in #nuclear7 years ago


There are many examples of the above happening right now on this earth, why?

Why is our food being genetically messed with?
Why is our food beginning to mutate like that baby?
Are you upset yet? Good because it's time for us all to start taking action, before I tell you how I think we can take action let me show you one of the things that are causing this issue right now.


That image of bags of soil and organic material is so massive your unable to see it all and there is 30 million tons of it. The waste is highly radioactive. It's the most toxic earth that was removed from the top level of the earth around the plant with the organic matter and it like all other organic material when sitting builds heat up. Yes they have pipes in between the piles of garbage but all it will take is one bolt of lighting to strike even one of these piles and we will have radiation released into the air and it will cross the earth to each of us and you can see the direct result of that from the pictures I have posted. Oh you thought that was the bad part, right? Not even close.

Welcome to the 4th unit of Fukushima Daiichi. This nuclear unit is highly damaged and if it takes even one more earthquake it is going to crack the containment holding in the water in keeping the rods still in there cool.

Now here is what makes this real scary. There is no more roof on the unit 4 building and if it releases that water not only is it highly radioactive but it will cause the rods still in there to catch fire and in doing so it will then proceed to let it's radioactivity into the air and it will come right across the earth. Oh wait you thought that was bad? Nope


What you are looking at there are over 1100 huge containers for highly active water that are built very poorly and only designed to be good for 5 years. They are rusting now and leaking water. These are only bolted together with gaskets in-between and the hoses attached are of poor quality and could easily break loose. One earthquake and they could easily break apart and release all of the radioactive water.

1/3rd of all sea life is now dead, many of our land animals are now dead, people are being born with massive deformities and ding from cancer now at alarming rates and none of these is being disused by news networks or how bad the radiation is bad for us.

Just 432 days at 100 Counts Per Minute (CPM) and one in 1000 will get cancer.
86 days at 500 CPM
28 days at 1500 CPM
4 days at 10000 CPM

In 14 years at 500CPM you will have radiation sickness.
259 days at 10000CPM and you will have radiation sickness.

If you visit the following site you will notice there are many Nuclear plants that are releasing highly dangerous amounts

As if it could get any worse many of these plants are over the 50 year life times and still operating and are not built any differently then Fukushima, but even if they were dose that make any difference, I say no and it's time to put an end to these things going up.

It's time to spread the word about this crisis and to stop these plants from being produced and to decommission all plants in existence today.

Fukushima will need to be fully encased in concrete at this point just as Chernobyl was and the area around it should not be inhabited by any humans for well over 100 years before it can even be considered safe to return.


It's time to spread the word and let as many people know what is going on and just how bad things have gotten. The more this is known about the more we are able to org ionize groups of people to create class action lawsuits against these companies and have protests in hopes of waking up even more people to why this is such a big crises and what is happening. It's time to let the nuclear industry know it's not profitable to kill us or put our lives in harms way. It's only a matter of time before the next nuclear disaster happens if we don't put a stop to them as soon as possible. This is one of the biggest emergencies we have right now and few realize just how much it matters so share this post and let's get the word out. It's time we do something.


the first fukushima is still leaking, despite what the usual sources say!.. no one has any common sense, when you add chemicals unnatural to food or water supplies, it's going cause problems. even small slow doses build up over time.

Yeah not only is it still leaking but every day that goes by we are that much closer to this thing getting way closer to any one of those disasters above happening. water is leaking into the ground and they have no way of preventing this from happening. Many of these radioactive chemicals that are highly dangerous have a half life of 30 years, so well over 100 years before it's even safe.

Great. Thanks for sharing. I vote for you and begin to follow you. And Resteemed...

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