Why reading and watching the news is horrible for you

in #news5 years ago


Let me be clear here to start, that I am not talking about doing research, finding alternative and independent sources and the like. I think you know what I'm talking about when I say "the news". I mean those talking heads that read teleprompters while a banner scrolls across the bottom of the screen blaring every horrible thing that is happening or could happen to you in the near future.


The ones that are all owned by the same big six companies, the ones that dominate the sphere of information that slides around inside of the average person's brain like a broken piece of plastic in a cheap toy.

Image courtesy of https://filmanddigitalmedia.wordpress.com/2018/09/12/politicizing-creativity/

I get why people watch it, and why I myself occasionally choose to take a bleak look at these atrocities. They are engineered, and quite skillfully so, to capture our attention and cause a dopamine hit.

Whenever our brains get something that seems important, like the news pretends to be, our brains act like we just got something good. Like candy. Or a beer. The dopamine drips. And it keeps people coming back for more and more.

What is it really good for? What does it do for ME?

I asked myself this question quite recently after scanning through the New York Times; the once valiant assayer of truth and objectivity. Now, nothing more than a glorified piece of toilet paper. Except when you wipe your butt with the New York Times, it leaves its filthy residue on your rectum, a sort of stamp of approval.


When I asked myself this, I came to the tantalizing realization: it does absolutely nothing. I don't feel good, I feel bad and anxious. I don't feel informed, I feel violated and abused. It leaves a nasty taste in the mouth...and for the next hour or so I'm in a bad mood. It filters into other aspects of life. And I don't even get a fact.

I get a hit piece. Maybe a doom-and-gloom story. Someone got stabbed. Someone is a racist...hell everyone is a racist according to the NYT.

The world will end. The fictitious coronavirus pandemic is coming to my front door. Thousands more cases reported already...thousands more...and more...never mind the science or facts. That is verboten in the news. The news does not rely on information that is useful it only relies on inciting fear and hostility. Hate your neighbor, fear your neighbor. Fear everything. Don't go outside.

"You're safer at home" they say. Hell, I know that. I'm even safer in my bed with the covers drawn tight, a bottle of hand sanitizer and tissues to quench the tears lying on the bedside table. I'm even safer if I put a bag over my head and pull the straps tight. Death is more safe than life, you know?

The news is propaganda pure and simple...I have known this for so long that I forget that it is not common knowledge. Some people, maybe even most people, read this drivel and then think that is what the real world is like outside their window.


Photo by Hamish Duncan on Unsplash

We are a society that thinks we need to know everything going on. And then, because we got a half-assed look at something...we think we actually know. What we really know is what we have been engineered to know by the corporations behind these aberrations.

I know because I am one of them. I'm a researcher by design...I need to know. To better know the world. And I do find information hidden in the cesspool of mainstream media. But, 90% of my knowledge comes from books and independent media.

These "news" agencies are master manipulators. After all, many of them learned from the best: Edward Bernays a.k.a. "The father of propaganda". Sigmund Freud's nephew. From the Tavistock Institute...a leading school of propagandists. He's the guy that convinced women to smoke nearly seventy years ago.

When your uncle is a psychological genius, one tends to know how to infiltrate into the recesses of the subconscious of the masses. The sheep.

That is all the news really is. It is an engineered social manipulation / engineering apparatus. Period. May I say that again: PERIOD.

Operation Mockingbird was when the fun was kicked off. The CIA employed shills at nearly every single major news outlet in America. To control...manipulate and control. To snub out the rebels and free thinkers. More importantly, to turn the masses against this small minority of open minded individuals. Open minded and government control do not mix. The best slave is a stupid slave.

Of course "they" (CIA, elites, etc) knew that there would still be underground resistance. Alternative news, literature, history...and now websites. And they were prepared for this.

"You're just a conspiracy theorist"

Many, no most people do not know where this term came from. The term conspiracy theorist came from the CIA (of course) to thwart those that questioned the JFK assassination narrative.

Now, this term is used willy-nilly with anyone that questions mainstream narratives, whether it be 9/11, Bill Gates' experimental vaccination programs in Africa, or anything else of importance for that matter that would act as an inconvenience to the power control grid that continually attempts to shape the world politically (dubbed the New World Order).

This is perhaps the most unnerving of the mainstream media a.k.a. "news" programming. As in, "we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming". The ability to stifle outside opinions. Free thought.

If one watches enough news, they will subconsciously be led to dismiss alternative concepts as "conspiracy theories" and leave it at that. They won't even look. Its the perfect trap for control.

So not only do they lie to our faces daily, instill fear and doubt and in general ruin our thinking brains, but they convince us to fear and even become hostile to those that have differing opinions. And thus, the status quo, the general consent, is created. This is social engineering that would make Bernays quite proud.

The solution is bucking the system...starve the beast

What if, by chance, everyone just turned off the news? What if we all just walked outside and greeted our neighbors (not wearing masks) and explored? What if we went to alternative and independent journalists who put their lives and incomes on the line to present a real truth? Do we have to believe it? Of course not. But it would be hard to be dumber than the news.

They would try. Oh yes they would, to find other ways. Snub out the competition, enact politicians whom are in their pockets. Anything to keep us ignorant. But if we just didn't participate then they would die off just like a parasite without a host.

That is the key. Non-compliance. And teaching others to do the same.