Facebook And Instagram ban Milo Yiannopoulis, Alex Jones, and Louis Farakkhan

in #news5 years ago (edited)


Facebook once again playing the thought police. Louis Farakkhan, Milo Yainnopoulis, Alex Jones, and many others were deemed dangerous and Facebook announced they will be removed from their platforms.

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A spokesperson told CNN Business "We've always banned individuals or organizations that promote or engage in violence and hate, regardless of ideology," (unless they work for cable news). There's the hypocrisy. All media outlets have pushed for endless war. Rachel Maddow should be banned for promoting a conspiracy theory that's pushing us onto the brink of nuclear war with Russia. Max Boot, David Frum, and Bill Kristol should have had their facebook pages purged for pushing the Iraq War.

I don't know who Louis Farakkhan is, but according to the CNN article linked to this writing, he's "notorious for using Anti-Semetic language". Well, it seems like anyone who criticizes the right-wing Israeli government can be deemed an anti-Semite. This can lead to censorship of left-wing accounts like Jimmy Dore or Secular Talk. This is why I stand with these people on the right who I massively disagree with. Silicon Valley billionaires should not determine who gets free speech and who doesn't, because 9 out of 10 times they will always lean in favor of the establishment. Social media should only be regulated as a public utility, with the exception of clear and direct threats of violence.

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