Nutbox, Create DAO and Configure its DApps in 3 Minutes

in #nutbox3 years ago

Nutbox has launched on Steem/Hive network on 21st Feb 2022, marking the first stop in its long odyssey. So what exactly is Nutbox?

What is Nutbox
Nutbox is a DAO creation platform without coding. It providing out-of-the-box functionalities to building DAOs, onboard users and bootstrap communities.

Nutbox wishes to become the community hub of Web3. We aspires to create an interconnected ecosystem of users, communities, and protocols, to empowers seamless Web3 participation.

What Can Nutbox do?

As Vitalik pointed out in《BOOTSTRAPPING A DECENTRALIZED AUTONOMOUS CORPORATION: PART I》: DAO is constituted of a series of inviolable contract, these contracts can automatically allocate its assets and generates revenue, all without any need for top-down human direction.

With Nutbox’s protocols, DAO founders can create a series of smart contacts to allocate its community assets. Nutbox protocols can assist DAO founders in:

01 Create a DAO in 3 minutes
Register community token and define its minting rules
02 Configure the DAO’s DApps
Deploy the ISO module of DAO, launching DAO’s financing
Launch liquidity mining
Create community staking protocol
03 Create community proposal system

How to Create a DAO

01 Create a DAO in 3 Minutes
1.1 Register Community Token
Open Walnut【】, click「Create New Community」, fill in the community token’s name, token abbreviation, pre-mine amount, then click「Register Token」。



1.2 Define the Minting Rules of Community Token
The minting rules of token are the core of DAO. Bitcoin is minted according to block halvings, DAO founders can define the minting rules of its community token according to the needs of DAO. Once the minting rules of community token has been defined, click「Approve」.


1.3 Fill in Community Information
Fill in the community name, website, and description, upload the community’s logo, token’s logo and community’s cover image, then click「Commit」.


1.4 Configure DAO Fund
In the community configuration interface, click「Asset」, configure the fraction of minted community token to be allocated into the DAO fund account and replace the DAO fund account with a community-controlled multisignature account.


02 Configure the DAO’s DApps
Nutbox provides pluggable DApps for DAOs, so that DAOs are not hindered by DApp development.

2.1 Deploy the ISO Module of DAO
ISO stands for Initial Staking Offering. Users delegate PoS Token to the community validators or validators supported by the community to receive community token while the community will receive the staking rewards.

Currently, Nutbox supports the delegation of staking assets on STEEM/HIVE blockchains.

In the Configure – Pool interface, click「Add Pool」, select Steem Staking or Hive Staking, then configure according to the hints.


2.2 Deploy Liquidity Mining Protocol
Before deploying liquidity mining protocol, DAO founders have to create a trading pair for its community token in a decentralized exchange. Once the trading pair is created, go to the Configure – Pool interface, click「Add Pool」, select「BEP20 Staking」.


Fill in the LP Token contract to provide liquidity for the community token into the box and select. Fill in the name of the liquidity mining pool, define the fraction of community token to be allocated into that mining pool, click「OK」.



2.3 Create Community Staking Protocol
Community staking protocol supports the staking of any BEP20 assets to “mine” community tokens. The creation method is the same as the protocol of deploying liquidity mining, you only have to replace the LP Token address with other BEP20 token address.


03 Creating Community Proposal System
In the configure – Governance interface, fill in introduction for the community proposal system, the lowest amount of token held required to submit a proposal, the amount of token to pass a proposal voting, upload the cover image for the proposal system, then click「Update」and you’re done.


For operational guide, please check out:

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This is really cool, I am especially happy about this, I have been looking to build something like this though I do not have extensive knowledge about programming, I will practice with the steps above.

Great Job guys.