in #news7 years ago (edited)


"When the Department of Justice is the group urging Congress not to expand criminal law and Congress does it anyway, something is very wrong." -How the Congress Censored the Internet

The new "Monster Hybrid" FOSTA-SESTA package, was passed 97-2 in the Senate today. The bill is a confusing mishmash of a bill, an act, some major overreach, and the facade of being a solution to #endhumantrafficking. After the scandal and child exploitation showing up on platforms such as Youtube, Twitter and Facebook, how can one be against legislation that thwarts sex trafficking and protects children??? Well, that's exactly what they are counting on, our ignorance and small, independent platforms being crippled by the fear of commiting a federal crime.


The Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act of 2017 (SESTA), the amended Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act of 1996 (CDA) just passed today, and the House Judiciary's version, Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) passed this past February, and both have been wrapped up in a pretty little package and is on its way to Trump's desk to potentially be signed into law within the next few months.

Not many in the truth movement have picked up what this actually means. It will have a debilitating effect on free speech because the fear to not censor will put in jeopardy the very research we do every single day to expose and spread awareness about child sex trafficking by the very nature of the subject matter. Nevermind putting the very same exploited children and victims it aims to protect into even more danger by putting them back on the streets and further underground.


If this bill becomes law, not only will it completely change how platforms deal with controversial content, it will increase censorship by magnitudes that we have never seen before. Platforms will be forced to overly censor to ensure, either through human moderation or algorithms, that any content that promotes, aids, references, or has the appearance of sex trafficking or prostitution be completely blocked or deleted. This also means that platforms will stop moderating all together to avoid being held responsible, but the new bill is broadly worded with no definitions or protocol, so its hard to decipher terms like "facilitate" or "knowingly" in regards to how an internet platform becomes an accomplice.

The most concerning to me is that the Internet Association, a large consortium of the mega providers and platforms on the internet, are all strongly in favor of this bill. That raised some red flags. So, who makes up the Internet Association you might ask?


That's right, Google (Youtube, Hangouts, Gmail, etc.) Facebook, Twitter and suprisingly Reddit, all are pushing for this to be signed into law. This means that their competitors Steemit, Voat, Dtube, Bitchute and Gab will all suffer under the financial ramifications of breaking federal law and be open to civil and state lawsuits if victims claim they didn't intervene. They will now be held accountable and liable for users content, so they will be forced to censor anything that falls under FOSTA/SESTA.

Heres what to expect:

  • Expand existing federal criminal sex trafficking law to target online platforms where sex trafficking content appears. Platform owners could be prosecuted under the expanded law even if they didn’t know that people were using those platforms for sex trafficking purposes.

  • Open online platforms to new criminal and civil liability for sex trafficking at both the federal and state levels.

  • Expand federal criminal prostitution law to cover those who use the Internet to “promote or facilitate prostitution.” Many platforms would feel pressured to become more restrictive in their treatment of sexual speech.

  • Change the law retroactively: an online platform could be prosecuted under state law or held civilly liable for sex trafficking for failing to comply with the law before it passed.

  • Sex work will now be a federal crime.

  • Victims will be pushed back on the streets where law enforcement can't run covert online stings and aprehend sex traffickers

What can we do? We can still call our congressmen or senators, but we can also petition the White House to not sign FOSTA-SESTA into law.


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Thank you very much for posting this. I am glad you included the 'How Congress Censored the Internet' EFF link.

Congress is corrupt in so many ways (and this is something I've gone into in a recent 3-Part series of mine on how the CIA/Shadow Government/Deep State has basically usurped Congress' powers and abilities).

Keep up the great work.

Thank you, not many are talking about this unfortunately, rather I see a lot of folks cheering because it sounds noble, not understanding the deeper agenda, it's probably the most important thing to fight against to protect places like steemit and children in these situations!

Agreed. I always enjoy when you contribute to SGTReport as well. Thank you for hard work and fight against all the child abuse happening.

On a similar note, I was wondering what your take was on all these so-called "sealed indictments". It seems a lot of them have been there for several months and even a year, yet there doesn't seem to be much concrete happening in terms of major arrests. Do you think these are legit and something real will be coming out of them?

Also, I have yet to be convinced that this whole Q-Phenomenon is nothing by a distraction/deception/psy-op for the time being, but hope I am wrong. Your take?

In regards to Q's legitimacy, a few points to consider:
Crumbs are dropped and lots of questions are asked. Always prompting the readers to research and form their own conclusions. I've yet to see a psy-op that allowed so much control of "free thought".

If anything, Q is a sign of hope. Hope that there are still patriots out there who will question the narrative, and who will take action to preserve our freedom.

As for the storm....there are arrests being made. But the high profile indictments will remain sealed until the right time. This seems like a military operation, so who knows how it will unfold. But it's obvious that timing in critical.

I hope Q is the real deal, and if it's not then we're screwed anyway. So we may as well just buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Hi @godismyjudge,

You said:

Crumbs are dropped and lots of questions are asked. Always prompting the readers to research and form their own conclusions. I've yet to see a psy-op that allowed so much control of "free thought".

That's a fair point. However:

  • those - like us - who are seeing these bread crumbs are, for the most part, already red-pilled and woken up and thus don't necessarily need convincing.

  • Do you think the blue-pilled would even understand enough of these very cryptic messages to firstly understand them and then do their own research? Highly unlikely.

Hence, this is not a very effective means of transmission to reach a very wide (un-red-pilled) audience and to reach a 'critical mass' necessary to make a substantial difference.

Thus, I can only but retain my initial hypothesis. I hope I am wrong. But to me, if these are true patriots - many from intelligence agencies and the military - they are not utilizing the most effective methods of transmission and should thus employ better strategies; otherwise, this is all wasted steam don't you think?

Thank you very much for engaging in this very important conversation.

Thank you ♡ as for sealed indictments, i even pondered if it was some of us! Then with the new FOSTA-SESTA i wondered if they knew it would be on Trumps desk in 2018 and have been preparing indictments based on content about this very topic, especially the smaller platforms. Also, with Q, I dont really know what to think, I just started reading from the beginning, its good information for those that dont understand geopolitics or US political structure, and there are lots of coincedental things that have happened, like the #17 football jersey that Trump recieved, strange because presidents usually get the number of their presidency, his would have been 45... but he asked for 17... what's the 17th letter in the alphabet...? I'm not a QGirl by any means, but I find it interesting and at least it's making people start doing their own research, which has been my goal the whole time I've been sharing content.

Yeah, Q Anon is a psy-op. I've written a 4 part series on it - do check it out. It's a mammoth read, but hopefully worth it. :)
I've been meaning to continue with it beyond the initial 4 parts, because there's loads more to discuss in relation to it. But I have a whole theory developing around what Q Anon is doing.

Hello Shane, I see that you are new on Steemit, like me. But your content seems very good. I have just read the first part of your series and look forward to reading the rest. Following you now.

People need to stop falling for these illusionary saviors, like Q and Trump, and start relying on themselves instead.

Where are you from? I'm originally in Canada but have been in China for the past then years.


Like reddit but a little more complex and no censorship, just have to follow posting rules,

peachy. maybe I'll have a reserved Bunk at Camp FEMA....
Re steemed.