
Thank you kindly.

Found another article here on Steemit touching on the copyright takedown issue.

This has definitely peaked my interest - might have to do a more detailed post later on the copyright issues at play...

I for one would be interested in posts about copyright issues, especially about posts on Steemit. As a musician who plays covers (other musicians compositions), copyright is problematic because of the expense and legal hastle involved just to play a song. With the music business in a complete state of disarray and confusion, the arrival of the blockchain may provide solutions by eliminating the myriad middlemen who profit from collecting $ for the musicians and taking a cut. A blockchain with smart contracts could provide direct remuneration to the artist.

Steemit has enough worries as it is, but it would be great if I could play a cover and have a correct percentage of Steemit rewards go to paying the copyright owners. Steemit would be in competeition with Spotify, iTunes and other organizations, but a blockchain solution might simplify things, hopefully;))

I took a look at sigmajin's article, and yes, you should do that detailed post;)

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