Nigel Farage ignites nationalist movement to defeat the globalists at Trump Rally in Jackson, MS

in #nigel8 years ago (edited)

Nigel Farage Awesome Speech ignites a nationalist movement to defeat the globalists at Trump Rally in Jackson, MS. Desperation of the Hillary Clinton campaign after Infowars, Breitbart, Drudge and others unleash viral news revealing Hillary’s very poor health ....

The people see through this BOUGHT AND PAID FOR MEDIA that DOES not REPORT NEWS... News is EDITED by the CLINTON CAMP'S, then it is SANITIZED,, REPROCESSED and REPACKAGED before they send out their PROPAGANDA they call News.... NEWS has NOTHING TO DO WITH these Gossip COLUMNS that SPEW NOTHINGNESS.... NOW the only thing the MEDIA REPORTS,,, IS CLINTON FICTION..... LAME STREAM MEDIA IS A JOKE,,, REAL News went out with COPPER WIRE and the 5 1/2 FLOPPY hard drives... THE only real NEWS you get NOWADAYS,,, is by the GENERAL PUBLIC who INVESTIGATE and ASK REAL QUESTIONS,,, Not the SANITIZED,,, how are your GRANDCHILDREN when your ECONOMY IS FALLING APART,,, and MILLIONS OF people are out of WORK and you ON A BLOODY WAR PATH with another NUCLEAR COUNTRY which YOU CAN NOT WIN.... LAME STREAM MEDIA is not NEW PEOPLE,,,, If you think it is,,, then go back to watching Hillary clinton telling people how she stepped off the plane IN SNIPER FIRE during a TSUNAMI in the DESERT and how the WATER washed away the all the BAD GUYS as the ANGELS Gently lowered HILLARY Back to the EARTH,,, and HOW Hillary was able to DONATE HER KIDNEY to the GIRL SCOUT WHO got hit by one of the BULLETS....


Should have probably posted this in #news too, and maybe added a little more information or opinion about it.

Keep that in mind next time and best wishes on your success.

Thank you,,, I was trying to figure out what I did wrong...

Now this is an entirely different post than I saw.
It was just the simple 1 sentence before.

You know Papa pepper,,, for all the years I have been commenting on OTHER PEOPLES post. I thought I may as well, Post my OWN. I appreciate your Pointing out the TAGS thing to me as I was not aware what it was there for.... Thanks again for the heads up.

No problem, papa is here to help!
You are welcome!


Hey Orion great video, love to watch that guy Nigel.

If you don't mind a bit of advise, you may want to stick to something with more staying power that people will not forget one week down the road.

Very inspiring Video, Trump is in Mexico after just being in Louisiana... Wow,,, he is already stepping up as a President more than Hillary...

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