Hi Paul, this is my first time seeing you. I am also on a weight loss journey. My "progressive" doctor has me on the Ketogenic Diet and it is amazing. I have for all intents and purposes reversed my type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. You might want to look into it. I eat when I want and don't have any cravings. I do practice intermittent fasting as well. I only eat in a six hour window. After my body became adapted to this new way of eating, it just happened naturally.
Not to try and derail you from your current plan, but thought maybe you haven't heard about it. Also no need to buy any shakes or pills you can do it all absolutely free and with real food. I'm gonna stop back in and check out your progress. Making these videos is sorta like an accountability thing, at least they are for me.
Oh gawd, I just re-read this and it sounds like an infomercial. I swear I don't mean it to, haha. Just thrilled with life.
No I like that you shared the info about what is working for you. That sounds like what I am trying to do. I will have to read up on it :)
Great comment and I followed you :)
Thanks, I haven't written any weight loss posts on Steemit yet, but they are coming. We can cheer each other on.
Indeed! Sounds like a plan :)