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in #nh26rwk664 years ago

PS5 hands-on demos showcase gameplay (but not the interface)

"People outside of Sony are finally getting to try the PlayStation 5 beyond a one-off demo, and it’s now clearer what it will be like to use the console in the real world... well, mostly. Japanese outlets like 4gamer, AV Watch, Dengeki Online and Fami..."


Automate your social media promos with Postoplan

" If you’re interested in starting or growing a business or brand online, nothing is more important than harnessing the power of social media. Whether you’re trying to launch a new tech business or you’re more interested in creating a fashion brand that draws …"


Regal Cinemas may close US movie theaters again due to pandemic

" Movie theaters are still struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic despite efforts to keep them open. Cineworld has partly confirmed reports at Variety and Reuters that it’s looking at once again (if temporarily) closing its movie theaters in the US, U..."


Ransomware attack on a healthcare firm slowed clinical trials

" Cyberattacks on the healthcare industry are causing more headaches. The New York Times reports that clinical trials slowed down after healthcare software provider eResearchTechnology suffered ransomware attacks starting two weeks ago. IQVIA (a resear..."


After Math: Sonos sues Google again while Facebook keeps cleaning house

" Really, Google, we expect this sort of behavior from the likes of Facebook, not you. Amazon reveals 19,816 employees have had COVID-19 If you thought that Trump campaign rallies were rife with COVID, let me introduce you to a little place called an Amazon dis…"


《微软模拟飞行》开放 VR 封测登记

"Asobo 工作室宣布《微软模拟飞行》的 VR 游玩方式很快会开放 beta 封测,目前已接受登记,初期的硬件门槛是不低于 Core i5-8400 / Ryzon 5 1500X 的处理器、GTX 1080 显卡和 Windows Mixed Reality 头戴设备。"


《微軟模擬飛行》開放 VR 封測登記

" Asobo Studio/Xbox Game Studios 雖說目前的《微軟模擬飛行》已經能在一般顯示器上提供非常逼真的效果,但要論真正的沈浸體驗,還是要靠 VR 才能實現。而這種遊玩方式自然也在開發方 Asobo 工作室的考慮之內,日前他們宣佈很快會開始 VR beta 封測,《微軟模擬飛行》的 Insider 現在已經可以申請登記了。至於硬體方面的門檻,首先是需要有一台 Windows Mixed Reality 頭戴裝置。同時你的電腦也至少得配備 Core i5-8400 / Ryzon 5 1500X…"


スティーブ・ジョブズ逝去から9年。Apple SiliconとApple Oneに繋がる野心を振り返る

" アップルの共同創業者、スティーブ・ジョブズ元CEOが56歳の若さで逝去してから、本日でちょうど9年目。"


Tesla 上季交付 13.93 萬輛新車,創下公司新紀錄

" 之前最高的一季是 2019 年 Q4,當時的交付量為 11.2 萬輛。 Justin Sullivan via Getty Images Tesla 日前公布了今年第三季度的交付和生產報告,數據顯示其在該季中共交付了 13.93 萬輛新車。這個數字相較一年前同時期增長了 45%,對比前一個季度也有 53% 的漲幅。與此同時,它也創下了 Tesla 至今為止的單季交付量紀錄,在此之前他們最多曾於 2019 年 Q4 交付過 11.2 萬輛新車。 具體到不同的車款上,Model S 和 X 的交付量加起來共有 …"


特斯拉上季交付 13.93 万辆新车,创下公司新纪录

" 特斯拉公布今年第三季度的交付和生产报告,其中提到公司在上一季度中共交付了 13.93 万辆新车,隔年增长 45%,同时打破了 2019 年 Q4 创下的纪录。"



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