// Techno NEWS // Huawei's Future Mobile OS Would Be Called Harmony
Known as Ark OS or HongMeng until today, Android's future rival, signed by Huawei, would finally take the name Harmony. According to some sources, its launch is even approaching.

Despite a easing of tensions since the G20 summit, Huawei continues to be wary of the Trump administration. To prevent its future smartphones from becoming unusable due to a ban on Android, the Chinese company is working on its own operating system (even though it has been doing so for several years).
Even if, officially, Huawei asserts that only the Chinese market is for the moment concerned by this development.
According to Forbes, Huawei plans to use the name "Harmony" to describe its mobile operating system in Europe. Known as HongMeng or Ark OS until then, the Chinese alternative to Android could eventually also affect other markets.
Huawei multiplies the versions
It is difficult to understand what Huawei is really planning. According to the interviews, the Chinese manufacturer's version has often evolved in recent months to such an extent that no one really manages to understand what will happen to Android on the brand's mobiles.
Thus, after stating that Huawei wanted to develop an alternative to Android, Huawei's boss backed down and told France's Le Point that:
HongMeng is not designed for phones as everyone thinks. We didn't develop the OS to replace Google—and if Google does withdraw its OS from Huawei, we will need to start building an ecosystem because we don't have a clear plan yet.
Le Point asked then Ren whether HongMeng would run faster than Android, the CEO acknowledged that his company "hasn't done a comparison yet," although he added that he thought, "it likely."
In other statements, the Chinese brand claims that Harmony/Ark OS is intended to replace Android... but only in China. It's hard to see clearly.
However, by calling its operating system Harmony, the Chinese brand is suggesting that its operating system will exist in the Western world.
And its presentation would now be counted in days and we should know more about it soon.
Source: Forbes

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