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RE: 2016 ....the year that people said “enough is enough..!!”

in #news8 years ago

yet do you not see the genuine 'surprise' and concerted effort against Brexit and Trump by the ruling class or status quo? Fact that something opposite of what the (elite) trend is could, couldn't it?, suggest that there is something different occurring? I'm not suggesting we're entering a new era of roses and sunshine, but - it's at least a different tack from the prevailing wind, isn't it?
Alternatively, if you disagree, then would you confirm that you are adhering to a wholehearted cynical and pessimistic, dystopian view? If so -- nevermind. :-)


Vicktorya, my view is maybe cynical but I assure you that its better than a lot of wishful thinking being made by a lot of people, and if you read the news all the Brexit big shots are already backtracking on what they said and so is Trump.

I'm not a fan of wishful thinking or fantasy, and reading 'the news' is quite over rated. Perhaps I am cynical there, but I don't have a fantasy that what is put out by most news sources or 'big shots' as indicative of reality or trends. So many are 'surprised', as I said. What would you say indicates real backtracking and why do you think this confirms your cynical bias?
Thanks for dialog.

Vicktorya: Frankly what I suspect is that the most recent events like Brexit, Trump, Italy even Venezuela are just well planned tactics to divide the population, you know divide and conquer, just take a look at each of these countries (maybe not Italy) but there is a polarization, with nearly half of the country going one way and the other half the other way, and they appear to have such different points of view that they are practically enemies. I am from Honduras and I have lived through this since 2009 when we had a coup, we used to be ok, you know politically people would argue but there was not really any big problem, but now things are much different, there are confrontations some of them violent. I think someone is behind all of this, who I don't know but these changes at least in my view are planned.

Ok, so you see a hidden hand, the elites manipulating by divide and conquer. It is not a faulty view, yet I also see that, in the States at least, for decades and what we could call the combined elite status quo of the GHW Bush-Clinton-GeorgeBush-Obama- ... and tried to be Hillary Clinton regimes, that we had a status quo of big government, by both Republican and Democrat.
Parallel to this though we have had a liberty movement by independents and Libertarians. There was Ross Perot early on, then Ron Paul, and then in 2008 the Tea Party movement became strong. I do not believe these were controlled opposition or a divisive ploy by the status quo criminal crony political corporate cabal, but a genuine movement of the people who are fed up with the elite powers.
This growing movement has put itself behind whichever leader they could, and of the last 10 years or so there was not a good representative. I believe Trump therefore, was not selected by a group of elites, nor really was he selected by the people in any groundswell -- UNTIL he began running and saying the things that the people were already thinking. AT that point, it was obvious to me (and all others who were not at all surprised or shocked or dismayed by his election), that he won by such a large electoral margin.
The fact that there is so much genuine surprise and freak out by the mainstream media and the political class and Hollywood show that this isn't an alternative of 'another half', but a genuine people's movement, and therefore a very real reason for the Ruling Class to be afraid.
If Trump does not perform, or appears to 'sell out' to the ruling class, the movement will still continue.
Perhaps this is where many around the world miss an important point about Americans, is that the people themselves are not going to accept a king or a royalty or a ruling class for very long. There is an essential sense of liberty within us, and ... so far ... no amount of deliberate dumbing down (which has been extreme by the Department of Education, et al) has dumbed out of enough of us to squash the juggernaut towards freedom and independence.
I appreciate your comments.

Ok, I understand your point, but wouldn't you think Trump is part of the elite? So who do you think he would favor? I have no doubt people want and need change therefore they back anything they think will be a change for the better, what I don't see is them getting it.

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