
Fully agree. Why can we not just livw freely. There are too many power and money hungry people out there and the people on the ground will always suffer for that reason 🙄😱

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What REALLY kills me about these situations is;
Those in control, the crucial 1% have more
Money, homes and property than they could
Ever POSSIBLY make personal use of.
Methinks it is a mental disorder like
OCD needing to control everything.

I like the point that I believe originated with @leecamp that's something like - if you hoard newspaper or cats or empty containers, you're considered sick, but if you hoard dollars, nobody seems to think that's a problem even though it harms a lot more people...

Oh!, now I LIKE that one. I'll try to remember it, and if I do use it,
I'll try to remember the source. (I actually went back to bed
Slept for 3 more hrs, got up to check in, and may go
Back to b ed for a while again. 😱)

We had a similar discussion over lunch today. There will never be peace because peace don't make money, war does. We'll never win with saving the planet because that doesn't make money. But destroying it does and the handful that are in control, they reap the benefits while we live with the negatives. 🙄

Posted using Partiko Android

It is so very very depressing and just WRONG for things to be this way.
I don't know what we can do about it either.
History has taught us that overthrowing those in power by violent
Means really just means replacing one despot with another, possibly
Worst despot.
We might get one better leader, for his/her lifetime, but inevitably
That much power leads to an equal amount of corruption.
I wish I knew the answer. I know that socialism isn't the answer.