Reality Reduction: The 5 Media Conglomerates That Manipulate Reality & What We Know As "Truth"

in #news8 years ago (edited)


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

  • William Casey, CIA Director [1981]

Zy Marquiez
August 29, 2016

"The creation of this empire has been facilitated by the power of the corporate mass media, increasingly falling into fewer and fewer hands. The ownership of the corporations that today control the information available to the broadest portion of the population can be traced back to the same families and companies who backed Hitler."

  • Jim Marrs, Rise Of The Fourth Reich - The Secret Societies That Threaten To Take Over America, pg. 353

Media of all type plays a vital role into what we see as 'truth'.

If the media reports that there's terrorism attacks ever present, then that must be the truth. It's not like there's statistics that say otherwise.

If the media says the two-party system [duopoly, anyone?] that sells out the populace nigh every time to corporate interests is fair and just, then it is 'truth'.

If further, the media states that the economy is good, then it must be the truth. It's not like stores like Walmart
or fast food places like McDonalds have been closing establishments by the hundreds. [P.S. Those aren't the only business closing stores en masse.]

Never mind the fact that the media refuses to touch subjects such as preventable medical mistakes, which kill over 250,000 people and are the third leading cause of death in the United States. That is not the 'truth'. That must not be talked about. That is not normal.

Never mind the fact that the media refuses to home in on the fact that the people's rights to know what's in their food was eviscerated - again - by Monsanto via the DARK ACT 2.0 and corrupt politicians.

Never mind the fact that the media refuses to gaze at scientific fraud, censorship, intimidation, and even media collusion.

Never mind the fact that the media refuses to address issues, such as the testimony of CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson Ph.D., when he came out stating 'We scheduled meeting to destroy vaccine-autism study documents'. That's not 'normal'. Vaccines are always 'safe' and 'effective'. Right.

Never mind the fact that there are hundreds of references in literature that speak about the many effects of the neurotoxin, Thimersoal, in vaccinations. Again, that's not 'truth'. We must not speak about it.

Never mind the fact that many doctors such as Dr. Kelly Brogan, and Dr. Peter Breggin have come out showing what sham psychiatry is. That must not get airtime, because, that's not the truth. After all, what kind of world would we have if depression was not a disease, but a symptom, as Dr. Brogan has postulated.

One would figure at least one of those news-worthy events would get plastered all over mainstream media, but such is not the case. In fact, in the latest case of media censorship, Dr. Kelly Brogan's book - even though it became a New York Times best seller without any mainstream media press - was blacklisted from mainstream press. Of course, questioning mainstream narrative must not be done. They only report on the "truth".

As we can note, the mainstream media delineates what is, and what isn't 'truth' in our society. It's reality reduction to the hilt.

As if that were not enough, the media can be homogenized at any time.

Very salient and troubling examples follow:

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Exhibit C:

Please keep in mind, these are only some of the times the media's been caught. It's impossible for us to know how often this takes place, but the fact that these have taken place goes to show the control the media is under for such to take place. That also goes to explain why the mainstream media almost never reports conflicting information, even though the alternative media has shown how unreliable they are many times.

As you can see, whenever the tune is called, they all follow in lock-step. It's extremely worrisome that so many 'different networks can use the same message. So much for journalism!

How has this been accomplish? With the consolidation monopolization of the media.

Jim Marrs, in his notable book Population Control elaborates:

"While the US was once a nation with a great variety of newspapers and periodicals, today virtually everything a person sees or hears is coming from one of only five multinational corporations - the Walt Disney Company, News Corporations, Time-Warner, and Viacom [which now includes CBS] and the German publishing giant Bertelsmann. These five giants not only control the newspapers but for most of them also radio and television networks, movie studios, magazines, cable and satellite outlets, music companies, and even billboards."[1][Emphasis Added]

In all fairness, the media is merely a puppet of the establishment. This has been known for decades.

Nigh a century ago, Edward Bernays spoke succinctly about this in his book Propaganda:

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”[2]

As we can note, control of mass consciousness is nothing new. In fact, it's had decades to be perfected, which is why it's become so efficient.

And with 5 Corporations calling the shots, how hard could the manipulation Bernays spoke of be to accomplish?

It's imperative for us individuals to be mindful of this malicious manipulation that's been happening for many decades now. If we do not become cognizant of how the media manipulates our thoughts and beliefs, we stand to suffer greatly.

We as individuals need to seek information that's not only truthful, but empowering.

Such information will allow us to see reality for what it really is, and empower us in the process.

Let's get back to the initial point.

As we have learned, the media manipulation of reality unleashes brainwashing in certain ways people can't imagine. This shows how the power of the media can cast a dark veil on reality.

Regardless of what the latest mainstream media spin is, follow your instincts. They've led you this far.

The veil of propaganda will cease to have power over us the second we open our eyes and realize our inherent ability to see through the smokescreen.

And the best part about it is that the smokescreen is an illusion, a construct. Put there by the media to keep us coupled to the reality they dictate on the daily basis.

Ultimately, illusions, once seen for what they truly are, become powerless.

Open your eyes and pierce the veil.

Open your mind and cast light on the darkness.

It's the only way we're going to see the reality for what it really is.

Read More At: TheBreakway


[1] Jim Marrs, Population Control - How Corporate Owners Are Killing Us, pg. 290
[2] Edward Bernays, Propaganda, pg. 37-38.


That's why I don't have a TV in my house. On the internet you at least have some influence about what you are feeding into your brain.
The one thing that I hate is people who say that they don't watch tv but when I confront them saying:
" You do. It's always on when I come visit."
reply: " Yea, it's on but I'm not really watching it, it's just to have something in the background."
I really don't know how to convince them that this is even worse.
If you actively watching it at least you have a chance to think about what you hear and maybe recognize BS. If it's just in the background you will most likely suck it in without thinking , then repeated lies will seem an obvious truth to you, you may even think that you came up with it yourself.
For everyone who read "The Brave new world" - its the same as a speaker under your pillow...

Yeah what you mention about people 'not watching TV' is something that we see quite often. My wife and myself mostly read, and we quit cable nigh a decade ago but once my Mother moved in she has 'her shows she wants to watch'. Ironically, she knows better but still "has to have her tv" as she often says. Your plight about not knowing how to convince someone resonates with me as well. Yeah the constant repetition of lies/propaganda does have an effect on people, even if they don't realize it. Heck, one could argue that because one does not realize it, it could be in fact more efficient.

Have read "Brave New World", but never saw anybody state the analogy you have. Sage words. Will have to keep that in mind. Appreciate the comment.

Even the phrases are similar "less stitches more riches" - "if you bought an item or two ,or ten for yourself" - like they are treating this book as a instruction manual, scary as s**t

Reminds me of, "the more things change, the more they stay the same."

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