Quick 9/11 freewrite.

in #nineeleven6 years ago

My kid learned about 9/11 today.

I have mixed feelings about it. I guess that's a thing they teach about in history classes now. I'd never thought about that.

I don't know how to explain to my kid the possibilities of what happened that day. I don't know who did it. I still don't understand why. And it's not something I try to focus on.

Whoever it was, they changed the world forever. Our government manipulated the deaths of three thousand innocent people to tear the fabric of Liberty. Whether they did it or not, I'll never know. And I can't change.

I don't know how to reconcile any of it. All I know is I need to feed my chickens.


All I know is I need to feed my chickens.

That’s exactly how I feel. And I really do need to feed my chickens.

Yup! Getting some chicken time :)

The big ones sneezed lol. I didn't know chickens could sneeze.

Also, I need to make a feeder that's more protected from rain...

Lol! I didn’t either. We have one feeder that has wheat in it. We don’t mind if that one gets rain in it. But..we’re also new at this so don’t take my word on anything

I'm new too lol

I'm gonna rig something up with a bucket. I'll post pics when I do. Got an idea in my brain...

that's a sad day,a painful day,a terrible day.Good article,thanks for sharing.

Yeah, it's kind of amazing to think it happened 17 years ago now. That's certainly fits as part of history. It happened in our lifetimes, but not our kids'. Shocking thought. Just like our kids will know a floppy icon means SAVE, but won't actually know what a floppy is... 😉

The kid next door told me he has never seen a videotape.
He couldn't believe we had to rent those and rewind when we were done watching.
And when i started talking about casette he laughed at me for being old. ( I was like wtf I am only 28 yrs old).
The kid next door is around 12 yrs old, so the past 16 years so much has changed, we went from video tapes to dvds to online streaming.

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