OCD International Daily: Issue #102

in #ocd7 years ago (edited)


Welcome to the 102th issue of @OCD international Daily!

Issue #102 highlights content from ten (10) fantastic Steemit Content Creators in 10 different languages! The OCD international team on its journey continues to search tirelessly throughout the multiple languages on Steemit for undervalued gems as provided by relatively new users.

Today our curators have delivered ten incredible pieces of original content to share with you! These works as provided by newer Steemit users don’t have the audience which their quality content deserves. @OCD strives to provide that audience and intends to showcase Steemit users who put in tremendous effort to create flourishing content.

The nomination process

A curator will FIND a piece of work in his language (typically from newer users), discuss with the other curators of that language and they will choose the one that will go into the compilation.

We encourage you to visit these blogs and to show these great Steemians your support and encouragement.

If you enjoyed their work give them a Follow or maybe even say Hello!


Tim kurator OCD bahasa Indonesia, @mariska.lubis dan @machiata memilih tulisan dari @putrimaulina90 untuk kompilasi hari ini. Tulisan ini bercerita tentang Semarang, kota yang pernah menjadi tempat tinggalnya selama dua tahun. Tulisan ini adalah tulisan kerinduan terhadap kota Semarang yang memberikan banyak kesan, apalagi setelah pindah dan meninggalkan Semarang untuk kembali ke kampung halaman.

The OCD Indonesian Language Curators, @mariska.lubis and @macchiata, have chosen a post written by @putrimaulina90 this time. She told us story about the beauty and joy of Semarang, capital city of Central Java Provence. She lived there for two years, and this post is written as her expression of her longing, especially after she left the city and came back to her hometown.

Semarang, Kota Klasik Bernuansa Oriental-Eropa dan Keindahan Alam


La publicación que les compartiremos hoy es de @mfestra es un recorrido por su ciudad natal El Limón, en Venezuela. Que es un pintoresco pueblito al pie de una montaña que solía ser una hacienda de caña de azúcar. De aquellos tiempos sólo queda de recuerdo el Torreón, una pequeña estructura que data de esa época.

The publication that we will share with you today is from @mfestra it's a tour of “El Limón” her hometown in Venezuela. It is a cute little town next to a mountain, it used to be a sugarcane plantation. From those times, the “Torreón” is the only thing that remains, a small structure from that time.

Mi 2018: Un recorrido por mi ciudad: El Limón


Ancora un post scelto dal @ocd Team per la lingua italiana è questo di @mad-runner curato da @meanmommy33. Un pò prima di San Valentino, viene questo post romanticissimo, una storia di amore nell’epoca digitale che ci ricorda quei primi sentimenti, la passione e l’amore quando nasce...

Another post chosen from the @ocd Team for the Italian language is this of @mad-runner curated by @meanmommy33. A bit before Valentine’s Day, it comes this super romantic post, a story of love in the digital era which reminds us those first feelings, the passion and the love when it gets born…

Un tuffo al cuore


Politik ist ein Thema, das Menschen hier eher vermeiden. Kuratorengilden versuchen, keine religiösen / politischen Posten zu haben. Wenn Sie den Beitrag lesen, den @eskalator geschrieben hat, erfahren Sie, warum @anomadsoul ihn nominiert hat. Es ist nicht das Thema, sondern die Qualität der Analyse, die den Leser anspricht.

Politics are a subject that people tend to avoid here. Curator guilds try to not feature religious/political posts. When you read the post written by @eskalator you will find out why @anomadsoul nominated it. It is not the subject, but the quality of the analysis that appeals to the reader.

Die CSU macht Gesetze die Erdogan sich wünschen würde...


La team francophone (@ixindamix et @Roxane) vous présente un article qui nous apporte beaucoup de soleil. @marc-allaria nous parle de son périple à Nuguria Island. Il nous invite à voyager avec lui... à découvrir.

The french team (@ixindamix and @Roxane) presents an article that brings us a lot of sunshine. @marc-allaria tells us about his trip to Nuguria Island. He invites us to travel with him... to discover the world.

DISCOVER PAPOUASIA#4: Les atolls oubliés - Nuguria !


Polski team (czyli @fervi i @lukmarcus) nominuje @kosma.ldz. Wizja artystyczna na wizualizacjach to jedno, a wykonanie to druga sprawa. Łatwo jednak okłamać obrazem, gdy nie pokazuje się całości, która jest monotonna i nudna. Autor pokaże wam manipulację architektoniczną w wykonaniu miasta Łódź.

Polish team (so @fervi and @lukmarcus) nominate @kosma.ldz. Artistic vision on visualisations is one thing, and realization is the other thing. However, it's easy to lie with the image when you can't see the whole thing, which is monotonous and boring. The author will show you the architectural manipulation performed by the city of Łódź.

Rynek Kobro - powtórka z placu Dąbrowskiego i majstersztyk manipulacji?


新しいスティーミアン @taiki9121 さんの投稿を紹介します。カップルで投稿をしている @taiki9121 さん、お二人で神奈川県の吾妻山公園に行って来ました。キレイな写真は彼女のMaeさんが撮ったものです。ぜひ立ち寄ってみてくださいね。 Curated by 日本語OCDチーム @djynn & @fukako.

