All The World's A Stage - We've Been Going Through! Why There Won't Be Nuclear Holocaust & How To Use The Triggers...

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Ever since I learned that most wars are deliberately engineered for reasons other than stated publicly and which typically tend to be just for financial gain of the industries involved or for population control (or both) - I have to view the world political war machine through different eyes..

While there is no doubt that millions (of innocents) die in these wars, they are seemingly always set up to involve conflict only between groups who do not both have nuclear weapons - ensuring mass death without total annihilation.

Many have speculated whether the psychopaths in charge of these war machines will one day trigger a huge war and then hide in their vast underground city bases (D.U.M.B.s - Deep Underground Military Bases) as M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction) ramps up above ground. To some extent this is a question of just how brainwashed the militaries are and just how insane and gutless they are in their bootlicking subbordination to control hierarchies... It also depends to some extent on how much of a death wish they have and how heartless they are.

The issue of unconscious death wish is what this all boils down to and in the collective unconsciousness, we may be surprised at just how close to home such a death wish is. How many times have you heard someone say "I want to die" or "Just kill me" - as if it is a joke? but sometimes these phrases are keying in to something that is certainly not a joke at the deeper level.

teresa may ww3.jpg

When we hold down emotions, we create suffering and imbalance. Karma is the process of drawing experience from which to learn so as to cause balance and healing. It is entirely possible to draw karmic triggers that are intended to cause denied terror and rage to move and our degree of consciousness in this process can make the difference between healing and tragedy.

When we are told that 'world war 3 is about to start' - how do we feel? Do we feel anything at all?
What if we give in and let go of our mental control and just feel our real emotions in response? What if we scream and rage in private (safely)? Will we feel better? Will the emotional movement cause ripples of change in the mass consciousness that lead to a greater peace and emotional stability?

I have heard it claimed that a truly spiritually balanced person can survive anything - including a nuclear blast. I do not know if that is true, but since there is only one field of energy in existence, it makes sense to me that 'somehow' we might be able to change our essence such that massive explosions do not harm us. I suspect that if we can do this, it will only be possible after having made radical and powerful shifts to our own energy, including our own emotions - such that we are not longer 'stuck' in physical form. (Something for us to ponder there, for sure!)

Regardless of what is and is not possible for us ultimately, we can each feel the difference that real emotional expressions make in our own feeling self and in our own state of mental health. When emotions are given full acceptance, instead of continued rejection and unlovingness, they feel calmer and more balanced. This calm and balance are exactly what is needed now on Earth and once they are more common, the reflections in the form of potential nuclear annihilation will cease to be presented.

For now, by feeling everything we can that is triggered and that is real for us, we do the perfect amount of work to help bring peace to the planet. We don't need to get these 'world leaders' around a table and 'talk sense' to them - we only need to lead our own world by allowing our own real felt senses to emerge and to begin to process the emotional energies that have been denied for so long and which effect and influence daily life constantly, but in denial and out of mind.

There will not be nuclear annihilation, no matter what the TV presenters claim - the apocalypse is only a revealing - not a destruction!

Much love!

Ura Soul

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I sense that any war is possible. Fear of war is certainly being injected into the collective consciousness. And its important, as you say, to feel how that feels in us.... in our bodies. And to move through those feelings. Not linger any longer than is necessary. My own perspective is the most we can do is take care of ourselves by tuning into love- this is not some abstract or fluffy 'thing'. It is an actual vibration in a Universe that is composed of energy. Tuning into love does not mean denying the energies of fear either. When we tune into what feels good, we create can create 'good' realities. There is no set future time line. We alter and create events. We do so all the time even if we don't know it. So feel, discern what feels best for you to focus on and allow this momentum. The phrase : CREATE LOVE NOT WAR COMES TO MIND... now where did I hear that?;) My point- LET'S TAKE CARE OF WHERE WE FOCUS AND HOW WE FEEL AND WATCH WHAT HAPPENS X

Absolutely, through inclusive self acceptance of all of self we can be sure we are able to direct our energies coherently and in completion, rather than thinking we are 'doing our best', when in truth we only have a small amount of us present and the rest is pointing somewhere quite different indeed.

