
We really should not fear problems like this, because solutions are born from problems. Totalitarian measures like this will just spurr further interest in new technologies to skirt the restrictions. An internet without net neutrality in the short run may look like a totalitarian hell hole, but due to an increased interest in decentralization an internet without net neutrality will ultimately look like an uncontrollable, decentralized, utopia. The free market is already responding to the problems.

Well put. "Solutions are born from problems." The free market will work it out, in time.

Might I add that YouTube's recent crackdown has only helped platforms like Steemit and Dtube.

yup..fuck youtube and thank you Dtube

Great comment.

No link to a source???

I think this is what your post missed:

The article suggests that the bill is likely to die in committee and not become law.

I don't think it will pass but there will be much more coming now that the gates are open. It just takes one to start it all.

The sad thing is that the bill was introduced by a couple of Democrats. It would make more sense if it had been introduced by a Family-Values Republican bigamist who was having sex with a minor.

Times have changed. The dominant force pushing against sexual freedom is Sex Negative Reactionary Feminists otherwise known as snerfs and they're democrats. Because porn apparently "objectifies women".

Just use a VPN if you live there?

Come on! half of the people don't know how to use a VPN (I know, it's easy, but I mean a lot of people just dont know, that`s the reality)

Besides there's no need to use a VPN, the normal thing would be that they let you do whatever you want for the service you pay for. If I want to see porn why in hell I have to pay an additional fee, why they have to control what I do.

Yea I agree it's retarded. I was just offering a solution since there's probably no stopping it.

and yes I know, the best option is to use a VPN, but why we need to, that's the real problem.

just install Opera Developer and it has a built in VPN service, for free. No special skills needed. Just open a New Private Window an its is activated. Thank me later

IDK, i prefer by far TOR, its like a real incognito mode firefox.

I had it for a year now. At one time the VPN was 7 countries deep not it only US and Netherlands. Still better than having nothing.

nice post

By my understanding, people who are not interested in porn will be affected by regulations brought in to inhibit users of porn. It's like a smoking area that also has the probability of non-smokers walking by or being in the vicinity. Or road blocks to test for alcohol-affected drivers that also steals time of non-drinkers. I know I might sound judgmental, but I have no say over others' lives so why should their actions affect mine? Thank you for the post @themarkymark

This is some bu11shit right here!

The shape of things to come?

As I don't watch porn live on an island, I'm safe, for now....

Agreed, but with global warming places that were not islands can become islands due to rising sea levels, so this affects us all.

Sneaky sneaky. This is the age of political correctness, in most Western nations there isn't much that classifies as not being offensive anymore. This is another nail in the coffin of free speech and the notion that it is more important not to offend than it is to speak ones thoughts, which is what this all comes down to, absolute control over freedom.

The fact the porn industry exists as a multi-billion dollar orgy of oligarchic tapeworms and masses of people with no other options is a by-product of the de-industrialisation and financialization of Western economies. I don't know if this will hurt the porn industry or not but if it does there just aren't any jobs for people with those, skills.

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