The new Steemit account @taiki9121 is run by a couple. Today, the author will share some photos they took at Azumayama park in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan. The photos of bright canola flowers will bring an early spring to you. Curated by Japanese OCD team @djynn & @fukako.

I took pictures at "Azumayama Park"😂 吾妻山公園で写真を撮ってきました!


今日OCD中文區小隊 - @htliao@Travelgirl 想為大家介紹 @irenett. 她是一位學生。她喜愛美食和在香港到處遊玩,發掘香港有趣的一面。她想藉着steemit這個平台,記錄和分享自己生活點滴和趣事,例如在大學參加的活動。香港被稱為美食之都,所以她也想分享一些香港街頭小巷的特色美食給大家。她最近分享了一間以自助餐形式運作的素食餐廳,希望向大家推介特色美食的同時,可以介紹一些在香港的小店餐廳給大家認識。

Chinese OCD team @htliao and @Travelgirl would like to introduce @irenett. She is a student and foodies. She loves hanging around and discovering the different sides of Hong Kong.

She wants to share her U-Life and other life moments in steemit. Hong Kong is a world-famous culinary capital, so she also shares some restaurants and Hong Kong delicacy to you.

She recently introduced a vegetarian restaurant, which offers buffet for lunch and dinner. She wants to recommend and some delicacy and introduce some small restaurants in steemit.

美食團1 素食自助餐-無肉食 Food Tour1 Vegetarian Restaurant- Ahimsa buffet


Het Nederlandstalige ocd team @jackjohanneshemp en @poeticsnake hebben deze blog voor u uitgekozen. Met deze nominatie stellen we u de steemians @gerben aan u voor. In deze blog ’Film huren of toch maar Netflix? Digitaal of contant?’ bespreekt @gerben zijn ervaringen in Nieuw Zeeland . Tevens stelt @gerben de digitale evolutie in vraag. Is het digitaliseren niet veel te ver doorgedraaid?
Deze post is informatief en geeft je een inzicht in het leven in Nieuw Zeeland. Tevens wordt in deze blog onze manier van leven in vraag gesteld op vlak van ecologie. Bent u op zoek naar informatie over Nieuw Zeeland of wilt u je meer informeren over de evolutie in de digitale wereld. In beide gevallen zal deze blog u boeien en aanzetten tot het nadenken over de aangereikte vragen door deze blog.

The Dutch speaking ocd team @jackjohanneshemp and @poeticsnake have chosen this blog for you. With this nomination we introduce the steemians @gerben to you. In this blog 'Rent a movie or just Netflix? Digital or cash? @gerben discusses his experiences in New Zealand. @gerben also questions digital evolution. Is digitization not too far?
This post is informative and gives you an insight into life in New Zealand. Also in this blog our way of life is questioned in terms of ecology. Are you looking for information about New Zealand or do you want to inform yourself more about the evolution in the digital world? In both cases, this blog will fascinate you and encourage you to think about the questions you have given by this blog.

Film huren of toch maar Netflix? Digitaal of contant?



@ryh0505님은 고구려의 명장인 연개소문을 그렸습니다. 고구려의 영류왕과 귀족들은 당나라에 굴욕적 외교를 하고 있었고 당나라에 강경한 태도를 보인 연개소문을 제거할 계획을 세웠습니다. 그러나 연개소문은 이를 미리 알아채고 행사를 열어 그들을 전부 죽여버립니다. 이 그림은 그러한 긴장감을 잘 담아내고 있습니다.

@ryh0505 drew Goguryeo's (one of korea's early dynasties) famous general Yeon-Gae-Somun. At the time, the king of Goguryeo and the noble people around him had a humiliating diplomatic relationship with Dang (the early Chinese dynasty) . Because general Yeon was against this, the king decided to kill him secretly. Fortunately, general Yeon knew this beforehand. He threw a party at his house and invited the king and the nobles then killed them all in the middle of it. This drawing captures the moment. Curator @zoethehedgehog.

[그림작가&글작가 콜라보 이벤트] 연개소문(淵蓋蘇文) 반란의 시작

Thanks for stopping by as this concludes today’s OCD international Daily. We would like to congratulate the authors nominated as well as those featured.

Hopefully, you were able to take away something different, fresh, and new from the pieces as provided by the @ocd curators.

The OCD team would also like to thank those that strive to make a difference. As anyone can create a posting but only some can create/build value.

Be sure to check for tomorrow’s edition of OCD international Daily!
Keep up the good work creating original content

You never know when @ocd may be around :)

@anomadsoul here, hoping you had a good time reading this comp

Know that your Resteem supports undervalued authors!

OCD Now Has a Steem Witness...

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Use the 'ocd-resteem' tag on quality, original content for a chance to be selected.

Read more about it here.


What about Bengali language? Have any plan to add more language??

Ooooo... I see

Congrats to @mfestra loved the photo. That place looking kinda scary tough. Reestimed!

thank you so much @luiggih! I'm so proud to everybody can see my little town.

Gracias @ocd por mostrarnos distintos lugares, y permitirnos viajar a través de sus fotos.

Gracias a ti por compartir con la comunidad.

Completely random question...

But I see those OCD shirts that some members of your community are wearing. Where can we buy those to support OCD?

Where?? I want one too!

Thank you for posting!!
I will continue to do my best in the future!(^^♪

Feel so great. Thanks for this post. I will do better next time. Keep steem on.

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