When feelings are given full acceptance and expression through sound, there is no lingering possible - instead there is evolution and transformation.. Leaving no residue, just renewed energy and vibrance. :)

the sentiment is beautiful but I do not think as a species we are quite there yet, spiritual enlightenment and practice will save us for sure but it needs to be afforded and available to every human being on earth not just the ones who are privileged with basic human rights, looking at my nike airs and amazon delivery some one somewhere suffered for my comforts , and some of my cash is funding murder we might have to make a bit of a sacrifice and collectively change our habits so that we can all be in that place of peace together

Collectively we are close to being as out of balance as is possible, yes - hence the nuclear war threats. Real balance is needed, yes, so that means that we have a form of equality that feels good to everyone - which, I agree, will not involve factories, mass industry and militaries. It is advisible to end all habits and thus to then claim back the consciousness that has become unconscious due to the lazy presence of the habit. Do we really want to keep continuing on with our habits? I do not currently accept that 'good habits' can exist, since all habits introduce denial of some kind.

There is really no loss involved in finding balance and peace, the sacred is what must be found it is sacredness that has been lost, even from the idea of 'sacrifice'. True sacrifice is not about losing anything that is needed, it is about finding the sacred needs of the present and brining them to manifestation.

If we look at the causes involved in the exploitation of those who do physical production work by those who don't do such things - there is a spectrum involved whereby some of those who do not do such work ARE actually offering humanity valued skills and services elsewhere - yet many are not. Decentralisation is paramount in resolving these issues as it is the centralisation of power and resources that limits our collective ability to rise up to balance together, rather than struggling to get what we need and being forced to beg and plead to those holding the reigns just to be able to live on Earth at all.

By returning to the natural self that is powerful and not the false spiritual image of a meditator transcending the Earth (as if that will solve the problems on Earth - which it will not) - we open the door to new experience and a felt difference that will change the destiny of the entire planet.

Hi, thanks. My last 2 posts are on this issue of how propaganda is designed to trigger emotions that then lead most people to believe the lies.

I think more of such counter-psyop posts would be useful - assuming people read them! But using the same techniques as the psyops is, in my opinion, a step forward.

I shall include this post in my next curated resteems collection. Thanks again.

Done! Your post has been included in my latest AAKOM Curated Resteems post.

As long as any triggering comes with the understanding that triggering is being deliberately done - rather than just covertly doing it and then manipulating the result - then the outcome can be beneficial. Thanks for your resteem - I am very busy this weekend but i will try to look at your posts. :)

Interesting how it's also called the theatre of war.

yes, it's all 'action' by 'actors'.. unfortunately, that is the delusional version of things. these 'soul diers' are killing the soul of the earth.

What do i hear when i hear the pundits shouting WWIII?

Kind of how i would feel with Barnum shouting come see the great egress. When i have already seen the egress, and it just wasn't worth it.

Its a show, and it isn't even a good one.

Syrians used a gas attack, just as they won.. again.
We need to raise the debt ceiling or the govern-cement will be shut down.

They are lies. And they aren't even good lies.

They know that they need to trigger people emotionally to gain their participation - apparently not enough people remember 'the boy who cried wolf'!

There is a consciousness shift happening in the world now. When people are in emotional balance human kind will really make a serious leap forward and everyone needs to work on himself to improve because the change starts within

That's a good way of looking at our insane "Reality" and I tend to believe the same. However, there ARE Messianic Sects like Chabbad Lubavitch which are on a mission to make the Armageddon actually HAPPEN. This could be just another weird conspiracy theory, however, considering the enormous connections worldwide this group has and the fact, that Mr. 666 Kushner is a follower, it might also be a possibility...

There are certainly intentions to destroy the Earth - that is part of all of this; however, the Earth is a sentient intelligence and has her own will. The Earth has chosen to heal now and to clear out of herself everything that is of unloving light/understanding/intention. Just as when we are ill and pus comes to the surface, things will look nasty for a while and then there will be a wider acknowledgment that healing has taken place.

Can only hope you are right :)

I hope you are right, if we all soften our hearts and open our minds we may be able to create an energy that defies the dark and evil that has pervaded us. Let's try, there is nothing to lose. Peace and good-will.

Self acceptance is the key! <3

love the meme!

Absolutely love that poster!

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