in #news6 years ago

Some are rich and some are poor, some are average earners and some very poor, some got nothing at all. Some oppress people with their military might, Some command and others follow.  Is this world a place we compare ourselves in term of 'who is bigger than who'

One of these reasons make Africa  not developed today. I was passing by the street and saw people doing some really hard jobs; they were casting a decking on an ongoing constructed building. The work was too hard that I couldn't imagine people doing such job. I saw a pregnant woman carrying two 9inchs block on her head, That should be an Insult to the women race. All these kinds of jobs are done because the economy isn't enabling for making money and getting rich, instead the rich gets richer and the poor get poorer.

They are lots of concrete[building construction, casting the decking and german  floor] jobs done in Africa i would say is beyond a healthy human being.

I saw people carrying a metallic pan filled with concrete mixed from the mixer and they take it upstairs where the decking is taking place. I could see the Energy they expend which is beyond the human capacity, working from morning till night for little money, its a pity you rarely see such a very hard labor like that in advanced Countries. Well I don't really blame these workers of hard labor, I blame the government for not putting things in place. What a pity for the African youths.

Over there in advanced countries, jobs are done with machinery to make things easy for them. The reverse is the case in Africa. We kill ourselves here by over working our little conserved energy for peanuts which would be given to them [Africans]  after the job which would last for an estimated time of  9hrs of very hard labor.

While some are making money from war in Syria because of sales of arms, some are busy patronizing the technology and using it to kill his brother. I could see the reason Donald Trump called Africa a Shit hole. Even if they receive aide from Advanced countries they are still gonna find a way to steal from it. These leaders are so corrupt and selfish that they want to have it all by themselves. I pity the citizens of the black Continent. The lack many Infrastructures like roads, shelter, electrical energy and so many things that can hinder development, that's why investors usually run away from some bad black zones.

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