoy.......


Thank you- I need to listen to it for a third time and write an analysis-I think I sort of cornered him- especially on the PC issue. I may attempt a follow up.

Some may also be interested to know that I have ID'd the Doc who posted the link post on 4chan describing the unusual scene at the hospital involving Rich's treatment and isolation- I'm thinking he was flat out murdered in the hospital. I have been unable to reach this doc as of yet.......

Rock Solid Work!

follow me pleasee :)

Is a hand sign and some potensial sarcasm about 9/11 enough to be worried about Cernovich?

Totally agree that Seth Rich was a hit. No way was that a robbery. It's ridiculous.

Here is a comprehensive Seth Rich piece with all the latest info, "Yes, the DNC had Seth Rich Murdered, Here is How I Know.":

Sean, it amazes me how many people still believe the official story about 9/11, even when explaining many facts to them. They just refuse to believe somthing else... Do you have any tips for me how to convince any of my friends, family or neighbours?

sky, I honestly think that THIS documentary from 'Alien Scientist' is the most eye opening expose about the WEB of corruption that resulted in the 9/11 false flag. It names the names and the companies. If after watching this folks still think it was Osama, they are beyond help.

9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!

Thanks Sean!

@skytrex I find focusing on building 7 is very instructional for people. Many do not know there was another building that fell. If a furniture fire could bring down a building, why would anyone live in tall buildings? Silverstein on camera said "pull it"

Dude, Rebekah Roth is amazing , I remember you interviewing her a while ago and played it to my wife who up until that point thought I was having a midlife crisis, due to not being around when I was red pilled. She now knows 9/11 was a giant scam.
Check out my post from earlier @tremendospercy
As well as........
Your support is greatly appreciated buddy.

If you watch Mike Cernovich, he acts like a smuck. He seems to be not the smartest guy in the room. Not, that I am any smarter. But, all these theories of him being a super deep operative, are laughable. I think he is a normal guy, way over his head. I will say it once more. I use the ok sign. It means ok when I use it. I am not NWO. I am the most paranoid conspiracy seer you could be. I would probably make Alex look sensible. Yes, 911 was an inside job. You would have to be retarded not to see it. Most Americans deserve the life that is coming for them. We are lazy and stupid. But, this guy seems very legit to me. Yes, he is not polished, he is just trying. But, set up an interview with him. Thank goodness for people like SGT, Alex, Mike, Savage, Trump, and a whole list of people trying to bring this train to a stop. But, a hand sign is proof he is an operative? Are you joking? How about you judge a man by his character. How many lies can we pin him to? Keep him honest. Dig into his words, see where they lead. Again, I have grown up using the ok sign to mean OKAY. I will continue to do so. I AM NOT ILLUMINATI. Whew, I am out of breathe, and I haven't said a word. Anyway, SGT needs our support. Donate to this man monthly. Help him change the world. Pray, meditate, well wish, whatever your spirit leads you to do. But, do not wait for your spirit to donate hard earned money. SGT needs to focus on the fight ahead, not how he will feed his family, and pay the bills.

“The Matrix is a system...You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.” -- Morpheus

wow im really likin this guy on infowars im glad you got to interview him i wish i coulda got in on that too lots ta say lots n lots to do....wheres my pitchfork? TRUMP TIME TO CRACK SOME MORE HEADS NOW.....

Sixteen years on and 9/11 remains an important topic to discuss, since it is both the starting point for a new era of increased NWO/shadow government activity and simultaneously also probably the single largest cause of normal people like you and me's awakening to if not the detail then at least the broad concept of what is happening in the world.

To an extent I agree with David Icke when he says that the important thing is not to know precisely how it was done but to recognise that it most definitely was not done in anything like the way that the MSM and the US Govt would like us to believe it was, and therefore both these institutions are if not responsible for it happening then certainly complicit in hiding the truth from the public.

To me the most obvious and damning physical evidence for 9/11 being something very different than what we are told is threefold:

  1. Building 7 - Why did this fall down within its own profile at pretty much freefall speed? Also, why was Building 7 entirely left out of the official investigation and report on 9/11?

  2. The shape of the hole and lack of camera evidence at the Pentagon. Why are their no wings on the lawn in front of where the "plane" hit the Pentagon when the shape of the hole prior to the walls collapsing so obviously precludes any wings entering the building? Also, why is there hardly any video or photographic evidence published to the public domain (and that which has been published is ridiculously poor quality) when there must have been many, many cameras watching the building that day?

  3. How can a large airplane carrying passengers, crew and belongings just "disappear"? The answer of course is that it can't, yet that is what happened to Flight 93 at Shanksville if we believe the official story. According to the coroner Wallace Miller: "There was no wreckage, no bodies, and no noise." How is that possible?

The above and so many, many more anomalies and holes in the 9/11 official story should lead any independent thinker to conclude that if 9/11 was not actually an inside job, (which I believe it was) then it was most definitely at least covered up by both govt and media.

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