What do you believe in? Would you do something wrong for the right reason?

in #news8 years ago


Would you go out and stand and protest for a cause? have you stood in protest for a cause? Well in this case Colin Kaepernick is sitting for a cause. All around us things are occuring on a daily basis. you can easily take your pick of the way you want to demonstrate and organize.

Now let me ask you this question. would you still demonstrate for a cause knowing that it could cause harm to your bank account? think about this. There are so many people on each side of what Colin Kaepernick is doing so many tearing the man down or building him up without even acknowledging what his actions represent. For him this stance could of had the potential to cost him millions of dollars. Yet he did it anyways because, in my opinion, A: He didn't think it would , or B: He felt the act would bring attention to a cause that he felt was so important that the money meant less to him.

jillff91a.jpg Just yesterday, Leading Green Party Candidate Jill Stein, had Felony warrants issued for her arrest in North Dakota. Over the previous week Jill Stein has been protesting with the North Dakota Sioux tribe. Their objective is to stop the oil pipeline from destroying sacred Sioux burial land.

Would you do the same? if it meant giving up the chance for a presidential run? Now i'm not saying she is/was going to win. I 'm not even going to say that this wasn't a plan to garner her more attention and to show the everyday Americans that she is willing to fight for what she believes in. I'm just curious would you do the same ?

Is there something going on right now that is so important that you can and would jeopardize your way of life?

What is your breaking point? What is societies breaking point? I know the line is blurred, but at what point does the line between humanity and the almighty dollar run together so that we can focus on taking care of each other.


This question is often something I find myself asking. I have only recently started to wake up and become less apathetic about the world around me, and it's been frustrating feeling like there is nothing I can do to change anything. I've been to a few protests, but nothing that would have repercussions.

Sometimes I think that means I'm not doing enough. Other times I think its ok, that I'm doing at least doing something. But really, I don't feel any more effective than slacktivists shouting their opinions into the void on Twitter. Maybe it's the willingness to sacrifice that leads to real change.

The same goes for me as well. I'm not an active protester for several reason. For me the limited income i do have could possibly be greatly affected if something was to happen to my job because of me being in the wrong place/ wrong time.
I'm not certain when true changes happens. I'm not certain if its struggle or sacrifice that brings out true change that we need I am certian though we need to change our mentality and teach our next generations to think for themselves. To strive to learn and to do better than we did before them.

"Would you do something wrong for the right reason"

You're title doesn't apply to the content of your post. As none of these people did anything wrong... They have valid reasons for doing what they do, and they are morally in the hence, hence are not going anything wrong.

Take care. Peace.

I agree with you 100%. They are doing nothing wrong in my eyes either. Though both are catching grief. One actually has charges brought up on her. that is the definition of wrong. Breaking a law is the definition of wrong, though we all do it. Kaepernick is refusing to stand for the national anthem. Many people view this as wrong as it is taken as a slight. really it depends on which side you stand on or if it has no affect on you at all. right and wrong are very funny like that because they are relative to the perception of the person.

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