in #nigeria6 years ago

Have you ever wondered why people commit suicide?join bad gangs?or wail away their time in depression?

What is suicide?
Suicide is the act of intentionally causing ones death.

Have you ever wondered why some people say LIFE'S GOOD with a biiiiig grin on their face when asked the question"how's life"?while another will sigh,shake their head and mutter few curses to themself when asked same question.

Bad as it sounds,a lot of people consider suicide everyday.Even people you can't afford to loose may have sometime considered taking their own life.And that brings me to the question,WHY?3c5079a3298e29fe1f7c007db8cffd25_XL.jpg]

There are too many factors that can cause someone to commit suicide,and they include

I lost my dad when I was eight.being the first child and closest to daddy,i felt I've lost it all.i grew up with only my father's love(outside God's love o).then,the silly thoughts began to creep in.thoughts like"can you survive this?how long can you hold on?do you even have a friend?who cares to listen to you?oh patra,d worst has happened to you!
Then,yes,i started considering suicide.but why didn't I?
Simple,because I considered many factors.What is worth dying for?why would I just give up on my glorious future because of present circumstances?is dying just the best?what about hell?oh no!!!! Is my case practically the worst?no way.I Encouraged myself in the Lord just like David,i opened up my heart to accept genuine love from people that love me.And today,the case is different.


Why die in silence when you can speak up?
Why can't you just say "I need help"
Dying in silence is never the best,and guess what?you don't know how much love you command until you cry out for help.
There is a glorious future only you can see!
Yes,maybe,just maybe it's all part of God's ONE BIG PLAN for your life.
Even if everybody gives up on you,c'mon,do you have to give up on yourself too?
See,Nothing is worth dying for oh.there are worse cases out there.
PAUL was in prison when he said to the body of Christ"rejoice ,I say unto you,rejoice.yes nah,he was in prison and he had the guts to say that?YES.
SO brace up,clean your cloth,wash your face,rub powder,smile,look in the mirror,and tell yourself that you are the best of God's specie.



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