Book Review: Speed Reading by Henry McKinnon

in #news8 years ago (edited)

"Books are the mirror of the soul."
Virginia Woolf

"Read not to contradict and confuse; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh and consider."
Francis Bacon


Source: TheBreakaway
Zy Marquiez
September 7, 2016

As a side note, having read another book on speed reading before this, much of the information is rehashed in similar manner within these pages. That still doesn't detract from the book because not everyone will have read other speed reading books, but the information is mentioned in case someone has already delved into this subject.

Keeping that in mind, Speed Reading by Henry McKinnon is a solid effort into the techniques of speed reading.

McKinnon not only outlines many of the techniques for speed reading in an easy-to-follow manner, but he also showcases some of the benefits of speed reading. These benefits delineated were appreciated as it shows how much the reader can gain from learning these vital skills.

Regarding techniques, the author delves into skimming, scanning, meta guiding and more. Also mentioned within the pages of his book are some of the speed reading software available for people to further their learning process.

Additionally, McKinnon also homes in on tips for reading comprehension, answers common questions about the subject while also dispelling many of the speed reading myths out there.

In its totality, this book offers ample pieces of information which the reader can glean from. If a person delving into this subject for the first time, this book offers a solid foundation from which to learn from. However, although this book does offer ample information, if someone has already delved into this subject it won't offer as much. It really depends on the person's repertoire.

Read More At: TheBreakaway

Zy Marquiez is an open-minded skeptic, writer, reviewer and researcher who seeks ideas beyond conventional thought. His website TheBreakaway features a diverse range of topics rarely covered by the media but still vital to understanding how our reality truly operates.


Thanks For The Mention
Speed Reading Is A Talent To
Be had

No problem. Very much so. Everyone would benefit from it.

Great review! Can you please verify that you are indeed Zy Marquiez, maybe by putting a link to Steemit on TheBreakaway website?

Yeah no problem.

In fact, had it loaded already as one of my four links, but that was via the Gravatar so it wasn't as obvious. There's a hyperlink there. It can be found Here

Now there's also an address as part of the profile that will show with all posts there as well. It's not hyperlinked though because it wont allow me too, but its part of the profile under "BreakawayConsciousness."

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