Google/Youtube Censorship Agenda Continues - Challenging Irish/British Chat Show Host 'Richie Allen' Has Channel Deleted.. Help Get Him on D.Tube!

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Richie Allen is a chat show host who has been very active for years in challenging the the status quo and the lies of the lamestream media. His main niche is interviewing people whose views are never heard (or at least never heard in an honest way) through mainstream media channels. Today he announced his entire Youtube channel is gone.

richie allen show

My YouTube channel is gone. They deleted it around 15 minutes ago. Share as wide and as far as you can. 76,000 subscribers, 1,400 videos. Gone.

Richie works closely with David Icke and while he openly states he doesn't know if everything David claims is true (for example the whole reptilian agenda idea), he does go along with many of the other ideas David talks about since they are verifiable and accurate in many cases. David Icke is someone who, despite selling millions of books and going on sell-out tours, is still likely to be ridiculed by mainstream media sources and it appears to me, after years of watching this, that it is because he is right about important issues and they want him shut down.

Numerous large 'controversial' channels have been shut down by Google (and their government cronies) over the years and several of them have come to D.Tube as a great alternative option - my suggestion here is for Richie to do the same. I will be posting a link to this post to Richie directly, so if you have any well wishes for him, words of advice or offers of help in on-boarding him to Steem/D.Tube, then please write in the comments below.

It is rare for me to find anyone that I agree with 100% and that is how life is for most of us as we all have our own thoughts, experience, emotions and desires - however, I do agree with Richie's general professional direction and would like to see him continue to be heard and to expose the topics I care about and that are all but totally denied or ridiculed by the controlled mass media grid.

I posted only a few days ago of how Google has been fined 2.1 BILLION Euros for being found to have censored entire businesses and are now facing a class action law suit as a result too. They have also now taken steps to effectively kick out all small users from Youtube who might want to participate in being paid for the advertising Google benefits from on their videos - which I showed them applying to my own account in this recent, amusing meme.

Why D.Tube Can Help

D.Tube (Distributed Tube) is a kind of clone of Youtube that runs from the Steem Blockchain. Steem is a cryptocurrency that is also a social network system, which allows financial rewards to be given out to posters every day. Some posters earn large amounts of money here. I have seen my own work, which was heavily censored for years by google and facebook, flourish here and I am deeply grateful for that. D.Tube has no central servers for video storage and so is very difficult to shut down and really has no censorship as far I am aware.

@pressfortruth, @dannyshine, @leecamp, @marcstevens, @larkin, @larkenrose, @corbettreport and many others are thriving here - I highly suggest you take the time to research Steem, Steemit and D.Tube!

If you have any questions, just ask (new accounts currently have an authorisation wait time of up to 1 week and only one account per IP address is allowed since each account comes with free crypto money built in).

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul


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After DTube launched no reason left to stay on YouTube. YouTubers will realize that sooner or later for sure. Very nicely explained on your post why. I am saying same things my youtube, twitter and facebook friends. Thanks for sharing. Hugs from Spain.

When the fake media supports and provides adulterated news and earning billions based on that, banning or deleting channels of such users is not a big news. Anybody who wants to do something for the betterment of the world become victim by those who have power.
Its sad to hear about The Richie Allen show channel deletion. Though I didn't listen to him but I did follow so many such anchors who tried to speak truth and then stopped intentionally in my country.
I'm with you buddy. Dtube is going to be another youtube and I encourage Richie Allen to join it and spread his words here.

There are a lot of discontented content creators on YouTube right now due to monetisation issues, and that's understandable, but deleting someones entire channel is just horrible. All that time and energy put into making videos, being patient and building a following gone to waste. It's not right. This blockchain is already doing a great job of overcoming this kind of problem and I hope it will continue to thrive and grow.

@ura-soul I've been hearing things about censorship for a while now. My own channel was demonetized just a few days ago, which is not a big deal.

I feel there need to be some form of guidelines or censorship eg channels which promoted hate speech, violence, racism etc. on YouTube.

However deleting a news channel like Richie's is too much, and it truly opened my eyes now.

