The Fukushima Model for Governments Manual

in #nuclear-power7 years ago

Today we read in that 2 reactors met the regulator's safety review. That's awesome news, aren't they?
If it wasn't for the historic ability of governments agencies to lie up to their eyeballs, that would be indeed, very good news. Sadly for us, mere citizens, coming from a government agency, it's actually extremely BAD news. Everything they say should be taken as potentially the opposite.
What worries me about Fukushima lies, though, is not the lie itself for this I know for a long time that governments lie about basically everything. The Fukushima lies are more of a concern to me for the scope of its consequences. So, here we are in front of a disaster worst then Chernobyl many times over (YES! worst! - despite of what you've been told), that is potentially an extinction event and what's the governments response? "Calm down, everyone. We got it under control".
Ok, even if, let's say, this time we give them credit.
5 years after listening to all their BS and sucking it up, we would have data showing that we'd been lied about every aspect of the story. According to this article 1)The disaster made and its currently making casualties; 2) the disaster WAS worst than Chernobyl (and a lot worse); 3) Children in the Fukushima prefecture IS being affected and the rates of thyroid cancer is 20 to 50 times higher than in the remaining areas; 4) It IS affecting soil and water. Fish containing 258 times the radiation deemed safe for consumption were found, along with bizarre plants formations.
Adding to this, earlier this year we found that reactor 2 has way more radiation than previously "estimated". In 2012, Tepco had announced the radiation output in R2 as being 73 Sievert per hour and , since then, because it's difficult to measure (there are no robots that could reach the place without being damaged by the radiation), there were no measurements. Again, this year they calculated an estimation that the radiation is about 530 Sieverts per hour!!!

1 Sievert is the maximum amount of radiation allowed for a NASA astronaut FOR A LIFETIME!! Let that sink in for a moment...
I'd recommend for anyone who's interested in an in depth review of the whole case and its branches, to read the whole article in this link.
Bottomline is, why would we believe in anything the MSM tell us about anything, when, even in front of a potential extinction level event, after 6 years of proven lies after lies, they still.... lie!
I will end this blog post by posting a link to the PSR page about the dangers of nuclear power plants:
As always, I encourage everyone to do their own research :)
Satyan Nasti Paro Dharmah - Nothing is Greater than Truth
Links for reference:
1; 2; 3; 4 Good one***; 5


That picture makes me feel uncomfortable for some reason lol

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