Youtube has a long history of completely deleting channels that contain material they disagree with. It is not usually until you start to become involved with exposing certain topics that elitist groups want covered up that you will come into contact with this. In my own case, my entire website was effectively delisted from Google search results and my comments on youtube were invisible to everyone except me. I was not informed that this had taken place and had to invest considerable time and resources into learning about it.. why? because it is illegal in more than one way in many regions for google to do this!

So sad to hear that Richie Allen channel has been deleted with 76000 subscribers i don't know why youtube is doing such kind of idiotness. My channel was also suspended having 5k subscribers. We need to raise our voice for this pathetic decision of youtube. will be more popular than youtube within few months.

Google owns Youtube and Google has contracts with major governments that effectively gives government agents direct control over the content - Google, it is said, often aren't even involved in the censorship directly.

I commented on his post he should join Dtube.

Shutting down Richie Allen's Youtube channel is very wrong and it shows that there are truths he is uncovering that is making a certain group of people uncomfortable. This is unfair in all ramifications. My heart goes out to you dear Richie Allens.
You will thrive in youtube. I can assure you that.

The question is, will David Icke be next? Google is really trying to shut the alternative media down, people are starting to see that their "do no evil" mantra is just a slogan and that they only care about their corporate masters.

It is further complicated because some of the 'alternative' people are probably plants from the empire builders intended to spread misinformation. It's unclear to me whether David Icke fits into that category or not, but I don't feel he is presenting radical and yet practical enough advice for him to be seen as much of a threat to many people.

I know David Icke divides a lot of people for a wide variety of reasons, but at very least one basic thing he does do is make a lot of people question the nature of reality who would never have even thought about doing so, thats got to be a good thing right? He has some interesting ideas :-)

It's good to question reality, yes - but my problem with him stems from the way he talks as if he knows all the answers to the most challenging questions without usually providing much to back his claims up. From what I understand he is fed information from numerous sources and doesn't really always do much to check them out.

Here's a video that goes some way to showing another side to it all:

I think part of his attitude like that may come from when he started, I remember when he came out with all his theories in the 90s, the level of ridicule he faced was astronomical, I think he probably developed a very thick skin and became possibly a little too focused on his beliefs in order to just survive, that self belief now has turned into something that he is 100% certain of, what do you think of Richie Allan? Have you heard the higher side chats? Thats quite interesting.

If you watch that video you will see his words are directly tied in with the lucis trust, which itself is a luciferian front, as far as I am aware. I cannot comment on whether he is a knowing or unconscious pawn in all that.

I don't think I have EVER seen David Icke interiewed by someone with a deep understanding of spiritual reality.

Richie Allen has guts and some good intentions, but he is similar to Icke in that neither of them have done much of the needed work to find deep balance. Richie does at least acknowledge that.

I am aware of the higher side chats, yes - it's a bit too intellectually dominated for me to listen to regularly, but it's interesting sometimes.

I was having problems getting the video to load, possibly cause I am on my phone, do you have the youtube link and I can copy and paste it into the app?

What about the Wogan interview? ;-) (joke)

I guess the overall fact that people like Richie Allan, David Icke and Greg Carlwood can even make stuff and get it out there and talk to others possibly opens up the human psyche to a certain extent? I mean even if we hear ideas that are untrue, is probably better that we have a wide range of them than hearing a narrow field of views that aren't true either, on a subconscious level perhaps it causes us to question reality and start asking those things ourselves, then perhaps one of us will find some answers too?

I remember when Icke started, nobody was questioning anything ever or at least if they were they were in the ultra fringe, I guess thats progress?

I will format the Youtube link so that Steemit doesn't auto convert it to a video:

It's good to have all voices heard, but that isn't really what has been happening so far - while David Icke sells out Wembley Stadium and I have never yet heard of his 'followers' actually achieving anything as a result - the many hardcore researchers and activists who actually are taking action in real life and actually do help people directly, often go un-noticed or get totally censored.

this is a great post. i appreciate your post... thanks for sharing.. up vote and resteemit done

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